Campbell’s Abstract – S Surnames

Last Updated on June 9, 2014 by Dennis

The publication of the Tribal Rolls, in 1907, gave the roll number, name of the allottee, age, sex and blood, and operated to a large extent to inform the public, but this information was not sufficient, in fact, it aided only those who, by reason of their familiarity with the workings and records of the Indian Offices, knew how to secure additional information. John Campbell set out to help researchers determine the family relationships between the allottee’s by providing an abstract index of all names from the records. This index has proven invaluable over time by providing a quick method to research family relationships within the tribal rolls.

S Surnames

Sabieche, 231.
Saboke, 351.
Sachpa, 2295.
Sachpa, Katie, 2295.
Sacohokey, 2679.
Sadeloke, 385, 2070.
Sadie, 879, 1833.
Safixchumba, 1161.
Sagetha, 1515, 1519.
Sagodaney, 2755.
Sahahgee, 1511).
Sahalhoga, 2795.
Saheahjabthla. 2786.
Sahconcahney, 1155, 2626, 3124.
Sahconcahny, 1155, 2626, 3124.
Saheontany, 2162.
Sahconthlanny, 1155.
Sahecher, 2219.
Sahepahke, 423, 2624, 2625.
Sahkonokke, 210.
Sahlahoga, 2795, 2825, 2829.
Sahni Creek, 2856.
Sahobiye, 905.
Sahpahieche, 449.
Sahtah, 2107.
Sahtaquanney, 3244.
Sahtehikee, 1967.
Sahwahoke, 2797.
Sahyekehe, 2208.
Saidahkahhe, 1061.
Sakaahtheny, 2166.
Sakanaka, 3276.
Sakhalegee, 2755.
Sakkasenny, 2265.
Sakkoyege, 251S
Sakomah, 132.
Sakquenay, 610.
Saktolumba, 2327.
Sakuntanay, 557.
Sakyothlike, 2703.
Salarhogee, 2553.
Salb, Annie, 2506, NB1147.
Salconcahney, 2705.
Salihohkee, 1753.
Salina, 311, 1560, 2322, 2935.
Salker, 2147.
Salle, 559.
Sallie, 259, 310, 1501, 1527. 1616, 1669, 1866, 2351, 2151, 2501, 2711, 2856, 3427 3199, M209.
Salmer, 31107.
Salothoga, 1559.
Sally, 1344. 1129, 1545, 3199, 3231, 3391
Salt, Edward, NB1147.
Salt, Melieha, 2801, NB1117,
Saltsman, Eugene F., NB16.
Saltsman, Gordon P., NB16.
Saltsman, Mary E., 2030. NB16,
Salumba, Dave, 3070.
Salumba, Louisa, 2725.
Salumba, Lucy, 3070.
Salumba, Martha, 2722.
Salumba, Peggie, 3070, 3878.
Sam, Big, 751.
Sam, Kizzie, 2565.
Sam Long, 441.
Sammie, Hopiye, 3102.
Sammoche, 1345, 1792, 2565, 2679.
Sammy, 2710, 3785.
Sammy, Jim, 1514.
Sammy, Lizzie, 1514.
Sammy, Lucinda, 1514.
Samoche, 1345, 1792, 2565, 2679.
Samochee, 1345, 1792, 2565, 2679.
Samogee, 2876.
Sampson, 659, 668, 672, 1315, 2336.
Sampson, Bonnie A., 727.
Sampson, Burleigh R., 3655.
Sampson, Cindy, 3151, NB868.
Sampson, Dan, 511.
Sampson, David J., 3251.
Sampson, Elsie, 1318.
Sampson, George, 727, 3655, M27.
Sampson, George P., 727, 3655, 1127.
Sampson, G. P., 727, 3655, 3127.
Sampson, James, 3281.
Sampson, Jessie D., 1127.
Sampson, Jim, 1426.
Sampson, John, 659, 1744.
Sampson, Johnson, 1318.
Sampson, Joseph, 727.
Sampson, Lee, 727.
Sampson, Lucinda, 3281.
Sampson, Lucy, 659, 668.
Sampson, Martha, 409.
Sampson, Mary, 727, 3655, 127.
Sampson, Ohelia, 727.
Sampson, Pat, 727.
Sampson, Rhoda, 659, M277.
Sampson, Thomas, 409.
Sampson, Vina, 3222.
Sampson, Vinnie, 409.
Sampson, Walter, 659.
