Campbell’s Abstract – T Surnames

Last Updated on June 9, 2014 by Dennis

The publication of the Tribal Rolls, in 1907, gave the roll number, name of the allottee, age, sex and blood, and operated to a large extent to inform the public, but this information was not sufficient, in fact, it aided only those who, by reason of their familiarity with the workings and records of the Indian Offices, knew how to secure additional information. John Campbell set out to help researchers determine the family relationships between the allottee’s by providing an abstract index of all names from the records. This index has proven invaluable over time by providing a quick method to research family relationships within the tribal rolls.

T Surnames

Tabalecha, 2753.
Tabbieundeney, 1957.
Tabley, 1614.
Taborn, Albert, M374.
Taborn, Calvin, 3972, M374, M375.
Taborn, Gertrude, M375.
Taborn, Nancy Atkins, 3972, M374, M375.
Taborn, Susie Atkins, 3972.
Tacathley, 601.
Tachka, 2073.
Taconey, 2307.
Tacowenay, 2708, 2709.
Tafne, 1614.
Tagee, 4022.
Tahcaney, 3125.
Tahconthla, 561.
Tahconthlaney, 2308.
Tahcowenay, 638, 2708, 2709.
Tahcowenay, Jennetta, 638, M17.
Tahcowenay, Louisa, 638.
Tandie, 3188.
Tahfah, 3303.
Tahkaney, 2680.
Tahkaney, Connee, 2680.
Tahkaney, Dillie, 2680.
Tahkaney, Marsie, 2680.
Tahkaney, Tahpanfah 2680.
Tahkee, 4023.
Tahkole, 252.
Tahkosa, Harjo, 3233.
Tahladege, Cable, 899.
Tahladege, Chepan, 899.
Tahladege, Mary, 899.
Tahladege, Millie, 899.
Tahladege, Wattie, 899.
Tahledege, 899.
Tahlosa (Tarloshaw), 2726, NB1168, M339
Tahlutkee, 2800.
Tahpanfah, 100s.
Tahpothanney, 233, 23 I
Tahqueaney, 712.
Tahsalay, 582.
Tahshawe, 573.
Tahwiheche, 1266.
Taikany, 1008.
Takache, 2891.
Takoloche, 2404.
Takowena, 2313.
Talega, Noel’s, 2857.
Talladega, George, 3772.
Talladega, Mary, 3772.
Tallarkee, 222.
Talledega, 757.
Tallemarsey, 2125, 2127.
Tallemarsey, Elizabeth, 2125.
Taletsajarney, 1051.
Taltou, Johnson, 3272.
Tallosaka, 2322.
Talmatustanugga, 1257.
Talomase, Dickey, 2657, M412.
Talomase, Eliza, 2657, M412.
Talomase, Emma, M412.
Taloomga, 1347.
Tamochee, 1321, 1349, 1678, 1308.
Tamochee, Patsy, 1321.
Tapaconthle, 2713.
Tapaleche, 2397.
Tapaluwe, 3114.
Tapp, Jerry, 3143.
Tapp, Marie, 3443
Tarchom, 2983.
Tarkey, 1673.
Tarloshaw, 2725, 2726, NB1168 M 339.
Tarloshaw, Louisa, NB1168.
Tarloshaw, Mista, M339.
Tarloshaw, Sally, 3082, NB1168.
Tarloshaw, 2725, 2726.
Tarlossa, Sally, 3082, NB1168.
Tarmoche, 130S. 1178, 1321, 1319.
Tarney, Sally, 1375.
Tarpalechee, Miller, 330.
Tarpanfah, 3125.
Tarparleehee, 330.
Tarpeliche, 96.
Tarpley, 2532.
Tarpley, Jacob, 2532.
Tarsharheantay, 1057.
Tarsillee, 560.
Tarvin, B. C. Jr., M167.
Tarvin, Beauregoard, 317
Tarvin, Elisha315.
Tarvin, Fannie, 3261.
Tarvin, Marie Louisa, NB384.
Tarvin, Marion, 3264.
Tarvin, Marion E., 345, 347, 3264.
Tarvin, Mary B., 3932.
Tarvin, Patience, 345, 3436, M467.
Tarvin, Patience F., NB384.
Tarvin, Patient, 3264.
Tarvin, P. F., 345, 3264, 3436, NB3S4, M467.
Tarvin, Pleasant F., 345, 3264, 3436, NB384, M467.
Tarvin, Random, 3264.
Tarvin, Rita, 345.
Tarvin, Sehoy M., 3264.
Tarvin, Sophia F., 347, 3264.
Tarvin, Theresa, 345, 3436.
Tarwoligee, 1278. .
Taryoboska, 1688.
Taryole, 1309, 3865, NB553, M145.
Taryole, Frank, NB553.
Taryole, Marfy, 1309, M445, NB553.
Taryole, Tupper, M445.
Taryolie, Turner, 3865.
Tasathla, 603.
Tasehoke, 1114.
Tasheteapathla, 604.
Taskegee, 2356, 2915.
Taskegee, Annie, 2356.
Taskegee, Wicey, 2915.
Tasonkaynay, 2705.
Tate, Annie May, NB799.
Tate, Deck, NB543, M173.
Tate, Elmer, M173.
Tate, Flora Ada, NB800.
Tee, Jesse, M298.
Tate, John Wash, 3825.
Tate, Joseph, NB543.
Tate, J. W., NB799, NB800, M298.
Tate, Mary, 1629, 3525, NB543, NB799, NB800, M173, M298.
Tate, Maty, 3825.
Tate, Twintilla, 3825.
Tathlatakee, 2740.
Taye, 2807.
Taylor, 629, 1117, 1366, 1008, 1009, 2428, 2918, 3346.
