Biography of Aaron L. Brown

Last Updated on April 15, 2013 by

Aaron L. Brown, of North Grantham, the second representative of his family in the ownership of his farm, was born February 1, 1828, son of Jonathan and Mehitable (Stevens) Brown. The family name is well known in every country where the English language is spoken. In America Browns have been prominent statesmen, educators, and soldiers. Jonathan Brown, the great-grandfather of Aaron L., was a patriot soldier of the Revolution. He was the first ancestor of this family to come to this country. His son, Jonathan Brown, Jr., was the first of the family to settle in the town of Grantham. This was nearly one hundred years ago, in the early days of the town. Jonathan, Jr., who was an industrious and well-to-do farmer, took an active interest in the affairs of the town, but never aspired to public office. He married Sarah Quimby; and they had a family of seven children-Jacob, Nancy, Jonathan, Sarah, Aaron, Sanborn, and Lyman. Jacob married in New York State, where he spent the greater part of his life, chiefly occupied in farming. Nancy married Asa Clark, of Grantham, a farmer and carpenter. Sarah became Mrs. David Frye, of Grantham. Aaron, who was a farmer and conducted a grist-mill, lived in Canada. Sanborn was a carpenter and farmer of this town. Lyman lived in Boston during the greater part of his life, and carried on an extensive milk business.

Jonathan Brown, the third bearer of the name and the father of Aaron L., born at Candia, N.H., June 23, 1795, died November 15, 1868. He came to Grantham when two years old, and received his education in the public schools here. After leaving school, he worked on the farm with his father; and upon the death of the latter he took entire charge. As a farmer he was progressive, and as a citizen energetic of the estate. Recognized by his fellow-townsmen as a man of ability, they sent him to the State legislature in 1845 and 1846. He was a member and a steward of the Methodist church. Of his nine children the fourth-born died in infancy, before it was christened. The others were: John N., Orvil C., Aaron L., Sarah A., Sarah A. (second), Jonathan, Arabella A., and Hannah E. John N., born June 11, 1823, who died November 28, 1862, was a storekeeper, and served the town in the capacities of Sheriff and Selectman. He married Eliza Roundy, and had two children-Ann E. and Charles W. Orvil C., born April 27, 1826, had finished his education and had taught school for a short time when he died, January 24, 1853. Sarah A., born May 29, 1830, died October 10, 1832. Sarah A. (second), born October 7, 1833, died in 1851. Jonathan, the fourth bearer of the name, born December 13, 1836, died October 25, 1841. Arabella A., born December 26, 1839, died December 28, 1851; and Hannah E., who was born November 10, 1841, died December 28, 1851.

After receiving his education in the schools of the town Aaron L. Brown stayed on the homestead farm with his father until the death of the latter, when he assumed the management. He was an extensive sheep-raiser until about six years ago, when wool-growing ceased 1872 and 1873. In the legislature he was a member of the Committee on Asylums and Claims. He married Sarah J. Boyce, of Springfield, N.H., who was born July 25, 1832. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have had five children, namely: Orvil, born December 8, 1852, who died April 24, 1854; Curtis L., born August 14, 1855, who died September 7, 1857; Mary E., born August 15, 1857, who married Fred A. Leavitt, resides at Henniker, N.H., and has two children-Ethel J. and Curtis B.; Jonathan J., born July 14, 1860, who died September 27, 1862; and Imla S., who was born July 8, 1865. The latter, who lives with his father on the farm, is a worthy representative of the family. He has been Selectman and is prominent in the civil affairs of the town. He married Amy E. Newton, of Acworth, N.H., and has two children: Pearl A., born June 9, 1893; and Harold Aaron, born January 19, 1895. The Browns are eligible for membership in the celebrated society of Sons and Daughters of the Revolution, which embraces on its muster-roll the most distinguished families of New England.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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