Yakima Malcontents of 1856

One thing, of course, is to be remembered – there were all degrees of offending, from the active hostile to the almost neutral, just as there are in every Indian war. The worst of them all were Kamiaken, his brothers Skloom and Shawawai, Owhi and his son Qualchian, the Yakima malcontents of 1856, who had been roaming among the tribes, exciting discontent and committing depredations where they could Kamiaken was the most influential of them all. He was a man of unusual stature and remarkable strength. No man in the tribe could bend his bow. He was rated the best … Read more

War with the Spokan, Coeur d’Alene, and Pelouse

While the commissioners were negotiating with the Mormons, an extraordinary outbreak occurred in the eastern part of Washington Territory, which hitherto had been a scene of peace between the red man and the white. It had been the boast of the Spokanes and the Coeur d’Alenes that they had never shed the blood of a white man. In the winter and early spring of 1858, however, it was represented that there was much restlessness among the northern tribes, especially in the neighborhood of the Colville mines, and Brevet Lieutenant colonel Steptoe, who commanded at new Fort WallaWalla, determined to make … Read more

Indian Battles For The Past Year and The Officers Engaged

Extract From The “General Orders.” Indian Battles For The Past Year and The Officers Engaged. General Orders NO. 22 Head Quarters of the Army, New York, Nov. 10, 1858 The following combats with hostile Indians in which the conduct of the troops, including volunteers and employees in the United States military service, is deserving of high praise for gallantry and hardships have occurred, or been brought to the notice of the General-in-Chief since the publication of General order. No. 14, of 1857, viz: XIV. September 1, 1858. The expedition under Colonel Wright, 9th infantry, composed of companies C, E, H … Read more

Battle of Spokane Plains Official Report

Official Report Of Colonel Wright Head Quarters, Expedition against Northern Indians, Camp on Spokan River W, T., 12 miles below the Falls. September 6, 1858. To Major W. Mackall, Assistant Adj’t. General TJ. S. Army: Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of the battle of the Spokan Indians fought by the troops under my command on the 5th inst  Our enemies were the Spokans, Coeur d’Alenes, Pelouses and Pend ‘Oreilles, numbering from five to seven hundred warriors. Leaving my camp at the “Four Lakes” at 6 A. M. on the 6th, our route lay along the … Read more

Battle of Four Lakes Official Report

Official Report Of Colonel Wright, After The Battle Of The “Four Lakes.” Head Quarters, Expedition against Northern Indians, Camp at “Four Lakes;’ W. T. Lat. 47″ 82 north. Long. 117” 89 west September 2d, 1858. Sir: I have the honor to submit the following Report of the battle of the “Four Lakes,” fought and won, by the troops under my command, on the 1st inst. Our enemies were the Spokan, Coeur d’Alene, and Pelouze Indians. Early in the morning of the 1st, I observed the Indians collecting on the summit of a high hill, about two miles distant, and I … Read more

Conclusions of the Pacific Indian War

The older officers regard the campaign we have just past through, as one remarkable in many respects. One is, the little loss which has been sustained. But two men have died, and those from eating poisonous roots. But one man has been wounded in action; and we have lost, by all the difficulties of marching through the forests and crossing rivers but three horses and about fifty mules. It is a proof of the skill and judgment with which the expedition has been conducted. For our freedom from loss in the two battles, I have already stated we are indebted … Read more

Return to Fort Taylor

October 1st.The artillery battalion, one troop of dragoons, the commissary and quarter-master’s train, and the Indians and hostages under charge of Lieutenant Fleming, all under the command of Captain Keyes, left the camp on Pelouze River about six in the morning, and after marching eighteen miles, reached Snake River at noon and crossed over to Fort Taylor. We encamped on exactly the same ground we had occupied before the campaign. At the Fort, Major Wyse and Dr. Brown received us with the greatest hospitality. October 2d This morning we took leave, with many regrets, of Lieutenants Mullan and Owen. The … Read more

Pelouze (Palouse) Council

September 26th. Left camp at half-past six this morning, and marched over a rolling, grazing country. By the side of a small cotton wood grove we saw the remains of thirty-four Indian lodges, probably deserted on the first advance of the troops into this country. Some of the lodge poles, from their magnitude, showed that the lodges must have been of considerable size. We marched fifteen miles and encamped on Silseepovestlem creek, where the water was good, but not plentiful. Today was the coldest we have had on our march. September 27th. We broke up camp between six and seven … Read more

Dead of the Battlefield

We are now only about ten miles from Colonel Steptoe’s battle ground, and this morning a small force was dispatched to the place to try and recover the remains of the gallant men who were killed in that action, that with proper ceremonies their comrades may commit them to earth, paying to them the last honors which a soldier can have. They are also to search for the two howitzers which were cached in the neighborhood. The party will be gone about two days, and consists of three companies of dragoons, Major Grier’s, Lieutenants Gregg’s and Pender’s, together with Lieutenant … Read more

Owhi and Qualchien

Chief Owhi

This evening, Owhi, the brother-in-law of Kamiaken, came into camp, as he said, to make peace. I first saw him, as I did Kamiaken, three years ago at the Walla Walla council, where he opposed all treaties to cede their country, not only with great zeal but with much ability. His speech, of which I took notes at the time, particularly impressed me. It was thus: “We are talking together, and the Great Spirit hears all that we say today. The Great Spirit gave us the land, and measured the land to us. This is the reason that I am … Read more