Taylor, Ab, 1031.
Taylor, Abraham, 1147.
Taylor, Ad, 828, 1678.
Taylor, Ada, 2428.
Taylor, Albert, 3367.
Taylor, Artie, 3367.
Taylor, Barney, 1109.
Taylor, Charles, 2541, 2542, 2543, 2548, 2942, 3367.
Taylor, Charley, 2511, 2542, 2543, 2548, 2942, 3367.
Taylor, Cub, 1167, 3367.
Taylor, Dick, 961, 1109.
Taylor, Dumsey, 2548.
Taylor, Eli, NB1047.
Taylor, Eliza, 2128, 2513, 2948.
Taylor, Ellen, 1109.
Taylor, Ellis, 3367.
Taylor, Emma, 1909, 2540, NB930, NB931.
Taylor, Frank, 1031, 1907.
Taylor, Fred, 545.

Taylor, Granderson, 3269.
Taylor, Grandison, 515.
Taylor, Grayson, 239.
Taylor, Hardy, 2511, 2542, 2543, 2548, 2942.
Taylor, Harry C., 304.
Taylor, Isaac, 2540.
Taylor, Jacob, 2543.
Taylor, James, 192.
Taylor, Jemima, 2543, NB888.
Taylor, Jennie, 3379.
Taylor, John W., 3269.
Taylor, Jololonfah, 2428.
Taylor, Jonas, 2206.
Taylor, Judy, NB1205.
Taylor, Kizzie, 1909, M157.
Taylor, Leah, 3367.
Taylor, Leeehie, 2942, NB1258, NB1259, M174
Taylor, Lewis, 1908.
Taylor, Lila, 1072.
Taylor, Lilia, 1147, M338.
Taylor, Liza, 1151, NB1017.
Taylor, Lizzi, 2548.
Taylor, Lucile, NBS29.
Taylor, Lucinda, 2540.
Taylor, Lucy, 2291, NB507, M188.
Taylor, Major, 608.
Taylor, Mannie, 3336.
Taylor, Marchie, 254S.
Taylor, Maria, 1907, 1908, 1909.
Taylor, Mary, 2727.
Taylor, Melvina L., 192, 193, 194, 783.
Taylor, Milea, 2540, NB1220.
Taylor, Mitchell, 1326.
Taylor, Mollie, 2206.
Taylor, Monny, 2206, M320, M321.
Taylor, Nancy, 1109. NB356.
Taylor, Nellie, 545, 2301, 3367, NB1205
Taylor, Parthenia, 545.
Taylor, Pearl, 304.
Taylor, Peggy, S28, 1031.
Taylor, Roley, 3367, NB1205.
Taylor, Rosa, 304, NBS29.
Taylor, Royal B., 192.
Taylor, Sam, 1343, 2206, 3336.
Taylor, Sammy, 1147.
Taylor, Sarah, 3367.
Taylor, Sarpsey, 2543, NB1047.
Taylor, Silla, 2206.
Taylor, Silvey, 3336.
Taylor, Silwey, 2206.
Taylor, Sissie, 1150.
Taylor, Sol, 2301.
Taylor, Solomon, 545.
Taylor, Soma, 3367.
Taylor, Sinda, 1343,
Taylor, Susana, 1326.
Taylor, Susie, 2543.
Taylor, Taylor, 2540, 2348.
Taylor, Teperke, 282.
Taylor, Timmie, 2428.
Taylor, Tom, 1326.
Taylor, Tom. F., 1150.
Taylor, Will, 304.
Taylor, William, 192, NB829
Tayoposka, 3344.
Tea, Amos, 1688.
Tea, Anna, 1688.
Tea, Ellen, 1688.
Tea, Emma, 168S.
Tea, Judy, 1688.
Tea, Lucy, 1688.
Tea, Millie, 3132
Tea, Mollie, 2210.
Tea, Nancy, 1688.
Tea, Thomas, 1688.
Tea, William, 3132.
Tebe, 3743.
Tebe, Arthur, NB670.
Tebe, Jennie, 3715.
Tebe, Martin, NB670, NB671.
Tebe, Nellie, NB671.
Tebe, Tarbie, 3190.
Tebe, Willie, 3190.
Tebe, Wisey, 3745, 3100, NB670, NB671
Tebe, Yarner, 3190.
Tebiye, 2038.
Tebohee, Lizzie, 3140, 3112.
Tebohee, Jack. 3140, 3112.
Techarna, 919.
Techarna, Eliza, 919.
Techarna, Jackson, 919.
Techarna, Lochar, 919.
Techarna, Louisa, 919,
Techarna, Malissa, 919.
Techarna, Susie, 919.
Techer, 2793.
Tecoake, 1757, 17SS.
Teconthla, 609.
Tecoweka, 1763.
Tecumseh, 220, 752, 1001, 1310, 1312 2681
Tecumseh, Alec, 751, 752.
Tecumseh, Austin, 752, NB962.
Tecumseh, Bettie, 1001.
Tecumseh, Eddie, 752.
Tecumseh, Edward, NB1063.
Tecumseh, Effie, NB1062.
Tecumseh, Eliza. 731.
Tecumseh, Ellis, 751.
Tecumseh, Lizzie, 1312.
Tecumseh, Lucy, 2684.
Tecumseh, Mary, NB962.
Tecumseh, Nancy, 1111, NB1062, NB1063.
Tecumseh, Nero, 732, NB1062, NB1063.
Tecumseh, Nicey, 751, 752.
Tecumseh, Rosa, 633, NB962.
Tecumseh, Tecumseh, 751.
Tecumseh, Uni. 1251.
Tecumseh, Willie, 752.
Tecumsey, 2847.
Teekchee, 2580.
Tchoksie, 3825.
