List of those Signing Consents

Last Updated on May 24, 2024 by Dennis

In 1890 the United States removed the Flathead Indians from the Bitter Root Valley to the Jocko Reservation in Montana. The Flatheads who gave their consent to the release of the Flathead lands are listed in this document.

List of those Signing Consents.

1. Widow Therese Brooks, Joseph Brooks (son), for self and as guardian for Cornelius Brooks and Louis Brooks. Louis Brooks for himself when found to be of age. Sophie Brooks Murengo (married daughter).
2. Joseph Colluyer. Signed.
3. Widow Mary Mouchelle. Signed. Antoine Monchelle, only son also signed.
4. Medicine Pere. Rosaline (widow) signed. Sophie (only child) signed.
5. Narcisse Trochee. Signed.
6. Joseph La Moose. Signed.
7. Battice (Baptiste) Mouchelle. Signed.
8. Peter Brown. Signed.
9. Charles Qualchinee. Signed.
10. Charles La Moose (deceased). Joseph (son), Francois (son), Sophie (daughter), Cecile (daughter), Louis Kiser (married daughter), and Echinee (widow), for herself and as guardian for Cecile, under age, signed.
11. John Kiser. Francois (brother), and Louise (widow), and Echinee, mother of Louise, claiming an interest, signed.
12. Stephen James. Signed.
13. Sapelle James. Signed.
14. Big Samuel. Signed.
15. Antoine Numchee. Signed.
16. Francois Kiser. Signed.
17. Eneos (Eneas) Kiser. Signed.
18. Esuk Red Wolf. Alexander Parker, grandson, and Rosaline Parker (granddaughter), signed.
19. Widow Susteen. Signed by Tymothy Chimsah (only child).
20. Indian Quinley. Signed by Celestine (widow), and by Red Mountain (only child).
21. Widow Pallachino (Pallacheno). Martin (grandson), Antonie (grandson), Anna Bazille (Married granddaughter), and Charles, guardian of and for Cecile (a minor granddaughter), signed.
22. Westimine James. James Westimine (wife of Thomas Able Adams, and an only child), signed.
23. Joseph Pehotchee. Signed.
24. Sapelle Chinlough. Signed.
25. Delaware Jim. Moses (son) an Narcisse (daughter), both minors, by Rec. J. D’Aste, guardian, Pierre (son), Louis (son), John (son), and Mary (second wife), signed.
26. Henry Aurley (Arlee, or Henri). Mary (widow), Joseph and Mary (minor grandchildren), by the widow, as guardian, and Mary Louise Swathaw (married granddaughter), signed.
27. Widow Nine Pipes. Signed.
28. Antonine Nine Pipes. Signed.
29. Gabrielle Laumphrey. Louis and Charley (sons), and Sophie (widow), signed.
30. Thomas Coosah. Signed.
31. Eneos Fronsway (Francois). Signed.
32. Peter Fronsway (Francois). Signed.
33. Eneos Victor. Signed.
34. Antonine Palloo. Signed.
35. Josephine Slocum. Catherine Kiser (granddaughter and sole heir) signed.
36. Josephine Enumsco. Alexander (son) and Mary Pierre Sapelle (married daughter) signed.
37. Alexander Bear Track. Victor, Charlotte, Joseph Moses, Pierre Maltine, and Francaise (grandchildren), signed, and also Louis Vandenburg, as guardian of and for Joseph and Pierre, who were found to be under age.
38. Louis Vandenburg (not Louise). Signed.
39. Baptiste Matte. Signed by Alexander Matte, his attorney in fact.
40. Joseph Matte (insane). Signed by his brother Alexander, guardian.
41. Charles Victor. Signed.
42. Cecellia Parker. Alexander (son) and Rosaline (daughter) signed.
43. Chief Adolph. Therese (widow) signed. Thomas Able Adams (Red Arm), guardian for Eneos and Louise (great-grandchildren of Adolph, by Anna, second wife of Adams, whose said wife was the daughter of Eneos, son of Adolph), signed. Madaline (widow Eneos, son of Adolph, for herself and as guardian of Katherine, minor child, begotten by Eneos), signed. Luke (son) of Eneos by a half-sister, signed.
44. Cierelle P. Freoncise (only son) signed.
45. P. Freoncise Cierelle. Signed.
46. Widow Suseen (Susan). Signed.
47. Gabereille Cecellin. Signed.
48. Battise (Baptiste) Murengo. Aurietta (widow) signed for herself and as guardian and as guardian for Baptiste and Lucy (minor children). Cecile Cotore (married daughter) signed.
49. Shawnee Jake. Mary (widow), Mary Malta (married daughter), ad Angelica Malta Victor (wife of Carlos’ son), signed.
50. Louis (not Louise) Domminick. George Red Crow (nephew) signed for himself and as guardian of and for Theresse (widow), no children surviving. Agater Dominick (niece) signed.
51. Frank Munengo. Sophia (widow) signed for herself and as guardian of and for her minor son Louis McShawal, and for Frank Murengo, minor son of her husband by a former wife.
52. Widow Matte. Signed.
53. Widow Maltine. Leon Carron (grandson) Signed. Rev. J. D’Aste signed as guardian of and for Anna, John and Julia (minors), who are being educated under his care.
54. Old Felix. Signed.
55. Aquois-poo-ko-nee. Signed.
56. Antonine-koo-koo-wee. Signed.

Flathead Indians of Bitter Root Valley Montana. Extracts from Senate Executive Document #231 of the 51st Congress, 1st Session concerning Flathead Indian Allotments in Montana. 1889.

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