Biography of William Cutler True

Last Updated on June 6, 2013 by

William Cutler True, for many years one of the most successful farmers of Plainfield, was born May 9, 1834, son of Major Reuben and Hannah (Duncan) True. The first representatives of the True family in America came from England, settling in Salisbury, Mass., going thence to Salisbury, N.H., and from there coming to Plainfield. They were robust and self-reliant, and bore unflinchingly the sacrifices and hardships of the early days. Benjamin True, the grandfather of William C., was a prosperous farmer of Salisbury. His first marriage was contracted with a Sanborn, whose children were: Reuben, Osgood, Hannah, Sarah, Judith, Abigail, and a daughter who became Mrs. Severance, of Andover. The second time he married widow Roberts, who bore him three children-Lydia, Eunice, and Benjamin Kimball. Osgood True married Betsey Morgan, of Plainfield. He was a successful farmer, and had a family of six children. Hannah married Moses Eaton, and became the mother of a large family. Sarah became Mrs. James Severance, of Salisbury. Judith married Stephen Pingree; and one of her sons was Samuel E. Pingree, who became Governor of Vermont, and is still residing at Hartford in that State. Abigail married a Putney, and lived at Hopkinton, N.H.

Major Reuben True, born at Plainfield, became a very enterprising and prosperous farmer. He was a man of rare business ability, and was prominently identified with the business and political interests of the town. He served the public in nearly all the town offices, was Selectman many times, and was sent as Representative to the legislature. He was a leading member in the Baptist church and a generous supporter of its interests. The first of his two marriages was made with Mary Cutler, and the second with Hannah Duncan. The children of his first wife were: Bradley, Mary, Eunice, and Reuben; and those of his second were: William C., George Sidney and Susan E. (twins), and Benjamin O. Bradley True married Sarah Smith, and is at present living at Lebanon, a wealthy farmer. He has two sons-Reuben and Frank William. Mary, a woman of great refinement and culture, remained a spinster, and died at the age of thirty-nine years. Eunice died at the age of sixty-nine, and Reuben at the age of thirty-three. George Sidney graduated from Dartmouth College, and was preparing to go into business with the Hon. Charles A. Pillsbury, since so well known in connection with his famous brand of flour, when he died, being then only twentyfive years of age. He was a young man of fine attainments and of great promise. Susan married the Rev. Lucian H. Frary, a Congregational minister of Middleton, Mass., and died December 14, 1872. Benjamin O. was educated at Kimball Union Academy, at Dartmouth College, and at Rochester Theological Seminary. He is now Professor of Church History in the Theological Seminary at Rochester, N.Y. His wife, Pamelia Smiley True, is a daughter of Dr. James R. Smiley, of Sutton, N.H. Their three children are: Harold, Helen, and Ruth.

William Cutler True received his education in the town schools and at Kimball Union Academy. After his marriage, when he was twenty-five years of age, he took up his residence on the estate that had been his wife’s home. Here he remained up to the time of his death, carrying on most successfully one of the largest farms in this part of the country, and extensively engaged in raising cattle and sheep. The numerous farm buildings were always kept in the best possible condition, and supplied with all the latest improvements. Mr. True was a retiring man, unpretentious, never caring for display of any kind. He was Selectman for a number of years, was Representative to the legislature for several terms, and served acceptably in other public capacities. For many years he was a member of the Baptist church and one of its most liberal supporters. He was fraternally associated with Masonic bodies, and was very popular and influential in the organization. He was anticipating with great pleasure the trip to Boston on the occasion of the last Masonic parade and gathering of the Knights Templars, and expected to take part in some of the exercises. His death occurred on September 24, 1895.

Mr. True married Mary Morgan, who was born October 28, 1838, daughter of George W. and Mary Stevens Morgan, of Plainfield. Mr. Morgan was born December 7, 1811, and died February 1, 1857. He was a well-to-do farmer and one of the leading men of his time. Mrs. Morgan, born August 3, 1813, and now nearly eighty-four years old, enjoys excellent health.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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