Teke, 1297, NB1108.
Tekeufah, 606.
Tekoge, 1787, 1788.
Tekoma, 591.
Tell, Addie, 1877, 3543.
Tell, Amos, 1877.
Tell, Andy. 1877.
Temahee, 2607.
Temahlaker, 2142.
Temardy, 2250.
Temarheseh, 1515.
Temarsehar, 2377.
Temarsehar, 2978.
Temarseha, Lena, 2978.
Temaypateha, 2355.
Temelecer, 2832.
Temoche, 2164.
Temohther, 2660.
Temoncheleehee, 1315.
Temorthle, 1148.
Templin, Benjamin A., 2315.
Temunthlahpe, Dollie, 3951.
Temunthlahpe, George, 2697, 3951
Temunthlahpe, Nellie, 2697, 3951
Temunthlahpe, Tiger, 3951.
Tena, 873, 1199.
Tenahe, 137.
Tennant. Dr., 791.
Tenohehokee, 1669.

Terrell, Henry, 129.
Terrell, Josiah, 128, 129
Terrell, Mary E., 128, 129, 3302.
Terry, Albert, CE4051.
Terry, Alpha Omega, CE4051.
Terry, Annettie Josephine, 4?09, CE4051.
Terry, William, CE4051.
Tesaugauny, 2626.
Teshanquaney, 87.
Teshonney, 2781
Tesontahny, 2162.
Tetakanay, 2239.
Tewahhphye, 951.
Tewahke, 1015.
Tewahoye, 3052.
Tewahtahliche, 497.
Tewalische, 2800.
Tewee, 1479.
Tewoliche, 3327.
Teyohe, 259, 1891, 1892.
Teyohee, 2617.
Thahaygee, 631.
Thalwequa, 3792.
Tharsaniaye, 1270.
Tharstanna, 2603.
Tharwitche, 1970.
Tharyahkah, 1179.
Thasahhe, 66, 71.
Thatcher, Charley Dee L., NB890
Thatcher, Douglas, 264, 3533.
Thatcher, Edmond, 3533.
Thatcher, John Douglas, 261.
Thatcher, Nancy, 261, 3533, NB899
Thatcher, S. D., NB899
Thathlapthlama, 882.
Therserye, 832.
Thiescher, 1590.
Thlaconshona, 563.
Thlaconshony, 571.
Thlaggie, 3111.
Thlahomerhety, 1307.
Thlakunehana, 566.
Thlarsarpaken, 2238.
Thlemey, 1705.
Thlesawa, 2713.
Thlesemothoke, 1270.
Thlesothle, 1119.
Thlocco, Chukehart, 2791.
Thlocco, Dick, 148.
Thlocco, Emartha. 1325.
Thlocco, Fus, 3007. 3886.
Thlocco, Jinnie, 2053
Thlocco, Hokte, 1593.
Thlocco, Hully, 2161
Thlocco, Kate, 511, 512. 823, 1822
Thlocco, Kizzie, 2791.
Thlocco, Lucy, 1820.
Thlocco, Millie, 2873
Thlocco, Nehah. 18199, 1820
Thlocco, Succharty. 1825.
Thlocco, Susie, 125
Thlocco, Toche, 2142, 3012
Thlocco, Toger, 886.
Thlocco, Yahar, 1485.
Thloccochee, Nehar, 1695.
Thloccogee, Neho, 1645.
Thloskogee, 2235.
ThIssacoweney, 2710.
Thlucco, Pote, 1939.
Thluppa (or Thloppie), 3945.
Throckmorton, Ida, 628, NB180.
Throckmorton, James W., 628, NB180.
Thomas, 61, 1522, 1523, 1562, 4023.
Thomas, Adam, 1328.
Thomas, Aggie, 1955, 51128.
Thomas, Albert, 2943.
Thomas, Amos, 1522.
Thomas, Bepsey, 1522, 1523.
Thomas, Bettie, 1328, 1523, 2655, 3095, 3627.
Thomas, Boxy, 412, 413.
Thomas, Crawford, 792.
Thomas, David S., M128.
Thomas, Dick, 2811.
Thomas, Douglass, 945.
Thomas, Eliza, 3627.
Thomas, Emily, 3982.
Thomas, Emma, 592, 593, 594, 1523.
Thomas, George W., 948.
Thomas, Grant, M261.
Thomas, Hardy, 3982.
Thomas, Harley, 3095, 3627, M495.
Thomas, James A., 1958.
Thomas, James C., 1958.
Thomas, John, 948, 1328, 1752, 2362.
Thomas, Johnson, 594.
Thomas, Kaley, 1328.
Thomas, Kate, 3215.
Thomas, Katie, 2541.
Thomas, Leaster, 3528.
Thomas, Lena, 3627, NB951, NB955.
Thomas, Linda, 2541.
Thomas, Lizzie, 595, 1915, NB792.
Thomas, Lizzie Lou, 1958.
Thomas, Louisa, 2541.
Thomas, Lucy, 3627, 4016.
Thomas, Lydia, 3627, 3952, M495.
Thomas, Mack, 592, M242.
Thomas, Mary Ellen, 945.
Thomas, Melesse, 724.
Thomas, Melissi, 792.
Thomas, Millie, 2511.
Thomas, Milly, 1523, NB1162.
Thomas, Minnie Harris, M495.
Thomas, Mollie E., 945.
Thomas, Nora, M242.
Thomas, Parnosky, 1328.
Thomas, Philip, 592.
Thomas, Polly, 393.
Thomas, Sam, 593, 3528, M261.
Thomas, Sampson, 3627.
Thomas, Sarah, 592, M242.
Thomas, Sophia, 593, 3828, M261.
Thomas, Susie, M428.