Sampson, Wash, 409, NB868.
Sampson, Washington, 409, NB868.
Sampson, Wiley, NB868.
Samsoche, 1554, 1744.
Samsochee, 1554, 1744.
Samuel, Abraham Pin, 977.
Samuel, Ben, 977, 1670, 3031.
Samuel, Jennie, 1878, 3031.
Samuel, Lizzie, 3341.
Samuel, Lubby, 3341.
Samuel, Montie, 3341.
Sana, 3016.
Sand, Dinah, 1767.
Sand, Hully, 1530.
Sand, Isaac, 1530.
Sand, Lotto Harjo, 1767.
Sand, Solomon, 1592, 1710.
Sand, Wiscy, 1591.
Sanders, Edna, 729.
Sanders, Elizabeth, 729.
Sanders, John W., 720.
Sanders, Maud, 729.
Sanders, Millard, 729.
Sanders, Sarah E., 729.
Sands, Albert, 3775.
Sands, Amous, 1840.
Sands, Annie, 1848, 3775.
Sands, Carlano, 1848.
Sands, Daniel, 1839, 1840.
Sands, Ella, 1848.
Sands, Emma, 1846.
Sands, John, 1546.
Sands, Lena, 3950.
Sands, Louisa, 1846.
Sands, Martha, 1774, 3950, NB580.
Sands, Moley, 1846.
Sands, Miley, 1839, 1840.
Sands, Nettie, NB580.
Sands, Old, 1840.
Sands, Phillip, 1774, 3950, NB580.
Sands, Phillip H., 1774, 3950. NB580.
Sands, Roberts, 1840.
Sands, Roley, 1839.
Sands, Stella, 1774.
Sands, Taylor, 1848, 3775.
Sandy, 1592.
Sandy, Jacob, 1591, NB316.
Sandy, Lida, 1591.
Sandy, Malinda 1591.
Sandy, Sophia, 1591, NB316.
Sandy, Stella, NB316.

Sangana, 2729.
Sanger, Amanda, 794, 1047, 2271.
Sanger, Claude, 3682.
Sanger, Clemmie H., 784.
Sanger, Ed E., 1047 2271.
Sanger, E. E., 1047, 2271.
Sanger, Fannie E., 2271, NB679.
Sanger, F. M., 2037.
Sanger, George H., 1628.
Sanger, George N., 784.
Sanger, George P., 7S4.
Sanger, Gertrude L., 1131, NB635.
Sanger, Hannah, 1517, 2037.
Sanger, Jannitta, NB855.
Sanger, Joseph C., 2271, NB635.
Sanger, Lena, 1517, 1628.
Sanger, Mabel M., 1628.
Sanger, Paul ne M., 99.
Sanger, (Alies Tiger) Stella, 1608.
Sanger, Stephen, 1037, 3682, NB855, M99.
Sanger, Viola, 3682, NB855, M99.
Sanger, Wah nab ka, NB635.
Sanger, Walter G., 2271.
Sanger, Ward W., 1628.
Sango, Bertha, 1092.
Sango, Delila, NB1090.
Sango, Edward, 1092.
Sango, Millie, 1092, 1170, 1192.
Sango, Morris, 1092, 2749.
Sango, Thomas, 2749.
Sankothla, 582.
Sanlanhohkey, 1625.
Sannah, 3313.
Sannorka, 2716, 3561.
Sannorka, Malinda, 3561.
Sanogay, 1111.
Sansoche, 409.
Sapaxta, 2529.
Sapinkahully, 3168.
Sapiye, 344.
Sapulpa, 1016, 1457, 2088.
Sapulpa, Eliza, 2088.
Sapulpa, Elizabeth, 522.
Sapulpa, Esther, 186.
Sapulpa, George A., 1010.
Sapulpa, Harrison, 1016.
Sapulpa, James, 2088.
Sapulpa, John, 186.
Sapulpa, Liza, 1457.
Sapulpa, Lizzie B., 2088.
Sapulpa, Phoebe, 1016.
Sapulpa, Phoeba, 2295.
Sapulpa, Rosa, 2088.
Sapulpa, Totha, 2088.
Sapulpa, William A., 1016.
Sarah, 899, 1547, 1553, 2166, 2361, 2715.
Sarah Ann, 185.
Sarchekilley, 144.
Sarehoke, 1420.
Sareoguhoka, 3160.
Sardy, 78, 2112.
