Biographical Sketch of Alexander Winton

Winton, Alexander; pres. the Winton. Motor Carriage Co.; born, Scotland, June 20, 1860; educated in the common schools of Scotland; began career in the Clyde Ship Yards in 1873; in 1878 came to the United States, locating in New York City; came to Cleveland in 1885 as supt. the Phoenix Iron Works; three years later formed partnership with Thomas Henderson in the manufacture of bicycles; organized the Winton Bicycle Co.; director in the company; organized the present company, serving as pres.; life member Boston Yacht Club; member Lakewood Yacht, Clifton and Civil Engineers Clubs, and Chicago and Cleveland Automobile Associations; member Congregational denomination.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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