Thomas, Tumsey, 3095, NB633, NB634.
Thomas, Waitie, 2362, 3512.
Thomas, William, 594.
Thomas, Willie, 2801, 3512.
Thomas, Wm. R., 592, 593, 594.
Thomascy, 2541.
Thomasoche, 2471.
Thompson, 911, 2946, 3113, 3197.
Thompson, Alex, 65, 3137.
Thompson, Alice, 16S9.
Thompson, Amanda, 2193, NBIOSO, NB10.51.
Thompson, Ben, 2962.
Thompson, Betsey, 1456.
Thompson, Betsy, 871, 1456.
Thompson, Betty, 450.
Thompson, Billy, 3197.
Thompson, Caesar, 2606, 2756.
Thompson, Captain, 1573.
Thompson, Charlie, 2192.
Thompson, Cinda, 3197.
Thompson, Cogee, 446, NBS69.
Thompson, Cora, 2067.
Thompson, DeSota, 2602, 2?06.
Thompson, Ella, 1456.
Thompson, Ellen, 1689.
Thompson, George, 1015, NB1177.
Thompson, Haga, 1009.
Thompson, Hardy, 2295, 2994.
Thompson, Hege, 2171.
Thompson, Henry, 499, 500, 2060, 2067, 2756
Thompson, Hepsey, 500.
Thompson, Hulda, 2960.
Thompson, Hully, 1575.

Thompson, Isreal, NB1177.
Thompson, Jackson, 867.
Thompson, James, 2295.
Thompson, Jeannetta, 2962.
Thompson, Jennie, 2323, 2324.
Thompson, John, 1689.
Thompson, Josephene, 2060, 2067.
Thompson, Josephine, 305, 1240.
Thompson, Jesse, 2504.
Thompson, Leah, 2606, 3045, 3387, M393.
Thompson, Legus, 2019, NB712.
Thompson, Legus Jr., 2019.
Thompson, Lena, 2019, 2295, NB712.
Thompson, Lettie, 3197.
Thompson, Una, 2019, 2295, NB712.
Thompson, Little, 3184, M393.
Thompson, Lizzie, 2602.
Thompson, Loska, 2124.
Thompson, Lucy, 2193, 3329.
Thompson, Manuel, 1015, 1664, 1762, NB569.
Thompson, March, 67, 867, 1009, 1015, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1876, 2156 2194, 3137.
Thompson, Marsh, 67, 867, 1009, 1015, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1876, 2156, 2194, 3137.
Thompson, Martha, M393.
Thompson, Mary, 500, 871.
Thompson, Mary Ann, 2994.
Thompson, Max, 2960.
Thompson, Melinda, 2606.
Thompson, Melisa, 2171.
Thompson, Minnie, 2994.
Thompson, Misey, 1001.
Thompson, Mussie, 3755.
Thompson. Nancy, 2121, 2193, 2602, 2606.
Thompson, Nannie, 1015, 1762.
Thompson, Nellie, 3197.
Thompson, Newman, 1009.
Thompson, Nicey, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1876, 3137, 3368.
Thompson, Nisey, 3137, 1572, 1873, 1874, 1876, 3368.
Thompson, Nora, NB569.
Thompson, Ollie, NB712.
Thompson, Olmstead, 571, 1456.
Thompson, Otie, 3045.
Thompson, Patty, 1056
Thompson, Phoebe, 1001.
Thompson, Polly, 499.
Thompson, Riley, 2067.
Thompson, Robert, 500, 2192.
Thompson, Roman, 2124.
Thompson, Rosa, 1873.
Thompson, Rose, 515, 1775, 1822, 3416.
Thompson, Russell, 3416.
Thompson, Sam, 1874.
Thompson, Samuel, 2067.
Thompson, Sarah, 1876, NB1093.
Thompson, Semiah, 3197.
Thompson, Silby, 867, 1009. 1015.
Thompson, Simmer, 1001, 1773, 2119.
Thompson, Simon, M426.
Thompson, Simon Pearcy, M426.
Thompson, Sola, 1875.
Thompson, Sonny, 1873.
Thompson, Sophia, 1773. 2119.
Thompson, Sota, 2124, 2102, 2193.
Thompson, Soto 2192, 2103.
Thompson, Suda, 3368.
Thompson, Susan, 2194, 2431, 2946.
Thompson, Susanna, 2121, 3456.
Thompson, Susie, 3113.
Thompson, Tauchie, 1009.
Thompson, Thomas, 1775, 3113, 3329, 3416.
Thompson, Tom, 1572.
Thompson, Victoria, 1689.
Thompson, Virona, 1805, M426.
Thompson, Willie, 251.
Thornsberry, Annie, 3826.
Thornsberry, John, 3826.
Thornsberry, Lena, 3826.
Thornsberry, Rachael, 3826.
Thornsberry, Willie, 3826.
Thornsberry, Win. M., 3826.
Thornsberry, Wynema, 3826.
Thorpe, Fannie, 1778, M200.
Throckmorton, Eva B., 3590.
Throckmorton, Ida, 62S, NB180.
Throckmorton, Ida L., 3590.
Throckmorton, James, W., 628, 3590, NB180.
Throckmorton, N. E., 526, 628, 630.
Throckmorton, Natura E., 630, 628, 526.
Throckmorton, William D., NB180.
Throckmorton, Wm. E., 628.
Thurman, Alice, 811, NB198, NB199.
Thurman, China, 811, 910, 1169.
Thurman, Silas, 910.
Thurman, Wm., 811, 910.
Tibbie, 2610.
Tiboka, 1430.
Tocarhohea, 3094.
Tiddy, 2614.
Tiedochkee, 1220.
Tigee, 26.
Tiger, 1173, 1616, 1987, 2733.
