Marriages In The Village Of Bergen In New Jersey 1687 – 1697


78 February 13. Jan Criscel and Nicolis Ager. Were married at Bergen by Justice Claes Arentse Toers.

79 June 26. Johannis Van Giesen, Y. M., from Utrecht (Netherland), and Aeltje Schepmoes (wid. of Jan Evertse Keteltas). Received certificate to New York July 11, 1687.

80 September 18. Pieter Poulussen, Y. M., from New York, and Tryntje Hans Jacobse, Y. D., from Stuyvesants Bowery, both living here. Were married October 3, at Bergen.

81 September 20. Pieter Pierra, Y. M., from Sedan, France, living at Hackensack, and Weyntje Cornelis (widow of Poulis Jansen) living at Bergen, had certificate, that they had been registered by the French preacher at New York, to have their first bans published on September 25. After the publication of bans on three Sundays and without objections having been raised they were married October 19, by R. Van Giesen in presence of the Bergen court.


82 January 8. Mathys Gerritse, Y. Al., from Bergen, and Catryna Eduwaert, Y. D., from Boston in New England, both living in Bergen. Were married February 5 by R. Van Giesen, in presence of court.

83 January 29. Edward Earle, Y. M., from Maryland, living on Sicakis Island, and Elsje Vreeland, Y. D., from Gemonepa, living at Minkachquee. Were married Feb. 13 by Rev. Selyns of New York.

84 March 11. Roelof Lubbertse Westervelt, Y. M., from Meppel, living at Hackensack, and Urselena Stynmets, Y. D., from Bergen, living at Hasymus. Were married April 11, by Rev. Selyns at New York.


85 May 13. Andries Preyer, Y. M., from Crevelt in County Meurs, and Johanna Steynmetz, Y. D., from Bergen, both living at Ahasymus. Were married after three proclamations of bans.

86 June 10. Pieter Gerritse, Y. M., and Constantia Vander Swalme (widow of Reynier Josiasse Van Roen), both living here. Were married by D. Tessemaker June 25 at Bergen.

87 June to. Bastiaen Van Giesen, Y. M., living at Achquechnonk, and Aeltje Hendrickx, Y. D., living at Hackensack; both from Midwout. Were married June 25, at Bergen by D. Tessemaker.


88 March 30. Wouter Willemsz, Y. M., from New York, living at Hoboken, and Dieuwer Joons, Y. D., from Bergen, living there. Were married at Bergen April 22, 1690.

89 April 6. Lucas Suberingh, Y. M., from Midwout, L. I., living at Minkachquee, and Merritje Dorlant, Y. D., from Breuckelen, living at St. I. Received certificate April 30, 1690.

90 Frans Post and Maeyke Cobus with certificate from Achquecknonk. Were married April 22, 1690.

91 Juriaen Van Westervelt and Geeske Bongert, with certificate from Hackensack. Were married April 22, 1690.

92 June 8. Hessel Pieterse, Y. M., from Bergen, and Lysbeth Claes, Y. D., from Hasymus. Received certificate June 24, 1690, to New York.

93 July 27. Isaack Van Giesen, Y. M., from Bergen, and Cornelia Hendrickx, Y. D., from Midwout, L. I., living at Hackensack. Were married August to, 1690, at Bergen.

94 August 24. Jan Borton, Y. M., from London, O. England, and Hillegont Jacobs, Y. D., from Midwout, both living at Pemmerepoch. Received certificate September 8, 1690.

95 September 21. Hermanus Gerrits, Y. M., from Bergen, and Anna Walinghs, Y. D., living at Achquechnonk, both from Bergen. Were married October 6 at Bergen


96 April 5. Willem Day, Y. M., born on Barbadus Island, living near Hackensack, and Annatje Jacobs, Y. D., born near Davids plantation in Bergen County, living at Hasymus. Were married April 14, at Bergen by D. Selyns.

97 May 3. Johannis Edsal, Y. M., living at Major Davids plantatation, and Charity Smit, Y. D., living on Cap. Berry’s plantation, both from New York.

98 May 17. Thomas Juriaense, Y. M., living at Bergen, and Jannetje Straetmakers, Y. D., living at Hoboken, both from Bergen. Were married June 2 by D. Selyns at Bergen.

99 May 31. Jan Nickelis, Y. M., born on Barbadus, and Barbara Hartoch (wid. of Jan Ensels) both living on Cap. J. Berry’s plantation.

100 July 12. Gerrit Steynmets (widower of Vrouwtje Claes) living at Hasymus, and Catryna Gerrits (widow of Adriaan Post) living at Achquechnonk. Received certificate July 31, 1691.

101 August 23. Enoch Michiel Vreeland (wid. of Dierckje Myers) living at Minkachqwee, and Grietje Wessels (wid. of Jan Janse Langedyk) living at New York.

102 October 4. Abraham Van Giesen, Y. M., from Bergen, and Fytje Andriesse, Y. D., from Gemonepa. Were married October 25, 1691, at Bergen by Voorlezer R. Van Giesen, before the congregation, in the presence of the court.

