Biographical Sketch of Abraham Browne

Abraham Browne, with his sons, Abraham, Jr., Nathaniel and Oliver, came from Grafton, Mass., and located just northeast of Warren Pond, about 1775. Oliver, with his father, located where Alonzo M. Fogg now lives, Nathaniel, where James A. Browne now resides, and Abraham, Js., upon the hill to the north. Abraham, Sr., died in r808. Abraham, Jr., married Lucy Golding, of Grafton, Mass., by whom he reared ten children ; was a respected citizen, and died at the age of eighty-two years. Dea. Nathaniel Browne married Molly Gee, of Marlow, had four sons and two daughters, represented the town, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Chandler

Samuel Chandler, from Enfield, Mass., came to this town with his two brothers, Joel and Zebulon, in 1767. Samuel located in the southwestern part of the town, was one of the first selectmen, and died in 1784. His son James, born here in 1771, died in 1857. James bore an active part in town affairs, holding the office of selectman, justice of the peace, etc. His son Lyman now resides here, an ex-town clerk. Nathan, son of Joel, married Esther Marvin and reared three children, Samuel, Polly, and John M. He died in 1824. His widow became the wife of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Watts

Joseph Watts was born here and, resided in the town until his death, in 1816. He resided just north of the village, where he reared four children, none of whom are living. An adopted son, George U. R., is now a resident of the town. John, Isaac and Jesse, brothers of Joseph, also spent their lives here. None of their descendants now reside here.

Alstead Center, Cheshire County NH

ALSTEAD CENTER, (p. o.) a hamlet located upon a hill about half a mile east of the geographical center of the town, was formerly the business center of the town, and about 1802, the prospective sight of the county court-house. It long since lost its prestige, however, and now along its single street, a school house, a Congregational house of worship, in perhaps a dozen dwellings remain.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Thurston

Samuel Thurston came to Alstead, from Marlboro, N. H., about 1800, locating near where his grandson, Lorenzo G. now resides. He was a schoolteacher and farmer, and died December 23, 1873, aged ninety-eight years, four months and eight days. Three of his five children are now living. Franklin R., in Concord, Joseph. in Keene, and Alden S., in this town. The latter has taught school fifty-five terms and has held the office of selectman, justice of the peace, superintendent of school committee, etc.

Biographical Sketch of Russell Tinker

Russell Tinker, born at Lempster, N. H., in June, 1818, located in Marlow when eighteen years of age, where he remained until 1866, then purchased his present farm in this town, on road 14. He has held the office of selectman three years and has also served as supervisor.- He married Mare. daughter of Jonathan Jefts, of Stoddard, November 16, 1841, and has two sons who reside in Alstead.

Biographical Sketch of George W. Kilburn

George W. Kilburn came to Alstead when a young man, married Lovina Marvin, December 31. 1820, and died November 29, 1880, surviving his wife from November 18, 1878. Of their six children, Alfred, Mary L., Maria, Frank, Cyrus, and Josephine, two are living.

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Fisher

Isaac Fisher, from Framingham, Mass., located as a farmer in Stoddard He married twice, raising three sons and three daughters by his first wife and one son, Benjamin H., by his second. The latter has been a resident of this town for the past forty-nine years. He learned the cabinet maker’s trade in Keene, and, after working here one year for Stephen Kittredge, began business for himself. He married Mahala B. Edson, in 1837, and six of a family of eight children are now living, all of whom except the youngest, Flora E who resides with her parents, have married … Read more

The Second Congregational Church of Alstead New Hampshire

In 1788 a number of the members of the first church became dissatisfied with their pastor, or pastors, withdrew from the society, and with others, organized the Second Congregational church, at East Alstead, with eighteen members, over whom Rev. Levi Lankton, of Southington, Conn., was installed, September z, r 7 89. He remained with the society about a third of a century, receiving into the church ninetythree members. The society now has sixty-seven members, a Sabbath-school with sixty-five members, and a church building capable of seating 250 persons, with Rev. George A. Beckwith, pastor.

Amos Wood Genealogy

1. Amos2 Wood, son of Joshua1 and Esther (Esty) Wood, was b. in Keene, June 16, 1794; d. Wilton, June 12, 1873; was a farmer and lived in Keene, Walpole and Wilton. He was a Deacon in the Congregational church of Walpole. He m. (1), Sept. 23, 1817, Fanny Seward, b. Sullivan, Nov. 13, 1794, d. Walpole, Sept. 19, 1848; dau. of Dea. Josiah and Sarah (Osgood) Seward of S. He m. (2), Mar 20, 1850. Pamelia Wightman, b. Walpole (?), 1795, d. there, Nov. 16, 1854; dau. of Israel and Frances (Allen) Wightman; m. (3), Apr. 16, 1858, Mrs. … Read more