Sardy, Amy, 7S.
Sarfixsomgall, 1329.
Sarheeja, 3077.
Sarhilla, 1536, NB876, NB877.
Sarhosekar, 1253, 1070.
Sarhoseker, 1253, 1979.
Sarhowithle, 1011.
Sarhoyagee, 2860.
Sarhoyethkee, 1577, 1586.
Sarkache, Feney, 1878.
Sarkahche, 1878.
Sarkahche, Tuchie, 2531.
Sarkahehie, 2531.
Sarkecher, 3203.
Sarktershoke, 94, 97. ,
Sarktushogey, 328.
Sarlarhahky, 1506, 1507, 1509, 2139.
Sarlarhakky, 1506, 1707, 1509, 2139.
Sarls, Jennie, 1407, 1108, 1409, 1110, 1423, 1425
Sarna, 1747.
Sarner, 1492.
Sarney, 2456.
Sarney, Martha, 2456.
Sarnie, 2248, 3270, M209.
Sarnie, Annie, 3270.
Sarnie, Joe, M209.
Sarnie, Katie, 3270.
Sarnipka, 3042.
Sarnokitchee, 1169.
Sarnoschoye, 1324.
Sarpefortke, 2207.
Sarsar, 1161.
Sarshoye, 2029.
Sarsoko, 2303.
Sartaloyah, 1558.
Sarte, 2530.
Sarte, Suma, 2530.
Sarterpeye, 2471.
Sartharnohkee, 217.
Sarthlepoche, 3321.
Sarthoyachee, 2849.
Sartie, 3970.
Sartolumka, 2216.
Sartoris, Martha, 261.
Sartupe, 163.
Sarty, 249, 250, 253, 1017.
Sarty, Abbie, 78.
Sarty, Austin, 253.
Sarty, Dena, 249, 250, 253, 1017
Sarty, Eliza, 208, NB79, M96.
Sarty, Elsie, 157, 240, 253.
Sarty, Goga, 1734.
Sarty, Googan, 78, 121.
Sarty, Hattie, 253, NB216.
Sarty, Hepsey, 123, 2717, NB111.
Sarty, Herbert , 219.
Sarty, Jasper, 250, M429.
Sarty, Jenette, 78.
Sarty, Joe, M96.
Sarty, Lena, M429.
Sarty, Lizzie, 250.
Sarty, Mannie, NB79.
Sarty, Manuel, NB111.
Sarty, Ned, 121, NB79 1’1
Sarty, Pokar, 78.
Sarty, Retta, 178. M129.
Sarty, Rollie, 1017. NB111.
Sarty, Roman, 253.
Sarty, Sarah, 253.
Sarty, Susan, 75, 121, 1731.
Sarty, Thomas, 253.
Sarty, Wesley, 253.
Sarwalagee, 2577.
Sarwaliche, 2759.
Sarwannechee, 1678.
Sarwanoke, 3073.
Sarwanoke, Bessie, M318.
Sarwanoke Fannie, 3073.
Sarwanoke, Mary, 3073, NB1171, NB178.
Sarwanoke, Mitchell, 3073, NB1272, M317 M348.
Sarwanoke, Nancy, 3073, NB272, M347, M348.
Sarwanoke, Turner, M317.
Sarwanoke, Fannie, NB1272.
Sarwanokee, Mitchell, 3073, NB1272, M317. M318.
Sarwanokee, Nancy, 3073, NB1272, M317 M318
Sarwarhie, 1119, 1381.
Sarwarhie, Isparhecher, 1119.
Sarwarhie, Willie, 1381

Sarwarnechee, 3638.
Sarwokhohkee, 2133.
Sarwoliche, 3380.
Saryeehe, 2664.
Saryee, 1969.
Saryes, 1593.
Saryokiehe, 3110.
Saryokinchee, 3371.
Sathanaka, 910.
Sathlahoye, 385.
Satie, 1468, 1401.
Satoutcha, 3177.
Satowey, 235.
Satumhoker, 1177.
Sawaahola, 282.
Sawake, 2821.
Sawarehche, 11150.
Sawyer, Alice, 10714
Sawyer, Almon, NB1223.
Sawyer, Amanda, 1530,
Sawyer, Andrew, 1530.
Sawyer, Allen, 1511.
Sawyer, Eliza, 1176, NB1223, NB1221
Sawyer, F. M., 1517.
Sawyer, Hannah, 1530.
Sawyer, Linda, 1511.
