Condition of the Kansas Indians in 1890

The lands within Kansas were the roaming grounds of the Kansas or Kaw, Osages, Pawnees, and some Sioux.

The original Kansas Indians were long since removed to Indian Territory, and are now in Oklahoma. The 3 reservations and 1 in part now in Kansas contain Indians who were removed from east of the Mississippi River between 1830 and 1834. The remainder, who have been removed and are now living in Indian Territory at Quapaw agency, are the Delawares, Kaskaskias, Oneidas, Peorias, Piankeshaws, Quapaws, Senecas, Shawnees, Tuscaroras, and Weas.

Early in 1600 the Pottawatomies (Algonkian) were occupying the lower peninsula of Michigan in scattered bands, whence they were finally driven westward by the Iroquois and settled about Green Bay. The French acquired much influence over them and joined in their wars with the Iroquois. They joined Pontiac in his uprising in 1763, and were hostile to the colonists during the Revolution, but made peace with them in 1795, joining the English again in 1812. By treaties of August 29, 1821, and after, their lands were almost entirely conveyed away.

Total Indian Population As Of June 1, 1890

Total 1,682

Reservation Indians, not taxed (not counted. in the general census) 939
Indians in prison, not otherwise enumerated 7
Indians off reservation, self-supporting and taxed (counted in the general census) 736

The self-supporting Indians taxed are included in the general census. The results of the special Indian census to be added to the general census are;

Total 1,012
Reservation Indians, not taxed 939
Indians in prison, not otherwise enumerated 7
Other persons with Indians, nut otherwise enumerated 66

Indian Reservations

The civilized (self-supporting) Indians of Kansas, counted in the general census, number 736 (455 males and 281. females), and are distributed as follows:

Douglas County, 440; Johnson County, 18; Pottawatomie County, 77; Shawnee County, 45; Wabaunsee County, 22; Wyandotte County, 23; Other counties (17 or less in each), 111.

The condition of the citizen Indians has been indicated in the description of the respective tribes.

Reports Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1889, pogo 502, and 1800, page 452.

Department of the Interior. Report on Indians Taxed and Indians not Taxed in the United States, Except Alaska at the Eleventh Census: 1890. Washington DC: Government Printing Office. 1894.

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