Biographical Sketch of Dea. Jeremiah Howard

Last Updated on August 22, 2012 by

Dea. Jeremiah Howard, from Ipswich, Mass., came to Langdon, with his wife and three children, in 1783 or ‘8q.. He took up wild land, built a log house, and reared a family of four sons and five daughters. Stephen, his first born in Langdon, spent his life on the old farm, reared seven children, and died in 1873. aged eighty-seven years. When Stephen became of age, his father bought the land where Alstead village now is, and built a saw and grist-mill where the Holmes mill now is, though a mill had previously been built there,. by Mr. Towne. In 1828 Mr. Howard’s mills were destroyed by a freshet, but were rebuilt after a few years. He died in 1837, aged eightyone years. He served in the Revolution and was pensioned in his old age. William Howard, his grandson, aged seventy-four years, has resided at Alstead since 1836. He married Clarissa Kingsbury, February 28, 1836, and has reared two sons and a daughter. His eldest son, Edward B., is at the head of the pork-packing and provision firm of E. B. Howard & Co., of New York. Frank 0., the youngest, is a hardware clerk, in Indianapolis, and. The daughter, Ellen S., is Mrs. W. D. Holt, of this town.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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