Biography of Henry Francis Granger

Last Updated on May 19, 2011 by

Henry Francis, son of Henry Martyn and Sarah (Smith) Granger, was born in Hornell, Steuben county, New York, August 18, 1868. His ancestor Francis Granger was postmaster-general under President Harrison, and was the son of Gideon Granger, who held the office of postmaster-general under President Thomas Jefferson. At the conclusion of his preparatory education Henry Francis Granger matriculated at Columbia University, from the Law School of which he was graduated in 1892, and admitted to the bar in the same year. The following year he associated himself in a partnership with James Lindsay Gordon, a member of the senate from Virginia, under the firm name of Granger & Gordon, with offices in New York City. This association continued in force seven years, until the death of Mr. Gordon ended it: for the five following years Mr. Granger was engaged in independent practice. At this time he turned his attention to a considerable extent to the commercial and manufacturing world, purchasing an interest in the Hogg Carpet Mills and the Hogg Manufacturing Company. He immediately set about putting these on a modern and greatly improved basis; erected new and far better equipped mills, enlarged the plant, and finally consolidated with the Ettrick Mills, manufacturing carpets and worsted yarns. At this time he was still keeping up his law practice in the city of New York, but finding that the manufacturing interests made constantly increasing demands upon his time and that he was unable to give his law practice the amount of attention which the important cases entrusted to him made imperative, he determined to abandon the law altogether and devote himself entirely to his manufacturing interests. During this time he was most frequently at the Ettrick Mills, which were located at Worcester, Massachusetts; he remained there four years and was treasurer and general manager of the company. In 1907 he sold out his share to Herman A. Metz, comptroller of New York City.

In March of the following year Mr. Granger bought out the Mayettes. of Canisteo. New York, who had patent rights in connection with the manufacturing plant known as the Indian Splint Manufacturing Company. Mr. Granger commenced manufacturing in this enterprise with a force of four men, in November, 1908, and at the present time (1910) is employing upward of sixty men and is constantly increasing his working force. It became necessary to increase their working space. after a few months of manufacturing, as the demand for their output was exceedingly active. They accordingly removed to Geneva. New York, establishing themselves in quarters which they supposed would be sufficient for their needs for a considerable length of time; the popularity of their manufacture and the number of orders received by them have increased in so rapid a manner that they are again compelled to increase working capacity and space. Their shipments are made to all parts of the United States, from ocean to ocean, and from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada. Their goods are also in demand in South America, Cuba and Mexico, and they are now (1910) finding it necessary to establish agencies all over the world. As stated above, Mr. Granger is the president and manager of the company, and is the life and spirit of the enterprise. The company was incorporated in New York, 1908, and F. J. Nelson is the secretary and treasurer.

Although the demands made upon the time of Mr. Granger are manifold. he nevertheless gives a fair amount of attention to all matters of public interest in the community, and is a staunch supporter of the principles of the Democratic party, and an attendant of the Congregational church of Canandaigua, in which town he has his residence. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of Geneva.

Mr. Granger married, June 2, 1893, Mary Michaelis, born in New York City. August 7, 1873. Children : 1. Henry Calvin. born February 9, 1895, is at present at the Canandaigua high school, and will enter Yale University as soon as he has finished his preparatory studies. 2. Marian, born June 12. 1900.



Ontario County NY,

Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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