Sawyer, Minda, 15341.
Sawyer, Minnie, 2930.
Sawyer, Mose, 1569.
Sawyer, Moses, 1511.
Sawyer, Moses. A., 1530
Sawyer, Polly. 1530.
Sawyer, Samuel. NB1221.
Sawyer, Solomon, 1569
Sawyer, Sukey, 1569.
Sawyer, Torn, 2930.
Sawyer, Wesley, 1511, NB1223, NB1224.
Sawyer, Yokum, 1530.
Saysaueh, 2786.
Schrimsher, Addie, 505.
Schrimsher, Edward L., 505.
Schrimsher, George, 2589.
Schrimsher, Gertrude, 505.
Schrimsher, J. N., 505.
Schrimsher, Rebecca, 505.
Scipio, 1647, 2592.
Scott, 1253, 1254.
Scott, Adam, M340.
Scott, Agnes, 2993.
Scott, Albert, 1348, 1965, 3429.
Scott, Alec, 1886, 2873, 3292.
Scott, Alex, 969, 2623.
Scott, Alick, 1203.
Scott, Andy, 1232, 3446.
Scott, Amie, 354, 1513, 2073, 2953, 2959, 3097, 3429.
Scott, Amos, 343.
Scott, Ben, 1526, 2542.
Scott, Bennie, 549, 1037.
Scott, Bessie, 1965, NB1135.
Scott, Betsey, 2093.
Scott, Betsy, 2093.
Scott, Bettie, 1965, 3429.
Scott, Betty, 45.
Scott, Billie, 2073, 2090, 3006, NB974.
Scott, Billy, 384.
Scott, Bosie, 354.
Scott, Boya, 2450.
Scott, Buck, 355.
Scott, Bunny, 386.
Scott, Charles, 1182.
Scott, Cheparney, 2986.
Scott, Christie Annie, NB222.
Scott, Cinnie, 3006.
Scott, Cora, 761.
Scott, Daisy, 3292.
Scott, Daniel, 549, 2093.
Scott, Daniel N., 624.
Scott, Dora, 3292.
Scott, Edward, 2986, 4002.
Scott, Elijah, 2775.
Scott, Ella, 132, 2320.
Scott, Ellis, 443.
Scott, Emina, 624, 1516, 2542, 2574.
Scott, Ether, 1965.
Scott, Frank, 30.53.
Scott, Frazier, 1446.
Scott, Fred T., 761.
Scott, Fuller, 351.
Scott, Gertrude, 621.
Scott, George, 1933, 2066, 2450, 2623, 2953, M340.
Scott, George W., 761, 3292.
Scott, George Washington, 761, 3292.
Scott, Haney, 1015, 1461, 2102, 2808, 2948, CE4048.
Scott, Hannah, 1164, 1165, 1211.
Scott, Harper, 1886.
Scott, Hattie, 3053.
Scott, Henry, 1192.
Scott, Hepsey, 519, NB622.
Scott, Hogie, 3159.
Scott, Hultcher, 1146.
Scott, Hunter, 1297, NB1108.
Scott, Ida, 3446.
Scott, Jackson, 2320.
Scott. James, 69, 354, 382, 625, 1217, 1515, 1515, 3159, NB360, NB974.
Scott, James G., 761.
Scott, James M., 662.
Scott, James N., 355, 761.
Scott, Jane, 1446.
Scott, Jennie, 2066, 2450.
Scott, Jim, 53, 277.
Scott, Jim Ben, 625.
Scott, John, 44, 549, NB223.
Scott, Josephine, 354.
Scott, Judy, 2320.
Scott, Julia, 1182.
Scott, Katie, 2986, NB858.
Scott, Kiamish, 624.
Scott, Kiamisha, 624, 1386.
Scott, Kiamitia, 624, 1386.
Scott, Kissie, 2073.
Scott, Kizzie, 42, 2542, 2775.
Scott, Kochetly, 1308.
Scott, Lambert, 1438, 1446, 1447, 1448, 1481.
Scott, Lelia, M373.
Scott, Lewis, 1886.
Scott, Lillian, NB360.
Scott, Lillie, 2145.
Scott, Litka, 881, 1404, 1455, 1516, 1607.
Scott, Liza, 3006.
Scott, Lizzie, 2948, 2986, 51372.
Scott, Lola, 51324.
Scott, Lona, 2320.
Scott, Losanna, 2073.
