(IV) Jesse C., son of Jesse (2) Squire, was horn August 28, 1841. Like his forefathers, he has devoted himself to the pursuit of agriculture, finding this the occupation for which he was best fitted by nature and inclination. He and his only surviving brother, Eugene A., shared between them the landed estate left by their father. This consists of three hundred acres of land, in a fine state of cultivation, and has been divided into two sections, known tinder the names of the Maple Hurst (Woods) and the Valley Farm. Mr. Squire is thoroughly conversant with all the improved methods of farming, applies scientific means wherever practicable, and in this manner contrives to have his soil put forth very satisfactory results. He is an up-to-date farmer in every respect and takes a lively interest in all matters which concern the welfare or advancement of the community in which he resides. He is a member of the Patrons of Husbandry, and is a Republican in politics.
Mr. Squire married Mary E. Tuttle, daughter of Joseph and Casandra (Hayes) Tuttle. One child, Wallace C., who married Clara Crozier, has one child, Christine. The family are members of No. 9 Presbyterian Church.