Biography of Willis Jordan

Last Updated on August 16, 2012 by

Willis Jordan, a well-known agriculturist of Plainfield, who gives special attention to dairying and poultry raising, was born in this town, September 10, 1850, son of William R. and Esther (Spaulding) Jordan. The Jordan family, an old and prominent one of this town, has produced men of high integrity and of stanch loyalty to the nation. Its first representatives in America were among the early settlers. Later the family gave the country stalwart and steadfast soldiers for the old French and Indian War, for the War of Independence, and for the second war with England, as well as defenders of the Union in the great Civil War.

James Jordan, grandfather of Willis Jordan, is believed to have been the first of the family to settle in Plainfield. He was a very prosperous farmer, and was held in high respect by his townspeople. His wife, whose maiden name was Kenyon, bore him a large family of boys; namely, William R., Raymond K., Timothy L., Anthony W., James W., Jarvis J., and Johnson. Raymond, by trade a cooper, was engaged in that business at Plainfield, and also did some farming. Timothy L. was a stone mason and farmer, and lived in this town. Anthony W. was also a stone mason of Plainfield. James and Jarvis were farmers in this town, and lived here throughout their lives. All of these sons married, and had families. Johnson died young. William R. Jordan, father of Willis, born at Plainfield in the year 1807, died in 1865. He took up the occupation of farmer, and worked so energetically and successfully that at his death he owned the large farm known as the Abel Stone place. He acquired this through his own efforts, unaided by his father or by others. While not a seeker for political honors, he never failed in his duties as a good citizen. He married Esther Spaulding, who, born in 1805, daughter of Simon Spaulding, of Plainfield, died in 1890. The eight children of this marriage were: Lewis S., Sophia, Henry C., Rosamond, Harrison H., Mary M., Darwin F., and Willis Jordan. Since Grandfather Jordan settled in Plainfield, the men reared in this family have found occupation in this their native town, and have been prominent in affairs. Lewis Jordan is living at Plainfield, a prosperous farmer. Sophia, now deceased, married Mr. Dodge, of Plainfield. Henry is unmarried. Rosamond became the wife of Willard Hayward, who is now deceased. Harrison H. died some years since. Mary is Mrs. Sidney Sanborn, and the mother of several children. Darwin, who is engaged in farming, married and has a family of children.

Willis Jordan was the youngest of his parents’ children. He helped his father on the farm until he came of age. Then he struck out for himself, and has since been a successful business man. He is extensively engaged in general farming, but devotes himself especially to dairying and poultry raising. He has always given close and careful attention to the details of his business, which characteristic, joined to his thrift and industry, has gained for him general esteem.

Mr. Jordan married Ella S., who was born September 20, 1851, daughter of Albert K. Reed, a wealthy Plainfield farmer. Her three Wesley W., born May 8, 1876; Bernice E., born January 27, 1883; and Ralph K., born November 13, 1887. Wesley Jordan is now a student at Dartmouth College, having fitted for that institution at Kimball Union Academy. The two younger children are still attending the town schools of Plainfield.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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