Surname Unknown to Vaughn

This document contains genealogical statements regarding various individuals and families of Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Mississippi Choctaw descent who sought recognition and enrollment in tribal rolls. The records, primarily from 1909 reports, detail claimants’ ancestry, enrollment issues, and tribal affiliations. Many individuals were denied enrollment due to factional disputes, legal technicalities, or failure to apply within deadlines.

Unknown or Unnamed

Unknown Choctaw.
Choctaw by blood. Files: Memorandum of statement by Mr. Tom Hunter, ex-candidate for governor of the Choctaw Nation, made at Hugo, Okla., November 12, 1008. See Part I. Exhibit F. report March 3, 1909. In the course of an interview with Mr. Hunter on the above date he stated that there was a person whose name he was unable to state living south of Roswell, Okla., entitled to enrollment as a Choctaw by blood. He also stated that he thought there were other cases of which he had some record and promised to advise Mr. Knapp, the district agent, in case he should come across them. Number of persons in this memorandum, 1.

Unknown Full-Blood Indian and Minor Son.
Choctaws by blood. Files: Statement of Mr. T. M. Humphrey, made November 10, 1908, at office of district agent, Atoka, Okla. See Part I, Exhibit F. report March 3, 1909. According to Mr. Humphrey’s statement this old Indian was a full-blood Choctaw who at one time employed him to represent the case before the Dawes Commission. Mr. Humphrey says that he could prove by old Indians he knew and who knew him that he had resided in the Choctaw Nation for a number of years, and that in all probability he came to the Indian Territory among the early settlers from Mississippi, after the “Dancing Rabbit” treaty that his enrollment was refused for the reason that his name did not appear on the tribal rolls. Mr. Humphrey stated further that he refused to consider these cases after finding that the act of May 31, 1900, seemed to apply to them, and that he advised them that their case was hopeless, and that the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes would not receive their application for the reason that their names did not appear upon the roll of citizens prepared by the tribal authorities; that these Indians resided near Legal, Okla., and that Mr. D. A. Lawrence, at Non, Okla., can give some information relative to them. Number of claimants in this memorandum, 2.

Unnamed Child.
Chickasaw by blood. Files: Memorandum of November 10, 1908, made at district agent’s office, Atoka, Okla. See Part I, Exhibit F, report March 3, 1909. The memorandum is as follows: “Mr. Mills, the district agent at Atoka, also tells me that in conversation with Al Constant, ex-Federal district clerk, that he learned of a child residing at Roff, Okla., reported to be a full-blood Chickasaw Indian, who has failed to secure enrollment. This child was born in 1904. The details are not known at present. Will obtain information from Mr. Constant sufficient to locate this child.” . Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.


Vaughn, Allen J., et al.
Choctaws by blood. Including Anna M. Harding and Robert L. Vaughn and their families.
Approximate number, 10.

Vaughn, Robert L. (alias To-palah-homa).
One-fourth Choctaw. by blood. Number of claimants, 1.


United States Congress. Five Civilized Tribes In Oklahoma, Reports of the Department of the Interior and Evidentiary Papers in support of S. 7625, a Bill for the Relief of Certain Members of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, Sixty-second Congress, Third Session. Department of the Interior, United States. 1913.

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