Biography of Rufus Virgin

Rufus Virgin, a prosperous farmer and well-known citizen of Concord, was born on the Virgin homestead, where he now resides, January 7, 1818, son of Isaac and Susan (Batchelder) Virgin. He is a descendant of Ebenezer Virgin, second, one of the old proprietors of New Hampshire. The Virgin family has been closely identified with the history of Concord since the town was first settled. Jonathan Virgin, grandfather of Rufus, took up new land here, cleared it, and became the owner of a large farm. He died at about sixty years of age. His wife, in maidenhood Sarah Austin, was the mother of four sons and one daughter. Isaac Virgin was brought up to agricultural pursuits, and received his education in the district school. The school-house was a long distance from the farm; but, not discouraged by that, he was a regular attendant as well as a diligent student. When he came into possession of the farm, which he did previous to the War of 1812, he built a substantial set of buildings, which are standing to-day, but little the worse for the ravages of time. He died June 12, 1870, Susan, was born March 4, 1790, and died in 1876. She was the mother of four children-Susan C., Eliza J., Rufus, and William H. Susan C. married the Rev. Caleb Fales, a Methodist minister, and died not long after her marriage. Eliza J. became the wife of W. K. Holt, of Loudon, but is now deceased. William died at the age of seventeen.

Rufus Virgin received a public-school education, and also studied at a select private school. He has been a farmer since he was old enough to work, and has always resided at the old home. Notwithstanding the busy life he has led, he has found time to interest himself in town affairs. He was in the City Council in 1864-65, and was sent to the legislature as Representative in 1881. Politically, he is a Democrat, and first voted in 1836. In 1840 he married Mary Ann Stevens (see sketch of Albert Stevens ), who was born January 12, 1818. Mr. and Mrs. Virgin have had six children, whose names are respectively: Ellen A., Emma A., Frank P., Esther A., Fred P., and Fales P. The oldest son, Frank, died August 10, 1871, at the age of twenty-three years. The remaining five are married, and Mr. Virgin has quite a number of grandchildren. Mr. Virgin is well known locally as an historian and for the collection of historical facts in his possession. He has a complete record of events that have occurred in Concord and vicinity for over fifty years.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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