Biographical Sketch of George Herbert Parmelee

Last Updated on May 17, 2011 by

George Herbert, son of Rev. Anson Parmelee. was born at Addison, Steuben county, New York, July 27, 1854. He attended the public schools and worked on his father’s farm during his boyhood. In partnership with his wife’s father, George Pond, in 1889, he bought the business of L. P. Thompson & Company, manufacturers of plows and other agricultural implements. His partner died soon afterward and he continued in business alone with much success. He sold the business in 1902 and was one of the organizers of the Lawrence Bostwick Manufacturing Company, of which he was elected president. He has continued at the head of this corporation to the present time. In addition to his manufacturing business he has continued to own and operate several farms in New York state and Minnesota, devoting them mainly to fruit culture and dairying. In the affairs of the town he has always taken a lively interest and performed his duty as a citizen faithfully. He has served as trustee and president of the incorporated village of Phelps. He was on the first hoard of water commissioners and held the office for several years, and for the past fifteen years he has been a school trustee. In politics he is a Republican.

He married, November 23, 1881, Lillian May Pond, of Phelps, born May 18, 1860, in Truxton, New York. Children, born in Phelps 1. George Pond, November 5, 1882, married Fredericka Venable, of Louisville, Kentucky, and they have one child, Fredericka Venable; George Pond is now (1910) a mechanical engineer living in Geneva, New York. 2. John Barnes, November 5, 1884, a lawyer of Rochester. 3. Grace Lycintha, November 5, 1885. 4. Louis Whiting, March 10, 1891, died April 2, 1894. 5. Richard Hall, born January 28, 1894, resides with his parents in Phelps.



Ontario County NY,

Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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