Scott, Lou, 53, 56, 354, 625, 1232.
Scott, Lou M., 53, 56, 354, 625, 1232.
Scott, Lou W., 53, 56, 354, 625, 1232.
Scott, Louis, 1253.
Scott, Louisa, 1310, 1958, 2946, 2995, 3836.
Scott, Louiska, 1516.
Scott, Lucinda, 1481, ISS6, NB1135.
Scott, Lucy, 277, 351, 3S2, 1446, 1481, NB360.
Scott, Lumber, NB1206.
Scott, Mahoye, 2066. 51324.
Scott, Malesky, 492, NB974.
Scott, Mannie, 393, M340.
Scott, Marcy, 1886.
Scott, Margee, 1886.
Scott, Martha, 44, 354, 662, 761, 1446, 3053.
Scott, Mary, 842, 2093, 2875, CE4048.
Scott, Matilda, 2574.
Scott, Melar, 1992, 2426.
Scott, Mesale, 2450.
Scott, Miller, 432.
Scott, Milley, 443.
Scott, Mina, 1438, NB1031.
Scott, Minnie, 2574.
Scott, Mollie, 1464.
Scott, Mulley, 42, 45.
Scott, Nancy, 549, 1217, 1515, NB222, NB223, NB622.
Scott, Narchie, 2253.
Scott, Nazy, 1886.
Scott, Nicey, 95, 384, 1253.
Scott, Noble, 2320.
Scott, Nochumba, 1165, 1186.
Scott, Nora, 1232, 3416, M272.

Scott, Pearlie, 1446.
Scott, Peer, 1254.
Scott, Peggy, 969.
Scott, Perry, 969, 2093
Scott, Peter, 842, 1965, 2875.
Scott, Philip, 381.
Scott, Pigeon, 1037, 1164, 1165, 1100, 1213.
Scott, Pin, 881.
Scott, Pollie, NB1206, NB1207.
Scott, Polly, 384, 549, 1965, 2320.
Scott, Robert, 2993.
Scott, Roman, 1515.
Scott, Rosanna, 2093, M372, M373.
Scott, Roy Edward, 624.
Scott, Rufus, NB1207.
Scott, Sallie, 1585, 2320, 2542.
Scott, Sally, 1.585, 2320, 2542.
Scott, Sam, .540, 1217, 12S9, 1965, NB222, NB223, NB622.
Scott, Sammie, 3053.
Scott, Sampsey, 2145.
Scott, Sampson, 1254, 1467, 1832, 1883.
Scott, Samuel, 549, 1217, 12S9, 1965, NB222, NB223, NB622.
Scott, Sanford, 381.
Scott, Sarah, 1832.
Scott, Setepakee, 4002.
Scott, Silas, 1515.
Scott, Skull, 2253.
Scott, Sookie, 42.
Scott, Sowite, 2073, 2090.
Scott, Sowitee, 2073, 2090.
Scott, Spire, 355.
Scott, Sukey, 1585, 2093, NB221.
Scott, Sunday, 2253.
Scott, Tena, 2986. 4002.
Scott, Thomas, 42, 45, 343, 432, 443, 1310, 1386
Scott, Thomas H., 624.
Scott, Tilda, 1213.
Scott, Tochee, 969.
Scott, Tulmarcy, 1253, 1254.
Scott, Tulmars, 1297, 1308.
Scott, Tullemarsee, 1203, 1211, 1217.
Scott, Tullemarsey, 1203, 1211, 1217.
Scott, Turner, 1481, 1585, 2574, 3399, NB1135, NB1206, NB1207.
Scott, Vollie, 354.
Scott, Wallace, 354.
Scott, Wannie, 1739.
Scott, Wicey, 1217, 143S, 1447, 1448.
Scott, Wiley, 883, 1182, 2093, 2875, M372, M373
Scott, William, 2066, 51324.
Scott, Willie, 45, 354.
Scott, Winchley, 1467.
Scott, Willey, 1886, 3159.
Scott, Wiser, 1037, 1481, 2542.
Screechowl, Annie, CE4049.
Screechowl, Concharty Micco, CE4049.
Screechowl, Thompson, CE4049.
Seaborn, 1414.
Seaborn, Ellen, 1414.
Seaborn, Joe, 1414.
Seaborn, Stella, 1414.
Seadah, 2799.
Seagro, Annie, 221.
Seagro, Chepahnoche, 221.
Seagro, Susan, 221.