Tiger, Aby, NB183
Tiger, Ada, NB390.
Tiger, Ada M., 1916.
Tiger, Addie, 2732.
Tiger, Adolphus, 40.
Tiger, Aga, 2120.
Tiger, Alberd, 1741.
Tiger, Albert, 422, 2571.
Tiger, Amanda, S89.
Tiger, Amos, 23, 2721, M409, NB220.
Tiger, Amy, 336.
Tiger, Aney, 958.
Tiger, Anna, 3983
Tiger, Annie, 157, 1003, 2120 2349, 2472, M421, NB1201, NB217.
Tiger, Archie, 2033, 2911
Tiger, Arnie,
Tiger, Barney, 1607, NB118
Tiger, Ben, 216, 335, M420, M421
Tiger, Benny, 2172.
Tiger, Bermose, 2472.
Tiger, Bessie, 1221, 2941.
Tiger, Betsey, 958.
Tiger, Billy, 261, 336, 1265. 1559. 1871
Tiger, Rob, 3165.
Tiger, Bryan, NB1107.
Tiger, Candy, 1720. 1721, 1722, 1723
Tiger, Cartogee, 2571.
Tiger, Casey, 999, NB1072, NB1073
Tiger, Catehochee, 1571.
Tiger, Chapley, 1723.
Tiger, Charkoeharney, 3033.
Tiger, Charley, 1607.
Tiger, Choe, 2075.
Tiger, Chotke, 1547 Seminole, M100.
Tiger, Chotky, (Seminole 1547, M100.
Tiger, Cinda, 392, 2594, 3764, NB1018
Tiger, Cochar, 1144.
Tiger, Coge, 1721.
Tiger, Coketharney, 3033.
Tiger, Consana, 1948, 1600, 1947.
Tiger, Consanna, 1600, 1947, 1948.
Tiger, Conzie, 957, NB1833, NB184.
Tiger, Coody, 2163.
Tiger, Cooper, 2240, NB629.
Tiger, Cotala, 3812.
Tiger, Cotehar, 1202.
Tiger, Cotsar, 342.
Tiger, Daniel, 1202, 1224, 2868, 3231, 3832, NB763.
Tiger, Dave, 342, 1600, 1721, NB162, NB163
Tiger, David, 1224, 2240, NB187, NB488.
Tiger, Deovocha, NB220.
Tiger, Dewitt T., 1916.
Tiger, Dollie, 598.
Tiger, Dosie, 2112.

Tiger, Edna, M55.
Tiger, Edward, NB162.
Tiger, Edward, B., 3539.
Tiger, Elba, 3812.
Tiger, Eli, NB1146.
Tiger, Eliza, 201, 215, 395, 398, 2174, 2103, 2732, 3582.
Tiger, Elsie, 253.
Tiger, Emma, 2868, NB709.
Tiger, Ethan Allen H., NB66.
Tiger, Eugene M., 1916.
Tiger, Ewnah J., NB118.
Tiger, Faney, 957, NB183, NB181.
Tiger, Fannie, 1516, 1607, 1608.
Tiger, Farney, 969.
Tiger, George, 1003, 1607, 1713, 2106, 2235, 2103, 2725, 2817. NB163, NB1204.
Tiger. George W., 10, 3551, 1916, NB1107
Tiger, Geo. W., 3593.
Tiger, Goody, 3031, 3338.
Tiger, Hannah, 2629.
Tiger, Hapsey, 2319
Tiger, Heconconthla. 3991
Tiger, Helen May, 3551.
Tiger, Hettie. 23, 58, 1571, 1916, NB220
Tiger, Homat, 1559.
Tiger, Hutty, 3157.
Tiger, Ida R., 1916.
Tiger, Isaac, 633.
Tiger, Jack, 186, 395, 2107, 3033.
Tiger, Jackson, 3392.
Tiger, Jacob, 969, 1559, 2074, 2733, 3835.
Tiger, James, 1917, 1948, 2941, NB266, NB1228
Tiger, Jane, 125, 618, 2040, 2011, 2214.
Tiger, Jeanetta, 1571.
Tiger, Jeannetta, 2721.
Tiger, Jeff, 1720.
Tiger, Jefferson, NB311.
Tiger, Jennetta, 398.
Tiger, Jennie, 422, 3033, 3377.
Tiger, Jesse, 598, 1571.
Tiger, Jessley, 3832.
Tiger, Jim, 247, 336, 392, 1600, 2166, 3033, 3652, 3991.
Tiger, Jinalee, 1482, 3916, NB1121.
Tiger, Joanna, NB1228.
Tiger, Joe, 2234.
Tiger, John Mrs., 1335.
Tiger, John, 40, 336, 519, 889, 969, 999, 1163, 1173, 1181, 1608, 2166, 2233, 2240, 2246, 2304, 2594, 2764, 3722, 3764, 3835, 3916, NB1048, NB629, NB841, M282.
Tiger, John Washington, M120.
Tiger, Johnson, 818, 3916.
Tiger, Johnson, E., 5S, 3539, NB66.
Tiger, Joseley, 3157.
Tiger, Joseph, 1633, 2112.
Tiger, Josie, 1649, 2145, 2302, NB488.
Tiger, Judy, 957, 968.
Tiger, Jumbo, 2166, M292, NB390.
Tiger, Kakaney, 2166.
Tiger, Katie, 592, 593, 1607, 2112, 3029, NB148
Tiger, Keecokaney, 3034.
Tiger, Kissie, 23, 597.
Tiger, Kizzie, 2172, M184, NB1053, N13709.
Tiger, Kogee, 1720, NB947.
Tiger, Lapsy, 51184.
Tiger, Leah, 2160, 2442, 2538, 2939.