Biography of Jonathan Shepard

Jonathan Shepard, of English descent, came from Coventry, Conn., in 1768, and a few years later moved his family here. For his first wife he married Love Palmer, of Stonington, Conn., who bore him seven sons and three daughters, all of whom,_ except the oldest daughter, lived in this town. Be his second wife, Polly Underwood, he had one daughter. Jonathan’s son were Jonathan, Oliver, Nathaniel, Amos, Simeon, Joshua, and Roswell, allo; whom came to the town about the same time with their father, and some of them became the most wealthy and influential persons in the town. Jonathan, a … Read more

Methodist Church Alstead New Hampshire

A Methodist class was in existence at East Alstead previous to 1820. A house of worship was built in 1839, and a church constituted, which at one time had fifty members. The organization continued until about 1865, when, the membership having become so greatly decreased, preaching was discontinued, and the membership transferred to Marlow church. Their church building, a brick structure, was sold and remodeled into a store. Mr. Samuel M. Kidder was connected with this society longer than any other person now living.

Biographical Sketch of Azel Hatch

Asa, Reuben, and Jude Hatch, brothers, all of whom had served in the Revolution, came to Alstead, from Tolland, Conn., at an early day. Azel, son of Reuben, was seven years of age when his parents came here, and subsequently located on road z5, upon the farm now occupied by his grandson, also named Azel. He held a captain’s commission during the war of 1812. His wife, Rhoda Williams, bore him twelve children, ten of whom attained a mature age, and six of whom are now living. He bore an active part in town affairs, was selectman twenty-seven years, representative … Read more

Alstead Village, Cheshire County NH

ALSTEAD is a handsome post village located in the northwestern part of the town on Cold river. It his two churches (Congregational and Universalist), six or seven stores, several shops or mills of various kinds, and about 100 dwellings. Formerly there was a large amount of paper manufactured here, and from this circumstance the place was called Paper Mill Village, a name which clung to it until about twenty years ago, when the postoffice received the name of Alstead. A point of interest in the vicinity worthy of mention is the “Cocked Hat,” a name given in eminence just east … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Banks

John Banks, progenitor of the Banks family in Alstead, was in the employ of Nathaniel S. Prentiss, and came with him from Grafton, Mass., in 1774 he married Susan Prentiss and reared a large family of children, one of whom was the father of Gen. N. P. Banks, of Waltham, Mass. Two sons of John,-Andrew and Jabez M., spent their lives in Alstead. Andrew married Fannie Livermore, resided on a farm on road 36, reared eight children, and died in 1876, aged 83 years. His son Gardner G. has been engaged in the manufacture of lumber at the outlet of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Whitney Breed

Whitney, son of Nathaniel and Nancy (Whitney) Breed, and great-grandson of Dr. Nathaniel Breed, the first settler in Nelson, was born in Nelson in 181o, and came to Alstead in 1832. He married Persis Hatch, October 26, 1837, who bore him two sons and four daughters. Mr. Breed has been a justice of the peace forty years and a deacon of the Congregational church at Alstead Center thirty-five years.

Biography of Albert S. Wait

Albert S. Wait, of Newport, the oldest lawyer in active practice in Sullivan County, was born in Chester, Windsor County, Vt., April 14, 1821, son of Daniel and Cynthia (Reed) Wait. His grandfather, John Wait, was among the early settlers of Mason, N.H. John moved to Weston, Vt., and was a sturdy farmer of that Green Mountain town and a highly respected member of the community. He died in Weston at a good old age. His children were: James, John Sumner, Daniel Amos, Lucinda, and Mrs. Davis. Daniel Wait, who followed the trade of blacksmith, was a Brigadier-general in the … Read more

Abbe-Abbey Genealogy

A genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England vol 1

The “Abbe-Abbey Genealogy” serves as a comprehensive and meticulously compiled homage to the heritage of the Abbe and Abbey families, tracing its roots back to John Abbe and his descendants. Initiated by the life-long passion of Professor Cleveland Abbe, this genealogical exploration began in his youth and expanded throughout his illustrious career, despite numerous challenges. It encapsulates the collaborative efforts of numerous family members and researchers, including significant contributions from individuals such as Charles E. Abbe, Norah D. Abbe, and many others, each bringing invaluable insights and data to enrich the family’s narrative.

Biographical Sketch of Dea. Noah Vilas

Dea. Noah Vilas, the only child of Peter Vilas, the immigrant and the progenitor of the entire Vilas family in America, came to Alstead in 1779, from Grafton, Mass. He had a family of six sons and two daughters. The first son, Joseph, and one daughter died in infancy. Wm. F. Vilas, PostmasterGeneral in President Cleveland’s cabinet, is a descendant of Dea. Noah Vilas.

Biographical Sketch of Sylvester Partridge

Sylvester Partridge came to Alstead, from Londonderry, Mass., in 1783, locating in the northern part of the town. He was then about twenty-one years of age, and soon after married, though his wife lived but a short time. He then married Mrs. Rachel Fay, who bore him three children. By his third wife he had four children. His only son, by his second wife; Capt Theron, was the father of Alfred W. and James S. Partridge, who now reside here. Two other grandsons of Sylvester, Alva W. and Edward M. Smith, also reside here, and also a granddaughter, Mrs. Melissa … Read more