103 October 11. Michiel Vreelant, Y. M., and Marya Joris, Y. D. Received certificate November 27.

104 November 22. Roelof Swartwout (wid. of Eva Albers) and Francyntje Andries (wid. of Ab. Lubbers), with certificate from D. Selyns. Were married by R. Van Giesen.

105 December 20. Nicasius Kip, Y. M., and Annetje Bryant, Y. D., with certificate from Hackinsack. Were married by R. Van Giesen.


106 March 13. David Nataniels, Y. M., from New York, living at Gemoenepa, and Annetje Straetmaecker, Y. D., from Bergen, living at Hoboken. Were married March 29, 1692, by D. Selyns at Bergen.

107 May 29. Aart Albertse, Y. M., from New York, and Catharina Vreeland, Y. D., from Gemonepa. Were married June 26, by R. Van Giesen.

108 November 6. Mathys Cornelisse, Y. M., from New Harlem, living at Hackensack, and Tryntje Hendricks, born and living at Bergen. Were married Nov. 13, 1692, by R. Van Giesen, Voorlezer, in presence of the court at Bergen.

109 Daniel De Voor (widower) and Engeltje Cornelis, with letters from the French Church at Kinkachgemeck, Bergen County. Were married by R. Van Giesen, Voorlezer.

110 Jan Webbe (?), Y. M., and Annetje Cornelis (widow) with letters from the French Church at Kinkachgemeck in Bergen County, N. J. Were married by R. Van Giesen in presence of court.


111 April 30. Anthony Swertwout, Y. M., from Kingstown, Esopus, and Jannetje Cobus, Y. D., from N. Albany, both living at Bergen. Received certificate to Esopus, May 8, 1693.

112, May 7. Jacob Van Giesen, Y. M., from Bergen and living there, and Rusje Pluvier, Y. D., from New York and living there. Were married upon certificate at New York June.

113 May 14. Gerrit Juriaens, Y. M., from Bergen, and Beelitje Dirckx Van Oogsten, Y. D., from Hoboken, both living at Bergen. Were married June 6, in the church at Bergen by D. Selyns.

114 June 11. Johannes Jansz Van Blarcom, Y. M., from Bergen, and Metje Jans, Y. D. First proclamation at Midwout, L. I., by D. Varick; June 18, first proclamation at Bergen. Married July 16 by R. Van Giesen, Bergen.

115 November 5. Wander Diedrickx, Y. M., and Aaltje Gerrits, Y. D., both from Bergen. Were married November 27 by R. Van Giesen, in presence of court.


116 March 25. Maerten Poulussen, Y. M., from Bergen, living there, and Margrietje Westervelt, Y. D., from Betvoort, L. I., living at Hackensack. Received certificate April 8, to Hackensack and were married there at same date.

117 September 23. Jan Claessen, Y. M., from Hesymus, living there, and Tryntje Straetmaker, Y. D., from Hoboken, living there. Were married Oct. 1 by Rev. Selyns, at Bergen.


118 March 10. Jacob Jacobsen Van Winkel (wid. of Aaltje Daniels) and Grietje Hendrickx Hellingh, Y. D., both living it Bergen. Were married March 26.

119 March 31. Bartel Jacobs, Y. M., from Midwout, L. I., and Ellinor Douglas (wid. of Jan De Lenni), both living at Pemmerepoch. Received certificate April 14, 1695.

120 June 16. Aalt Juriaensen, Y. M., and Gerritje Matheuse, Y. D., both from Bergen and living there. Received certificate to, and were married at New York, July 7, by D. Selyns.


121 July 12. Abel Reddenhars, Y. M., from Hackemack, Virg., and Catrina Jans from Bergen, both living at Bergen. Were married July 26 at Bergen.

122 November 22. Jacobus Jansen Ralemon, Y. M., from N. Albany, and Pietertje Claes, Y. D., from Ahasymus. Received certificate to Hackensack December 12, 1696.


123 March 7. Wilhem Hermensen Van Borckeloo, Y. M., from N. Utrecht, living at Constapels Hoeck, and Maria Cordeljou, Y. D., from N. Utrecht, living there. Received certificate April 1, and were married April 5 at Amersfoort.

124 April 25. Claes Hertmanse Vreeland, Y. M., from Gemonepa and Annetje Hansen, Y. D., from N. Utrecht, L. I. Received certificate May 24, and were married May 25 at Gemonepa by D. Bertholf.

125 April 25. Rutger Van Hooren, Y. M., from New York, living at Hackinsack, and Neeltje Dirckx (wid. of Jan Vanderlinden), living at Gemonepa. Received certificate June 28.

126 June 27. Johannes Jansen Bandt, Y. M., and Willemijntje Philips, Y. D., both from New York, had three proclamations and no objections.

127 August 15. James Simse, Y. M., born at Gravesend, living at Bergen, and Martha Janse Daamen (wid. of Jan Remse) living at Midwout, L. I. Received certificate September 10, 1697.

The Holland Society. Year Books of the Holland Society of New York. New York: The Holland Society. 1914.

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