Biography of Philander A. Mott

Philander Mott, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, lived in Chatham, Columbia county, New York. The family is believed to have been of French refugee origin, and the name has been common from early times in county Essex, England, on Long Island and in Westchester and other counties of New York. In 1851 Philander Mott, with his wife and children, moved from Chatham to Phelps, Ontario county, New York. He married Mary Ann Baker. Children: Antoinette L., married Orren Gifford; children: Mary, George Mott and Helen; Mrs. Gifford died at the early age of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Keating

John (2), son of John (1) Keating, was born in county Cork, Ireland, in 1844. He came to America when he was fifteen years old. He followed farming all his active life. He made his home in Victor, New York. In politics he was a Democrat; in religion a Roman Catholic. He married, in 1870, Margaret Moore, born in East Bloomfield, New York, July 8, 1845, died February 17, 1909. Margaret Moore was a daughter of Michael Moore, born in Ireland in 1805, died in 1895; married Margaret Mahoney, born in county Cork, in 1810, died in 1894. Children of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William F. Keating

William F., son of John (2) Keating, was born in East Bloomfield, New York, November 5, 1871. He was educated in the district schools and the high school at Victor, New York, and at the Rochester Business College. From 1893 to 1895 he was in the employ of Loomis & Woodworth, produce dealers at Victor, as bookkeeper for ten years. In 1904 he entered the employ of the M. W. Burke & Company, real estate and insurance brokers, at Victor. He bought the business of his employers, March 1, 1905. and has conducted it successfully to the present time. In … Read more

Biography of Patrick O’Malley, Hon.

Hon. Patrick O’Malley was born in Lyons, New York, February 25, 1858, and attended the public schools of Lyons and Geneva, New York, and the Geneva high school. He came with the family from Lyons to Geneva when he was a boy of nine and his first work was in the employ of Maxwell Brothers, nurserymen, weeding for the modest wages of fifty cents a day. He worked in various nurseries in Geneva until he was sixteen, when he became clerk in the grocery store of Flynn & Dorsey for a year. He then entered the employ of Mr. Higgins … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nehemiah Coye

Nehemiah Coye or Coy (which at first was the more common spelling), was of Scotch ancestry, and settled in Windham county, Connecticut, probably as early as 1735. The “History of Union” says he came from Scotland, but it is practically certain that he came from Scotch ancestry that had been for a few generations, at least, in the north of Ireland.

Biographical Sketch of Nehemiah Mark Coye

Nehemiah Mark, son of Nehemiah Coye, was born before 1720, doubtless in the north of Ireland. and came with his father to Windham county, Connecticut. He lived in Pomfret, Connecticut, removed with various other Scotch-Irish families to Union, Connecticut, where they were near their kindred in Brimfield, Palmer and Pelham, Massachusetts. He bought land at Union, April 6, 1949, of Samuel Chamberlain. He married (first) Sarah Church, (second) Mary Buck. Children: Nehemiah, was a soldier in the revolution; Amasa. died November 6, 1976; Archibald, mentioned elsewhere; Abigail; Margaret; Mary, born 1752.

Biographical Sketch of Archibald Coye

Archibald, son of Nehemiah Mark Coye, was born May 6, 1741, and died at Union, April 19, 1794, aged fifty-two years. He settled in Union, and became a prominent citizen and town officer. From this family comes the name of Coye Hill in Union. He was a soldier in the revolution, a sergeant in the Union company that turned out on the Lexington alarm under Captain Thomas Lawson. He married, December 25, 1760, Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Badger Jr. She died May 28, 1808, aged sixty-six years. Children: Perley, born June 28, 1661, died in the service, in the revolution, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Luke Coye

Luke, son of Archibald Coye, was born at Union, Connecticut, January 27, 1765. He died February 16, 1859. He married, in 1786, Sebra Chapman, of Ashford. Connecticut. She died in April, 1799- He married, in the autumn following, Mercy Haviland. He resided in Ashford until about 1817, when he settled in Ontario county, New York. His second wife’s family was of Rensselaerville, New York, though they were married by Solomon Wales, Esq., a justice of the peace of Union, Connecticut. A letter written to Luke Coye by his brother Rufus, from Ashford, Connecticut, is in the possession of Elmer N. … Read more

Biography of Nathan H. Coye

Nathan H., son of Luke Coye, was born May 22, 1817, in Naples, New York; died April 6, 1859. He had the homestead at South Bristol. He married, February 24, 1842, Lydia L. Brown, born June 8, 1819, died June 14, 1897, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Browne) Brown. Her father was born in Stonington, Connecticut, September 18, 1788, and died July 17, 1875. He lived at Bristol, New York. Her mother was born August 10, 1994, and died at Coxsackie, New York, November 4, 1886. Elmer N. Coye has a book which his great-grandfather, Luke Coye, bought in Rensselaerville, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Bell

Henry Bell, descendant of Frederick Bell, was born in Herkimer, New York, about 1975-80. He married Mary Doxtader and they came to the town of Phelps in Ontario county to make their home, building a log house and clearing a large farm. Children: Jonas, William, Elizabeth, who married Oliver Yager.