Seagro, Tom, 221.
Seandache, 636.
Sealie, 1357.
Seber, 1230.
Seber, Jimmie, NB1217.
Seber, Lizzie, 3358, NB1217.
Seber, Sampson, 1230, NB1217
Sebor, 1279.
Seerow Bettie. 1653.
Seerow, Sarah, 1653.
Seerow, Tom. 1653.
Seethlogee, 1615.
Sedeah. 1561.
Sefarye, Short, 937, NB783.
Segethlar, 1518, 1519.
Segro, Tom, 2118.
Sehethika, 1516.
Sehoatka, 1971.
Sehomatigee, 222.
Seja, Ollie. 216.5.
Sekanay, 109.
Sekiega, 1071.
Sekinna, Louiney, 1779.
Selane, 3048.
Selay, 1705.
Selegee, 2308.
Self, Baxter, 3757.
Self, Benj., 712.
Self, Bertha Slay, 932.
Self, Bettie, 1865, 3322.
Self, Blanche C., 931, 1388.
Self, Callie M., 1811, M77.
Self, Clarinda S., 457
Self, Cirdeda, 934, NB710.
Self, Cordelia A., 931, NB710.
Self, Delila, NB577, NB575.
Self, Delilah, 1104.
Self, Della, 570, NB606, 607.
Self, Dollie, 3703, 935, NB441, NB442.
Self, Dolly, 935, 3703, NB441, NB442.
Self, Duffle Le Roy, 3688
Self, E. A., 931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 158 782, 1811.
Self, Edward, N., NB442.
Self, Eli A., 458, 782, 1811, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935.
Self, Elizabeth, 686, 3376, 3870.
Self, Elsie Ray, 3703.
Self, Ethel Lee, 932.
Self, Golly Ray, NB578.
Self, Grover, 1811.
Self, Henry A., 92.
Self, Homer J., 1811.
Self, Ira B., 3546.
Self, Ivory Bell, NB439.
Self, Jackson C., NB782.
Self, James A., 932, 3516, NB139, NB440.
Self, James B., 570, 1093, 1091.
Self, James H., 570.
Self, James R., 3322.
Self, John B., 686, 1865, 3322, 3376, 3757, 3870.
Self, John B. Jr., 3376.
Self, John C., 1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1052.
Self, John Clark, 1052, 1101, 1106, 1107, 1108.
Self, John H., 935, 3703, NB111, NB112
Self, John R., 1052, NB782.
Self, Katie, 1511
Self, Lelah, 570.
Self, Lou Katey, 1105.
Self, Louvina L., 932.
Self, Lula T., 931, NB932, NB933.
Self, Maggie Ophelia, NB577
Self, Martha, 570, 1093, 1094.
Self. Martha A., 931, 932, 933, 934, 935
Self, Mary, 355, 614, 3370.
Self, Mary E., 365, 368, 369.
Self. Mary J., 1811.
Self, Mattie, 932, 1108, 3346, NB439, NB440.
Self, Mid T., 368.
Self, Millie, 570.
Self, Minerva, 458, 782, 1811.
Self, Mollie, 932.
Self, Nellie E., N13440.
Self, Plezzie Lee, 935.
Self, Roxy Anna, 1811.
Self, Ruben, 570.
Self, Safrona, 570.
Self, Sam, 570.
Self, Samuel, 437, 570.
Self, Samuel C., 1106.
Self, Sarah E., 1052, NB782.
Self, S. M., 3952.
Self, Sofronia, 1052, 1104, 1109, 1107, 1105.
Self, Sophronia, 1032, 1104, 1100, 1107, 1108.
Self, Susan, 3757.

Self, Thomas J., 1811.
Self, Vessie E., 1104.
Self, W. B., 355, 365, 368, 369, 614, 3370.
Self, William Buck, 742.
Self, William J., 1101, 1105, NB577, NB578.
Self, William K., NB441.
Self, William L., 1104.
Selibbee, 2784.
Selind, 2451, 2642, 2893.
Sell, William, 897.
Seloska, 3404.
Selumber, 2511.
Selumber, Robert, 2511.
Selumber, Winey, 2511.
Selvidge, Clarence, NB788.
Selvidge, Susie, 40, NB788.
Selvidge, R. B., NB788.
Selvina, 3335.
Semahee, 3410.
Semahoyka, 3042.
Semardaryee, 3319.
Semarhoge, 2344.
Semarta, 1072.
