Biographical Sketch of Robert Carson

Robert Carson, who was born in Killeleagh, county Down, Ireland, October, 1769, died in Seneca, New York, May, 1864. He emigrated to America in 1789, landing at Wilmington, Delaware. He apprenticed himself, as was the custom of the time, to a Mr. Armstrong, in Cecil county, Maryland, and in 1800 removed to Seneca, New York, where he purchased a large tract of land on the west bank of Flint creek, and engaged in agricultural pursuits. His political principles were Democratic, and he was a member of the Protestant church. He married, in 1800, Sarah, daughter of the Mr. Armstrong to whom the had been apprenticed. Children : 1. Jane, married Thomas Gilliland, of Potter county, Pennsylvania. 2. Sally, married Horatio Orton, of Cuba, New York. 3. Susan, married William Simpson, of Seneca, New York. 4. Nancy, married Thomas W. Simpson, of Seneca, New York. 5. Robert, see elsewhere. 6. William, married Eliza Freshons, of Gorham, New York. 7. Martha, married Thomas G. Rippey, of Seneca, New York. 8. James M., married Margaret J. Grove, of Gorham, New York. Mr. Carson served for a time in the militia during the war of 1812.



Ontario County NY,

Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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