Tiger, Leaster, 246.
Tiger, Leetka, 3916.
Tiger, Leua, 20, 422, 2111, NB66, M409, M156.
Tiger, Lena B., 3539.
Tiger, Lena Benson, 20, 422, 2411, M409, 5M156.
Tiger, Leona, 1607.
Tiger, Lewis, 1713.
Tiger, Lietka, 1482, NB1121.
Tiger, Lilah, 201.
Tiger, Liley, 336.
Tiger, Lillie, 2112.
Tiger, Lilly, 2721, NB311.
Tiger, Linda, 2535.
Tiger, Lindy, 51400.
Tiger, Lissa, 3627.
Tiger, Litka, 1482, NB1121.
Tiger, Little, 3627.
Tiger, Lizzie, 1202, 2101. 3519.
Tiger, Lizzie Thomas, 598, N11792.
Tiger, Lodie, 217, 598, 2107, 3812.
Tiger, Louie, 1221.
Tiger, Louina, 2033.
Tiger, Louis, 1633, 2120, 2538, 2594, 3157.
Tiger, Louisa, 215, 311, 313, 1720, 1721, 1?22 1723, 1886, 1895, 1906, 3643 3722, 3983, M479, NB1027.
Tiger, Louise, M156.
Tiger, Lousanna, NB1027.
Tiger, Lovey, 422, 3312.
Tiger, Lucinda, 1181, 1571, 3312, NB311.
Tiger, Lucy, 3392, 392, 39S, 1003, 1947.
Tiger, Lumyer, 1 60.
Tiger, Luther, 40.
Tiger, Lydia, 311, 497.
Tiger, Lyman, 201.
Tiger, Malinda, 1202, 2981.
Tiger, Manday, 335.
Tiger, Marchie, 313.
Tiger, Marcy, 215.
Tiger, Marsey, 2368.
Tiger, Marshe, 999.
Tiger, Martha, 246, 311, 3764, NB763,
Tiger, Mary, 335, 633, 1110, 1111, 1202, 3519, NB168, M120, M121.
Tiger, Matilda, 36, 1944.
Tiger, Hattie, 1482.
Tiger, Medelia, 1221.
Tiger, Melah, NB1201.
Tiger, Melissa, 51282.
Tiger, Mesaley, 2368, 3435.
Tiger, Mickey, 1726, M417, M418.
Tiger, Mikey, 1726, M417, M418.
Tiger, Miller, 1571.
Tiger, Millie, 889, 999, M282, NB841.
Tiger, Minerva, 2535.
Tiger, Minnie, 40, 598.
Tiger, Mollie, 585, 2981, 3905, NB487, NB488.
Tiger, Mollie Crow, 585, 2381, 3905, NB487, NB488.
Tiger, Motey, 23, 58, 1916, 2163.
Tiger, Nancy, 40, 336, 1723, 2033, 2043, 2732, 3849, 3905, NB1228, NB266, NB629, NB1121.
Tiger, Nellie, 186, NB333, NB334, M284.
Tiger, Neosho, 342, NB162, NB163.
Tiger, Nettie, 1633.
Tiger, Nicey, 331, 2273, 2216, 2689, NB168, M155.
Tiger, Niloge, 215.
Tiger, Nina, NB1053.
Tiger, Noah, 1947, 3165.
Tiger, Oda, 51292.
Tiger, Oscar, 40.
Tiger, Palmer, 1224.
Tiger, Panosky, 5I184, NB709, NB1053.
Tiger, Parnosky, NI3709, NB1053, M184.
Tiger, Pasakta, 3034.
Tiger, Philip, 2107, 3593.
Tiger, Phillip, 1853, 3812, NB266.
Tiger, Pinar, 2106.
Tiger, Piper, 1511.
Tiger, Polly, 2304.
Tiger, Porter, NB792.
Tiger, Pufney, 1202.
Tiger, Rebecca W., 40.
Tiger, Rhoda, 1633, 3165.
Tiger, Robert, 2226, NB487.
Tiger, Roley, 2140, 2911, M457.
Tiger, Roman, 1202, NB1156.
Tiger, Rose, 1916, 2889, 3722, NB1146.
Tiger, Roseanna, 2106.
Tiger, Rosie, 335.

Tiger, Saheopochuny, 3308.
Tiger, Salina 1947 2721, NB629.
Tiger, Sallie, 422, 960, 1741, CE4023.
Tiger, Sally, 3231.
Tiger, Saloma, 1947.
Tiger, Sam, 311, 2174.
Tiger, Sampson, 1741.
Tiger, Samuel, 969.
Tiger, Sandy, 2106, 2319.
Tiger, Sarah, 336 629, 1224, 1633, 3S32, NB763.
Tiger, Selanie, NB104S.
Tiger, Selina, 215.
Tiger, Semima, 2868.
Tiger, Senna, 1224.
Tiger, Siller, 398.
Tiger, Silvia, 2944.
Tiger, Simpson, 422.
Tiger, Sissie, 2106, NB225.
Tiger, Sissy, 2106, NB225.
Tiger, Soconthany, 2180, M292, NB390.
Tiger, Soconthlaney, 2150, NB390, M292.
Tiger, Sophia, 2319, 3165.
Tiger, Stand Waity, 598, 3519, NB792.
Tiger, Stanwaitie, 598, 3519, NB792.
Tiger, Stella, 1608.
Tiger, Sukey, 2319.
Tiger, Sunday, 1511.
Tiger, Susan, 40, 446, 1649, NB788.
Tiger, Susan H., 1916, 3751, NB1107.
Tiger, Susannah, NB841.
Tiger, Susie, 1202.
Tiger, Tahperscoyka, 3652.
Tiger, Tamer, 2368, 3435.