Biographical Sketch of Jonas Bell

Jonas, son of Henry Bell, was born about 1810. He was a farmer at Phelps and a man of property and influence. He married Miranda Lucas. Children: Harris, William, mentioned elsewhere; George; Charles; Elizabeth, married Edwin A. Steves, who was born in Manchester, New York, in 1840, a musician in the Thirty-third New York Regiment of Volunteer Infantry in the civil war, and they had one daughter, Emma May Steves, now (1910) deceased; Alice; Adelaide.

Biographical Sketch of William Bell

William, son of Jonas Bell, was born in Phelps, New York, August 21, 1845, and was educated there in the public schools. At the age of eighteen he became a traveling salesman and followed that business for a number of years. He finally located in his native town and since has followed farming with exceptional success. In politics he is a Democrat. He is a member of Wide-Awake Grange, Patrons of Husbandry. He married, September, 1871, Ann Eliza Bishop, born in Manchester Centre, daughter of William and Eleanor Bishop. Children, born at Phelps: Carrie Louise, August 26, 1873: Mary Elizabeth, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James I. Stryker

James I. Stryker, grandfather of Winfield S. Stryker, was a farmer, also engaging in business as a tanner and currier and following the trade of a harnessmaker. He lived for many years at Sand Beach, and took a prominent part in the affairs of his day. He and his family were members of the Dutch Reformed church, but later became identified with the Presbyterian denomination. He married Anna M. Freese, and they were the parents of the following children: Daniel P., died March 23, 1844, aged thirty-eight; Adam F., also a tanner and currier, born April 26, 1808, died August … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Stryker

John, son of James I. and Anna M. (Freese) Stryker, was born at Sand Beach, Owasca Lake, New York, April 17, 1810, died in 1882. He lived on the farm which had been in his possession for many years, and which he kept in a fine state of cultivation. His interest in public affairs was an active and beneficial one, and he bore his share bravely in the military life of the country, serving as a captain in the New York state militia. He married Maria Garritson, who died in 1869, and they had children : Winfield S., mentioned elsewhere; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Cotton

Isaac, son or nephew of Nathan Cotton, was born in western Massachusetts, before 1790, died in 1869. He settled in Farmington, Ontario county, New York. and married Sarah Bennett. of Macedon, New York. Children: Nathaniel, Susan, Annie B., Isaac, Matilda, Leonard, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Richard Lee

Richard Lee, the first settler in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, was probably born in England. He may have been related to Samuel Lee, who settled in Swansea not far from, and possibly near to, Robert and Mary Lee who were in Plymouth before 1650. He appears to have had a number of children born before coming to Rehoboth. The first record is of the birth of his daughter Mary in 1705. Children: Richard settled in Rehoboth, and married in 1725; Nathaniel married, September 9, 1738, Demarius Tare; James; Mary, born May 9, 1705; Sarah, October, 1706; John, mentioned elsewhere; perhaps others.

Biographical Sketch of John Lee

John, son of Richard Lee, was born about 1710. He married (intention December 17, 1737), August 12, 1738, Mary Smith, of Taunton. The following heads of families, born in 1738-50, were reported at Taunton in the first federal census of 1790, and according to the best evidence to be found, were his sons. The records of births are wanting. Children: George, mentioned elsewhere; Thomas, two males over sixteen, two under that age and several females in his family; Abiathar had four sons under sixteen and four females; Amos ( ?) ; Warwick ( ?).

Biographical Sketch of George Lee

George, son of John Lee, was born about 1745. He lived in Berkley, formerly part of Taunton, and was a soldier from Taunton, in the revolution. He was mustered into the continental army, April 9, 1778, for three years. Among his children was George, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Roswell Munson Lee

Roswell Munson, son of Colonel Seth Lafayette (2) Lee, was born at East Bloomfield, September 20, 1854. He was educated in the public schools of South Bloomfield, and worked on his father’s farm during his youth, taking charge of it when seventeen years old. Two years later he went to Belding, Michigan. where he was employed in a saw mill for four years. He returned to his home and bought the homestead which he conducted until 1903, when he came to East Bloomfield, and engaged in business as a dealer in agricultural implements, coal and produce. He is a partner … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Roger Preston

Roger Preston, the immigrant ancestor, was born in England in 1614. In 1635, at the age of twenty-one years, he took the oath of allegiance in London and sailed for America in the ship “Elizabeth and Ann.” Tradition says that he was accompanied by a brother who settled in the south. Roger Preston took up his abode in the town of Ipswich, Massachusetts, where his name first appears on the records in 1639. His wife, Martha, whom he married in 1642, was born in 1622. They resided in Ipswich until 1657, when they removed to Salem. Massachusetts, where Roger Preston … Read more