Semartoge, Forsut, 2322.
Semeherke, 520.
Semelacher, 1024.
Semetee, 2007.
Semeto, 1942.
Semeyardee, 967, 2869.
Semeyardee, Lucy, 2869.
Semiah, 3197.
Semihoye, 2947. 295(1.
Semikee, 385.
Semima, 2868.
Semistone, 1489.
Semoga, 2835.
Semohoke, 1969.
Semowickke, 1489.
Semulge, Sallie, 2892.
Sena, 2833, 2978.
Senaha, 3205.
Seneche, 4021.
Senie, 2453.
Senila, 118,
Senutbey, 700.
Seofanny, 1184.
Seohtanney, 51.
Seper, 2991.
Seper, Joseph, 2991.
Seper, Narchey, 1232
Sequannie, 3901.
Setehmee, 3346.
Sever, 1485.
Sever, George, 295.
Sever, Kizzie, 2955.
Severs, Annie A., 350, 332, 827.
Severs, Annie E., 352.
Severs, Chas. J., 352.
Severs, Frederick B., 350, 352, 827.
Severs, Shawnee, 1485.
Severs, Vasina T., 352.
Severs, William, 1485.
Sevier, Aggie, 1027.
Sevier, Amanda, 2193. NB1080, NB1081
Sevier, Emma, 133.
Sevier, Fannie, 133.
Sevier, Jim, 1027.
Sevier, Joseph, 133.
Sevier, Kizzie, 133, 458.
Sevier, Lena, 133, NB824, NB1081, M197.
Sevier, Lewis, 133, NB1080, NB1081
Sevier, Louis, 1779.
Sevier, Martha, 1027, 2064.
Sevier, Mary, 1389, M129.
Sevier, Tom, NB1080.
Sevier, Vicey, 133.
Sevier, William, 133, 1389, 1779.
Sevier, Willie, 1389, 133, 1779.
Sewel, Ben, 1180, NB930, NB931, M157.
Sewel, Ellen, NB930.
Sewel, Elliott, NB93l.
Sewel, Emma, 1909, NB930, NB931.
Sewel, Laslie, 1180.
Sewel, Lena, 1705, M331.
Sewel, Liza, 1180.
Sewel, Honey, 1180.
Sewel, Louisa, 51331.
Sewel, Noah, 11.80.
Sewel, Parney, 1180.
Sewel, Sinda, 1180.
Sewel, Thomas, 1180, M331.
Sewel, Waddle, 1180.
Sewel, Willie, M157.
Sewell, Amanda, 1453.
Sewell, Anderson, 2410.
Sewell, Angeline, 2410.
Sewell, Anna, 1153.
Sewell, Ben, 1180, 1453, 2410, 3978.
Sewell, Edmond, 1453.
Sewell, Frank, 2189, 2410, 3150.
Sewell, George, 1453.
Sewell, Lizzie, 2410.
Sewell, Louisa, 3156.
Sewell, Munna, 1289, 1453, 2410.
Sewell, Nancy, 2189.
Sewell, Nellie, 2410.
Sewell, Robert, 3978.
Sewell, Boxy, 3156.
Sewell, Sarah, 2189.
Sewell, Sinda, 1701.
Sewell, Sophia, 1453, 2410, NB554, NB555.
Sewell, Thomas, 3156, 51158.
Sewell, Washington, 1453, 3155.
Sewell, Willie, 2189, M458.
Sewika, 419.
Sewikee, 1482, 1486, 1487.
Sewikey, 1482, 1480, 1487.
Seyahe, 3063.
Seyoke, 2571, 2576.
Seyokee, 2571, 2376.
Shagoney, 1745.
Shahkey, 550, 939.
Shaknutaney, 587.
Shakothla, 596.
Shannon, Daisy, 1814.
Shannon, Floyd, 1813.
Shannon, George, 1367, 1813, 1814, 1815, 2220.
Shannon, Lettie, 3858.
Shannon, Lucy H., 1815. NB259.
Shannon, Mary B., 1367, ISM, 1814, 1815, 2290.
Shannon, Sally H., 2220, NB36, M8.
Sharlin, Katie, 2556.
Sharlin, Martin, 2556.
Sharlin, Tom, 2.556.
Sharp, 617.
Sharp, Culbertson, 1502.
Sharp, Dogwood, 299, 454.
Sharp, D. W., 438.
Sharp, Frances, 1502.
Sharp, George, 715.