Tiger, Tasharlacoconthla, 2107:
Tiger, Taylor, 2319.
Tiger, Tecumseh, 967.
Tiger, Ten, 1160.
Tiger, Thloppie, 2074.
Tiger, Thomas, 178, 201, 203, 246, 422, 1003, 2629, 2722, 2868, 3312, 3905, NB168, NB1027, NB1146, M155.
Tiger, Timmie, 889, 1947.
Tiger, Tobe, 446, 1649.
Tiger, Toche, M409.
Tiger, Tom, 2722, 3722, NB1146.
Tiger, Tommie, 2319.
Tiger, Tommy, 2174.
Tiger, Turner, 2106, 3582.
Tiger, Walter, 398.
Tiger, Wattie, 2868.
Tiger, Waxin, NB184.
Tiger, Wesley, 593, 592, 2732, 3029.
Tiger, Wicey, 1202, 1144.
Tiger, Wiley, 592, 593.
Tiger, Wiliam, 311, 313, 2033, 3435.
Tiger, William Henry, M457.
Tiger, Willie, 157, 201, 253, 342, 1003, 2166, 2227, 2226, 2403.
Tiger, Wilson, 395, 1809, 1957, 2732, 3582.
Tiger, Winey, 1559, 969, 1202.
Tiger, Wisey, 969, 1144.
Tiger, Zoye, M457.
Tigochie, 2093.
Tihad ahkey, 2183.
Tikee, 3068, 3270.
Tinkoche, 1996, 1097.
Tikticihti, 154.
Tilda, 1519, 1543, 2394.
Tiller, John, 2092.
Tiller, Loodie, 2092.
Tiller, Noah, 2151.
Tilley, Annie, 1273, M301
Tilley, Eannah, 1273, NB1121, NB112
Tilley, Frank, NB1124.
Tilley, James, NB1124, NB1125, M301
Tilley, John Willis, M301.
Tilley, Laura May, NB1125.
Tilly, Anna, 1606.
Tilly, Christie, 1606.
Tilly, Ina. 1606.
Tilly, J. S., 1606.
Tilly, Myrtle, 1606.
Tilly, Nannie E., 1606.
Tilsey, 10112.
Tilsie, 1342.
Timahtoe, 3177, 3179.
Timarlarchy, 1641
Timashoey, 3177, 3175, 3357.
Timehehe, 995.
Timmunchee, Mollie, 115, 575.
Timmunichee, 575.
Timmunichee, Mollie, 575, 115.
Timmunichee, Mary” 575.
Timmunichee, Taylor, 575.
Timobusche, 1595.
Timochocte, 3015.
Timothy, 2575, 2553, 2551, 3368.
Timothy, Eliza, 3368, 3715, NB1281.
Timothy, Ella, 2584, NB1281.
Timothy, John, 2554, NB1281.
Timothy, Lucy, 3365.
Timothy, Mollie, 2554.
Timothy, Noah, 3365, 3718.
Timothy, Sandy, 3365.
Timothy, Taylor, 2553.
Timothy, Turner, 2554.
Timothy, Warsey, 2551.
Timothy, Wesley, 3718.
Timshonney, 1012.
Tina, 1453, 2149, 2511, 2860, 2576.
Tina, David, 1153.
Tina, Jennetta, 1453.
Tiner, Dave, 1950.
Tiner, John, 523.
Tiner, Katie, 523, 529.
Tiner, Katy, 1359, 1950.
Tiner, Martha, 1950.
Tiner, Tecumseh, 523, 529.
Tinfolagee, 1357.
Tiplow, Lizzie, 1511.
Tiplow, John, 1511.
Tiplow, Saw, 1511.
Tiplow, Susan, 1511.
Tissie, 4026.
Titanecha, 1774, 1775.
Tnahoha, 3069.
Toltec, 1374.
Tube, 1127.
Tobler, Adeline, 2996.
Tobler, Alvan, 2996.
Tobler, Benjamin, M202.
Tobler, Fred, Cr Fr , 390, NB1017.
Tobler, Jack, 2996.
Tobler, Maria, 2996, NB672, M36
Tobler, Mary, 1151, NB1017.
Tobler, Paulina, 2996.
Folder, Pleasant, NB1017.
Tobler, Sandy, Cr. Fr., 359, M202
Tobosky, 1468.
Toche, 2815
Tocokoney, 2982.
Todd, Arthur Lee, NB545.
Todd, Bertha, NB544.
Todd, James, NB544, NB545.
Todd, Jesse J., 1612.
Todd, J. W., 1612.
Todd, Katie, 1612, NB544, NB545.
Todd, Katy, 1612, NB544, NB545.
Todd, Lela E., 1612.
Toffeka, 42.
Toge, 2831.
Togee, 3280.
Tohkullikee, 2031.
Tokhahke, 2694.
Tokkieheste, 1709.

Tokogee, 2967.
Tokothee, 2821.
Toladey, 895.
Tolaide, 245.
Tolleson, Alfred Washington, 5115.
Tolleson, George Ella, 814, M15.
Tolleson, William A., M15.
Tom, 1216.
Tom, Euchre, 2084, 4013.
Tom, Louanna, 4013.
Tom, Lucy, 4013.
Tomechichee, 1541.
Tommie, Hulpata, 2164.
Tommoche, 3864.
Tommy, 818, 1090.
Tomosey, 1328.
Tomsey, 2921.
Toney, 1565, 2043.
Toney, Barney, 1404.
Toney, Foley, NB1129.
Toney, Jim, 2158, 2940.
Toney, Jimmy, 2158, 2940.
Toney, Lijah, 2940, NB1129.
Toney, Lizzie, 2087.
Toney, Lodger, 2940, NB1220.
Toney, Lucy, 1900.
