
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community

The Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) is a federally recognized Native American tribe situated in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Primarily composed of members of the Anishinaabe people, specifically the Ojibwa (also known as Chippewa), the KBIC has a rich history that’s woven into the broader narrative of Native American existence in the Great Lakes region. This article delves into the detailed history of this vibrant community, tracing its roots, its struggles, and its achievements.

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Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians

This comprehensive history delves into the origins, struggle, and current status of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. Starting from their ancient Anishinaabeg roots in the Great Lakes region, it chronicles their interactions with European settlers, loss of traditional ways, and efforts for federal recognition. The article also recounts the tribe’s transformation from a community with meager resources into a significant economic entity, spanning across Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. It is a testament to the tribe’s resilience, highlighting their continued growth and importance in today’s socio-economic landscape.

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Use Of Tobacco Among North American Indians

Tobacco has been one of the most important gifts from the New World to the Old. In spite of the attempts of various authors to prove its Old World origin there can be no doubt that it was introduced into both Europe and Africa from America. Most species of Nicotiana are native to the New World, and there are only a few species which are undoubtedly extra- American. The custom of smoking is also characteristic of America. It was thoroughly established throughout eastern North and South America at the time of the discovery; and the early explorers, from Columbus on, speak of it as a strange and novel practice which they often find it hard to describe. It played an important part in many religious ceremonies, and the beliefs and observances connected with it are in themselves proof of its antiquity. Hundreds of pipes have been found in the pre-Columbian mounds and village sites of the eastern United States and, although these remains cannot be dated, some of them must be of considerable age. In the southwestern United States the Basket Makers, an ancient people whose remains are found below those of the prehistoric Cliff Dwellers, were smoking pipes at a time which could not have been much later than the beginning of our era.

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The Discovery Of This Continent, it’s Results To The Natives

Last Updated on August 3, 2020 by Dennis In the year 1470, there lived in Lisbon, a town in Portugal, a man by the name of Christopher Columbus, who there married Dona Felipa, the daughter of Bartolome Monis De Palestrello, an Italian (then deceased), who had arisen to great celebrity as a navigator. Dona Felipa

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Northwest Territorial War of 1812 – Indian Wars

During the War of 1812 a series of battles took place in the Northwest between the British and American forces and their respective Indian allies. This series of battles helped determine the control over the Wabash Valley and along with the Naval victories secured the Northwest for the Americans.

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War Between the Colonies and The Western Indians – From 1763 To 1765

Last Updated on December 19, 2013 by Dennis A struggle began in 1760, in which the English had to contend with a more powerful Indian enemy than any they had yet encountered. Pontiac, a chief renowned both in America and Europe, as a brave and skillful warrior, and a far-sighted and active ruler, was at

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The Qu’appelle Treaty, Or Treaty Number Four

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis This treaty, is, so generally called, from having been made at the Qu’Appelle Lakes, in the North-West Territories. The Indians treated with, were a portion of the Cree and Saulteaux Tribes, and under its operations, about 75,000 square miles of territory were surrendered. This treaty, was the

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The Qu’appelle Treaty, Or Number Four – Afternoon Conference

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis The Indians having assembled presented the Chiefs, whose names appear on the Treaty to the Commissioners as their Chiefs. KAMOOSES–“To-day we are met together here and our minds are open. We want to know the terms of the North-West Angle Treaty.” LIEUT.-GOV. MORRIS–“Do we understand that you

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The Qu’appelle Treaty, Or Number Four – Fifth Day’s Conference

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis September 14. Both nations, Cree and Saulteaux, having assembled, His Honor Lieut.-Governor Morris again addressed them:– “Children of our Great Mother, I am glad to see you again after another day. How have you come to meet us? I hope you have come to us with good

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The Qu’appelle Treaty, Or Number Four – First Day’s Conference

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis At four o’clock the Commissioners entered the marquee erected for the accommodation of themselves, and the Indians, who in a short time arrived, shook hands with the Commissioners, the officers of the guard, and other gentlemen who were in the tent, and took their seats. It having

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The Qu’appelle Treaty, Or Number Four – Sixth Day’s Conference

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis The Cree having come and shaken hands, His Honor Lieut.-Gov. Morris rose and said: “My friends, I have talked much; I would like to hear your voices, I would like to hear what you say.” KA-KU-ISH-MAY, (Loud Voice–a principal chief of the Cree)–“I am very much pleased

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The Qu’appelle Treaty, Or Number Four – Hudson Bay Company

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis THE GAMBLER–“I have understood plainly before what he (the Hudson Bay Company) told me about the Queen. This country that he (H. B. Co.) bought from the Indians let him complete that. It is that which is in the way. I cannot manage to speak upon anything

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The Qu’appelle Treaty, Or Number Four – Fourth Day’s Conference

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis September 12, 1874. In the morning four Indians, two Cree and two Saulteaux, waited on the Commissioners and asked that they should meet the Indians half way, and off the Company’s reserve, and that the soldiers should remove their camps beside the Indian encampment, that they would

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The Qu’appelle Treaty, Or Number Four – Third Day’s Conference

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis September 11, 1874. The Cree and their Chiefs met the Commissioners. The Saulteaux Chief was not present, though most of the tribe were present. An Indian, “the Crow,” advised the assembled Cree, the Saulteaux not having arrived, to listen attentively to what words he said. His Honor

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The Qu’appelle Treaty, Or Number Four – Second Day’s Conference

Last Updated on July 2, 2013 by Dennis September 9, 1874. The Indians, both Cree, Saulteaux and their Chiefs having arrived, His Honor Lieut.-Governor Morris said: “I am glad to see so many of the Queen’s red children here this morning. I told those I saw yesterday that I was one of the Queen’s councilors,

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