Biography of John S. R. Brown

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

John S. R. Brown, a prominent farmer of Loudon, Merrimack County, N.H., was born in this town, May 29, 1819, son of Richard and Mehitable S. (Rollins) Brown. The Brown family has resided in New Hampshire for five generations. Joseph Brown, great-great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Rye, N.H., January 30, 1689, and died there, March 19, 1759. His wife, Elizabeth, was born May 16, 1693, and died January 21, 1760. Their son Joseph, who was born in Rye, September 2, 1722, had a farm in Epsom, where he spent the greater part of his life. He died April 1, 1771. His wife, Abigal Shaw Brown, also of Rye, was born October 2, 1724, and died December 4, 1785. Their son Job, next in line, was born in Epsom, N.H., August 14, 1750, and remained in his native town until about 1791, when he moved to Gilmanton, where he engaged in farming. He died there August 1, 1814. His wife, in maidenhood Hulda Page, of Hampton, N.H., was born March 10, 1756, and died December 29, 1831. They had five children, namely; David, who was born August 11, 1779, married Betsey Able, and died August 20, 1867; Joseph, who was born June 10, 1782, and died August 4, 1800; Nancy, who was born June 14, 1784, married Charles Rollins, and died in November, 1841; Abigail, who was a twin sister of Nancy, and died January 6, 1786; and Richard, the father of the subject of this sketch.

Richard Brown, who was born November 17, 1787, received his education in the common schools of Epsom, and at an early age was employed in assisting his father on the farm. When but sixteen years old he began to teach school, which occupation he tollowed successfully for ten years, besides doing some farming. At the age of twenty-six he moved to Loudon, and bought the farm on which his son John now resides. He died in Loudon, June 11, 1867. He served efficiently in the State militia, and rose to the ranks successively of Captain and a General. Richard Brown was three times married. His first wife, in maidenhood Mehitable Rollins, was born in Loudon, September 9, 1793, daughter of John Rollins, her father being a native of Loudon, and the son of Eliphalet Rollins, who was the first of the family to settle in this town. They were married August 1, 1813, and had four children, namely: Sarah Ann, born July 28, 1816, who married Thomas French, and died March 15, 1853, her husband passing away just two months later; John S. R., the subject of this sketch; Jane S. R., born August 11, 1821, who married in 1842 John S. Osborn, and now lives in Loudon; and Mehitable A. T., born November 12, 1823, who married Hiram Wing, May 31, 1852, and July 19, 1887. Richard Brown married for his second wife Sarah S. French, who was born February 11, 1809, and died February 19, 1838. By her he had two children: Albira W., who was born November 26, 1832, and died March 31, 1859; and Ann Eliza, who was born September 12, 1837, and died in infancy. Mr. Brown was married for the third time in 1838 to Sarah Jewett, of Gilford, N.H., born April 13, 1798, who died January 18, 1865, at the age of sixty-seven. By her he had one child, Hulda Maria, born November 20, 1840, who married Quincy Jewett, January 11, 1865, and died in September, 1870.

John S. R. Brown remained at home with his parents until reaching the age of twenty-six years. He then travelled six years for a Bible society, and subsequently settled on the farm where he now lives, and where he is engaged in general farming and fruit-raising. It contains about three hundred and fifty acres of fine land, and he has greatly improved the property since it came into his possession. Mr. Brown was formerly connected with the State militia, in which he gained the rank of Second Lieutenant. In politics he is a Republican. He married November 16, 1852, Achsa Ann Mills, who was born January 21, 1820, a daughter of John and Alice (Williams) Mills, of Hampstead, N.H. Mrs. Brown’s father was first a sailor, but subsequently engaged in agricultural pursuits, and also worked at coopering. He died in Dunbarton in 1831. Her mother died in Plaistow, N.H., May 8, 1857. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have had seven children, namely: Ann Elizabeth, born September 1, 1853, who married Frank Fletcher, and lives in Loudon; Clara Jane, born March 3, 1855, who married John E. Dustin, of Pittsfield; Abbie Maria, born January 26, 1857, who became the wife of Charles E. Lane, of Exeter; Richard Henry, born March 8, 1859, who resides with his parents; David Hamlin, born March 19, 1861, who married Lizzie Jenkins, of Barnstead, and is now a resident of Laconia; John Parker Mills, who, born April 27, 1864, married Florence P. Day, of Bradford, Mass., December 28, 1891, lives with his father, and has two children-Earl D. and Gladys; and Mary Alice, born May 8, 1867, who married Charles A. Hedgerly, October 24, 1894, and resides in Pittsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are members of the Congregational Church of Loudon, in which Mr. Brown is a Deacon and clerk. They take an active interest in the welfare of the community, and are ever ready to aid a worthy cause.


Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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