Biographical Sketch of William McKelvie

William McKelvie settled in the town of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, and married Sophia Turk.

William Henry, son of William McKelvie, was born March 22, 1865, in Geneva. He was educated in the public schools, and has always followed farming. He has fifty-five acres of land, three of which are devoted to orchards of apples, pears, etc. His farm is part of the old McKelvie homestead. In politics he is a Republican. He is a member of the Presbyterian church and of the local grange, Patrons of Husbandry, of which he has been gatekeeper one term, steward two terms, secretary two terms, treasurer two terms. He married, February 14, 1907, Susie F. (Force) Lewis, born March 29, 1873, daughter of Chester B. and Catherine C. Force (see Force III). Mr. and Mrs. McKelvie have had one child, Lillian E., born July 12, 1910. His wife was born in Rock Stream, Yates county, New York, and married (first) in 1894, Charles W. Lewis, who was born in 1862, died in 1906, a native of Wheeler, Steuben county, New York, a farmer and well-known dealer in horses. Charles W. Lewis was the son of Lemuel and Sophia (Storms) Lewis. Lemuel Lewis was born in 1832 and is a farmer; was overseer of the poor for many years, road commissioner, trustee of the village of Wheeler and a prominent citizen. Children of Charles W. and Susie E. Lewis: Frank Emmet Lewis, born at Rock Stream, New York, September 8, 1896; Elwyn C. Lewis, January 18, 1897: Genevieve Kathryn Lewis, born at Ingleside Station, Steuben county, New York, May 31, 1898; Lina Sophia Lewis. born at Lynn, Steuben county, New York. February 28, 1901 ; Clarissa Joy Lewis, born in Geneva, New York, February 18, 1905.



Ontario County NY,

Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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