Toney, Alden, 2540, NB1220.
Toney, Rogers, 2940, NB1220.
Toney, Wiley, NB1220.
Tonoke, 2111.
Tony, 1489.
Tootchee, 2947.
Toothoye, 3173.
Topartheche, 1064.
Tophosie, 2455.
Toskey, 1789, 1790, 2357.
Toskey, Annie, 1780, 1790.
Toskey, Cinda, 1789.
Toskey, Eli, 1790.
Toskey, Lucy, 1789.
Toskey, Ned, 1789.
Toskey, Susana, 1789.
Totee, 2032.
Tothohyee, 1816.
Totothlike, 900.
Totulkah, 1559.
Tovey, Annie M., 2035.
Town, Emma, 889.
Town, James, 889.
Town, James Jr., 889.
Town, Sallie, 889.
Toyeh, 2151.
Toyoposka, 1951.
Trent, Bennie, 3858.
Trent, Chaney, 3858, NB165, M211
Trent, Fannie C., 385S.
Trent, Frank, 3858.
Trent, Jesse, NB165.
Trent, Jim, 3858, NB165, M211.
Trent, Lee Drew, 3858.
Trent, Mary, 3858.
Trent, Ned Richard, M211.
Trent, Susie, 3858.
Trent, Will, 38.58.
Trusler, Frank, 3735, NB258.
Trusler, Fred, NB258.
Trusler, Lucile Frances, 3735.
Trusler, Phoebe B., 3735, NB258.
Tuckabache, 2870.
Tuckahatchee, 1999, 2346, 3077.
Tuckabatchee, Davis, 1999.
Tuckabatchee, Ned, 2316.
Tucker, Hettie, 845.
Tuckharkee, 2648.
Tuffer, 2818, M420.
Tuffer, Hettie, M420.
Tuffer, Lizzie, 2818.
Tuffer, Mary, 2818.
Tuffer, Sene, 2818, M420.
Tukwelala, 198.
Tulla, 2611.
Tullahasse, 2436.
Tullahasse, Millie, 2436.
Tullamassic, 2655, 2656, 2657.
Tulladega, Mary, 3772.
Tullega, 2740.
Tulmarsey, 2127, 2254, 3331.
Tulmarsey, Bettie, 2127.
Tulmarsey, Tom, 122.
Tulmuchesse, 109S, 2468.
Tulmuchesse, Martha, 1098, 2468.
Tulmochusse, 1098, 2468.
Tulmochusse, Martha, 109S, 2468.
Tulsa, Emma, 444.
Tulsa, Joe, 444, 3002.
Tulsa, Mary, 444.
Tulsa, Willie, 3112.
Tulsa, Wm., 3112.
Tulwomicco, 3018.
Tumasochee, 3788.
Tumfumahke, 1809.
Tumker, CE4049.
Tumker, Annie, CE4049.
Tunupsee, 665.
Tuparliche, 2273.
Turk, Benjamin, 3311.
Turk, Frank, 118, 414, 3311, 3650.
Turk, George, 11S.
Turk, Jerry, 3650.
Turk, Lucinda, 414.
Turk, Peggie, 414, 3650.
Turk, Nepsey, 118.
Turkey, Colbert, 1987.
Turkey, Frank, 1987.
Turnbow, Aaron, NB159, NB160.
Turnbow, Charlie, NB160.
Turnbow, James Henry, NB159.
Turnbow, Katie, 27, NB159, NB160.
Turner, Annie, 53. .
Turner, Clarence W. Jr., 315.
Turner, C. W., 315.
Turner, Fannie N, 53.
Turner, George P 51., 53.
Turner, Hammer, 53.
Turner, Hamner G. Jr., .53.
Turner, Hattie, 53.
Turner, Marguerite Estella, 53.
Turner, Marion, 315.
Turner, Tookah B., 315.
Turner, Tookah K., 315.
Turnham, Curley, 552, NB822.
Turnham, Joe, 552, NB822.
Turnbull, Lillie Slay, NB822
Turnham, Violet, 552.
Turnham, William R., 552.
Turvin, Geo. W., 869,
Turvin, Mary B., 869, 948.
Tuscona, 1588.
Tusekiga, 1747.
Tusekiyerhutke, 2320.
Tushoge, 2S4.
Tuskogeeneha, 2334.
Tuskona, 2605, 3185.
Tustannugee, Yaddike, 376.
Tustanukoche, 417.
Tustarnuggee, Hotulkey, 1573.
Tustenugee, 2636.
Tustenuggy, Cotsar, 2112.
Tustenuggy, Takoser, 3163.
Tustoguthkee, 1272.
Tustonarggie, 422.
Tustunnocoche, 3202.
Tustunnuggee, Linda, 2477.
Tustunnuggee, Tarcosa, 2477.
Tustunukoehe, 2857.
Tutchepe, 2111.
Tutcheto, 707.
Tuthoye, 2395.
Tuttle, Betsey, 1087, 1391, 1603.
Tuttle, Chester, 1087, 1391.
Tuttle, Frank, 701.
Tuttle, Lilly Slay, 701.
Tuttle, Lura Lee, 701.
Tuttle, Mary Ann, 701, 3175.
Tyhesttee, 1597.
Tyhoka, 2515, 2516.
Tyhoke, 2315, 2516.
Tyler, 2650.
Tyler, Billie, 2234.
Tyler, Cinda, 2645.
Tyler, Joe, 2234.
Tyler, John, 393, 2645, 2744.
Tyler, Kate, 2650.
Tyler, Lucy, 2645, NB328, M337.
Tyner, Dave, 1610.
Tyner, Katy, 1610.


Campbell, John B. Campbell’s Abstract of Creek Indian Census Cards. 1915.

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