Spokan Council

September 22d. We left camp at half-past six this morning, and marched seventeen miles through a rolling country, occasionally diversified by open timber. When we reached camp, we found that the head chiefs and warriors of the Spokans had come in, accompanied by Father Joset. Kamiaken and Tilkohitz were in last evening, but their courage seemed to have failed before the time of meeting Colonel Wright, and they went off again. Colonel Wright sent Gearry (the Spokan chief) and Big Star out after Kamiaken, telling him to come in and he should not be harmed; but if he did not … Read more

Coeur d’Alene Council

The Coeur d’Alenes have always been remarked for their determined opposition to the whites. They perseveringly set themselves against any intrusion into their country, and if they had possessed strength to carry out their wishes, their hunting-grounds would never have been trodden by the foot of a white man. It was from this trait that they received their name Coeur d’Alene pointed hearts, or hearts of arrows. They were now for the first time to meet the whites in council, where their only hope was in unqualified submission. It was the first meeting of the kind on, our expedition, and … Read more

Coeur d’Alene Mission

September. 10th.This morning an Indian runner came in from the Coeur d’Alene mission, bringing a letter from Father Joset to Colonel Wright. Its import was, that the Indians were entirely prostrate and desired peace; and that they had requested him (the priest) to intercede for them. A few days’ march will now bring us to the Mission. Today two companies more were detailed to shoot the rest of the horses. The officers and others selected theirs, about two hundred being saved in this way, and the remaining seven hundred shot. Most of those, however, which were retained, were shot afterwards, … Read more

Battle of Spokane Plains

For three days after our last fight we remained in camp, to recruit the animals of the command, exhausted by their long march. The Nez Percés were sent out to reconnoiter, but returned reporting no Indians to be in sight. During this time the weather entirely changed, growing damp and cold. September 5th. We left camp at six o’clock ih the morning, and after marching about five miles, saw the enemy collecting in large bodies on our right. They rode along parallel to us for some time, all the while increasing in numbers and becoming bolder. We had just emerged … Read more

Battle of Four Lakes

August 27th. Today we left the river. We had reveille at half-past three in the morning, and marched at five. We made fifteen miles, and encamped on the Pelouze River. August 28. We made but five miles today, encamping on Cheranna creek, where we found plenty of wood, fine grass and water. We are all on the alert, as any hour may find us in face of the enemy. What the programme of the campaign is, none of us know. We suppose, indeed, that our commander can have no definite plan, as we are entering a country almost entirely unknown … Read more

Building Fort Taylor

August 5th.Today the Third Artillery received orders to march in two days as far as Snake River (about sixty miles), to erect fortifications. This will take about a week. By that time the rest of the command will arrive there, when we will all start together. For some days Lieutenant White has been employed in superintending the making of gabions for the field works, as there is no wood on Snake River adapted to this purpose. August 7th. We left Walla Walla at nine in the morning, and marched eight miles to Dry creek, finding the country covered with luxurious … Read more

Fort Walla Walla

We reached Fort Walla Walla July 19th, after a march of twelve and a half days. The fort is almost on the ground of the Walla Walla Council which I attended three years ago, when those tribes we are now to fight were all represented, and their, great leader, Kamiaken, was himself present. It is in a beautiful spot of the Walla Walla valley, well wooded and with plenty of water. Ten miles distant is seen the range of the Blue Mountains, forming the south-eastern boundary of the great plains along the Columbia, whose waters it divides from those of … Read more

Fort Dalles and the March

When last I saw this post, three years since, it seemed to me to be the most unattractive on the Pacific. Without even the beauty of scenery which surrounds Fort Vancouver, its sole recommendation was its healthiness. Nor did the Government buildings add anything to its appearance. Planned and erected some years ago by the Mounted Rifles, when they were stationed in Oregon, they were remarkably primitive, and very little attention had been bestowed upon their architecture. In those days, the ornamental had not yet been developed on the Pacific coast. (Note: This fort was located in what is now … Read more

Departure for Oregon

At this time I was in San Francisco, preparing to join my company at San Bernardino in Southern California, when I received orders from General Clarke to remain in the city, as my company would shortly be up, on its way to Oregon. Sunday morning, June 12th, it arrived in the steamer Senator and being transferred to the Pacific I at once reported for duty and went on board. Monday was a busy day. The soldiers, after their sea voyage, were naturally restless to visit the city, yet for fear of desertion they had to be watched and confined to … Read more

Origin of the War with the Coeur d’Alene, Spokane and Palouse

The month of May, 1858, was a disastrous one for the army on the Pacific. On the 8th, Colonel Steptoe set out from Fort “Walla Walla, with a small command of one hundred and fifty-nine men, to make a reconnaissance of the country, to examine into affairs at Fort Colville, and to seize some marauders belonging to the Pelouze tribe, who had stolen cattle from the Fort. As this is a feeble tribe, his force was considered quite sufficient to overawe them, while the more powerful tribes through which he was to pass had always professed friendship, and there had … Read more