Chippewa Indian Clans, Bands and Gens

Last Updated on October 25, 2013 by Dennis

Many tribes have sub-tribes, bands, gens, clans and phratry.  Often very little information is known or they no longer exist.  We have included them here to provide more information about the tribes.

  • Ahmeekkwun – eninnewug (Chippewa: Ŭmĭ‛kuwĭ′nĭnĭwŭg, beaver people). A tribe living, according to Tanner (Narr., 310, 1830), among the Fall Indians, by which name he seems to mean the Atsina or, possibly, the Amikwa.
  • Anibiminanisibiwininiwak. (Pemhina (cranberry) river men, from nibimina high-bush cranberry, sibiw ‘river’, ininiwak ‘men’). A Chippewa band living on Pembina r. in extreme N. Minnesota and the adjacent part of Manitoba. They removed from Sandy lake, Minn., to that region about 1807, at the solicitation of the Northwest Fur Company. Gatschet, Ojibwa MS., B. A. E.
  • Awausee (awasisi, ‘bullhead’, a fish) . A Chippewa phratry or gens. According to Warren a phratry including all the fish gentes of the Chippewa. According to Morgan and Tomazin it is a gens in it self. Cf. Ouassi.
  • Bay du Noc. A Chippewa (?) band mentioned in the Detroit treaty of 1855 (T. S. Ind. Treaties, 614, 1873). They probably lived on Noqnet bay of L. Michigan, in upper Michigan.
  • Beaver Island Indians. A Chippewa band formerly residing on the Beaver ids. of Michigan, at the outlet of L. Michigan. Washington treaty (1836) in U. S. Ind. Treaties, 607, 1873.
  • Besheu (bĭjĭu lynx). A gens of the Chippewa.
  • Betonukeengainubejig (Pi،tona،kaĭngkaĭn-ŭpĭchĭg, they who live in the neighbor hood of [L. Superior on the s.]. W. J.). An important division of the Chippewa living in N. Wisconsin, between L. Superior and Mississippi r. The Munominikasheenhug, Wahsuahgunewininewug, and Lac Court Oreilles Chippewa are incorporated with them. Their principal villages were at Desert lake (Vieux Desert), Flambeau lake, Pelican lake, Lac Court Oreilles, Lac Chetec, Pukwaawun, and Mononimikau lake. ( J. M. )
  • Burnt Woods Chippewa. A former Chippewa band on Bois Brule r., near the w. end of L. Superior, N. Wis.
  • Chippewa of Lake Nipegon. A Chippewa band officially known by this name re siding in the vicinity of L. Nipegon, N. of L. Superior, in Ontario. The “Christians,” composing nearly one-half the entire band, occupy a village at the head of the lake near the Hudson Bay Company’s post; the remainder live about 100 in. farther inland. The aggregate number in 1884 was 426, and in 1901, 518. They are connected with the band at Red Rock on Nipegon bay. (J. M.)
  • Chueskweskewa (snipe) A gens of the Chippewa. (J. M.)
  • Dokis Band. A Chippewa band, so named from their chief, residing on a reservation of 30,300 acres at the head of French r., where it leaves L. Nipissing, Ontario. They have a large admixture of French blood, are Roman Catholics, and obtain a livelihood by hunting and fishing and by working in adjacent lumber camps. The band numbered 62 in 1884 and 78 in 1904. (J. M.)
  • Fond du Lac. A Chippewa band residing on St Louis r., near Fond du Lac, E. Minnesota. They are now under the White Earth agency, numbering 107 in 1905. (J. M.)
  • Gyaushk (gull). A gens of the Chippewa (q. v.).


Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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