Statement No. 1 – James Huckquist, of Bay Center

This document is a communication from the acting commissioner of Indian Affairs, detailing the rolls of certain Indian Tribes in Oregon and Washington in reference to an agreement from August 1851. It contains statement No. 1 from James Huckquist of Bay Center, a member of the Lower Chinook Indians, provided to Charles E. McChesney, supervisor of Indian schools, in 1906. This statement is part of the McChesney Rolls, identifying and recognizing enrolled Chinook individuals separately from any reservations. Published as House Document No. 133, 59th Congress, 2nd Session, Huckquist’s sworn testimony records his age, heritage, and familial connections, including his marriage to Wahmaskie and their surviving son, Dixie James.

Statement No. 1

State of Washington, Pacific County, ss:

James Huckquist, of Bay Center, Wash., being duly sworn, deposes and says he is about 80 years of age and a Lower Chinook Indian; alive in 1851 when the treaty of that year was made.

My wife was Wahmaskie, a Lower Chinook Indian, who died about thirty-five years ago, aged about 50 years. She was alive in 1851. As the issue of my marriage with Wahmaskie one child was born, who is now alive and named Dixie James, about 48 years of age, and he lives at Bay Center, Wash., who with myself are the sole heirs of Wahmaskie, deceased.

James Huckquist (his x mark).

Sworn and subscribed before me at Bay Center, Wash., this 1st day of January, 1906.

Chas. E. McChesney, Supervisor of Indian Schools.

See Also: Statement No. 7 – Dixie James

Statement 1, McChesney Roll
Statement No. 1, McChesney Roll

Huckquist, James,

Bay Center Washington,

McChesney Rolls: United States, Department of the Interior, Rolls of Certain Indian Tribes in Oregon and Washington, Washington DC, Government Printing Office, 1906.

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