Sharp, Johnnie, 454.
Sharp, Lewis E., 439.
Sharp, Mary, 299.
Sharp, Noah, 617.
Sharshontey, 2717.
Shatohe, 588, 598.
Shaw, Wm., .597.
Shawnego, 2002, 2141.
Shawnego, John, 2002.
Shawnego, Henry, 2141.
Shawnego, Lucy, 2105, 2141.
Shawnego, Sisie, 2141.
Shawnego, Stella, 2002, M160.
Shawnego, Tilda, 2002.
Shay, Minnie B. 3700.

Sheley, 1365.
Shelly, Tom, 2928.
Shepard, Geo., 1192, 3565, NBS49.
Shepherd, Addie M., 2228, NB617, NB618.
Shepherd, Annie, 1192, 3566, NB849.
Shepherd, Elisha, 3566.
Shepherd, Hannah, 1192.
Shepherd, K. H., 222S, NB617, NB618.
Shepherd, Maggie, NB618.
Shepherd, Maud, 2228.
Shepherd, May, NB617.
Shepherd, Oscar Lee, 2228.
Shepherd, Sammie, NB849.
Shequabee, 2717.
Shequany, 2306, 2311.
Sherrill, Gracie, NB47.
Sherrill, Mattie M., 542, NB47.
Sherrill, William, NB47.
Shicar, 2570.
Shockcothla, 588.
Shokahky, 1660, 1661.
Short, Marshe, 598, 999.
Short, Marsie, 598, 999.
Shreffner, David, 4008, 4010.
Shreffner, David W., 4008.
Shreffner, Joseph W., 4008.
Shreffner, Mary E., 4008, 4010.
Shuel, Mary E., 3258.
Shumchechoga, 42.
Shwingogee, Winey, 3304.
Shwinogee, 3304.
Siah, 1970, 2351, 3042, 3046.
Siah, John, 3843.
Slab, Mary, 2377, 3331, 3843.
Siah, Soloman, 3843.
Sibbie, 2107.
Sicklen, 2831.
Sicogee, 1862
Siejasse, 2527.
Sigolo, Thomas, 2990.
Silbey, 2719.
Silby, 1972.
Silda, 1337.
Siley, 36
Silla, 109, 2609, 2766, 2767, 2723
Siller, 1696.
Sillibbee, 2110.
Sillubbee, 100.
Silpee, 1119.
Silvey, 3336
Silwy, 1313.
Simapoka, 2909.
Simbalily, 2652. 3653.
Simenehatkey, 1653.
Simer, Millie, 1792.
Simer, Moonie, 1792.
Simetah, 1675
Simhok, 1100.
Simhoye, 2017, 2745, 3681, NB374, NB1138
Simma, 2092.
Sommabihye, 1551.
Sinmahta, 1003.
Simmer, 94, 1969, 2617, 3266, 3377.
Simmer, Aggie, M149.
Simmer, Alex, 995.
Simmer, Andy, NB1152.
Simmer, Anne, 1486.
Simmer, Arch, 1969.
Simmer, Charley, 1406, 3266, 3622, NB152. M119.
Simmer, E111111a, 3268.
Simmer, Hattie, 991.
Simmer, Hinney, NB537.
Simmer, Jemima, 1721, NB567, M159.
Simmer, Jennie, 1106.
Simmer, Jessi, 3925.
Simmer, John, 995, 1323, 1466, 3925, NB362, M141, M159,
Simmer, Joseph, 3288
Simmer, Kizzie, 3288, 3822, NB152, M119.
Simmer, Kogee, 1166.
Simmer, Lena, 995, 3925, M141.
Simmer, Lillie, M159.
Simmer, Louinie, 3822.
Simmer, Lucinda, 995.
Simmer, Peter, M141.
Simmer, Sallie, 1960.
Simmer, Sam, 1186, 2690.
Simmer, Sammy, 91.
Simmer, Samuel, 3377.
Simmer, Sarls, 1311, 1323
Simmer, Selie, 1166, NB361.
Simmer, Sinda, 3288.
Simmesee, 1941.
Simmissee, 1729.
Simmoyhe, 2459.
Simmons, 105.
Simmons, Alex, 483.
Simmons, Annie, 2506, 2647, 2620.
Simmons. Benhakkn, 1267.
Simmons, Bettie, 1266.
Simmons, Clara, 716.
Simmons, Charley, 105, 1729, 2617, 2066, 2668, CE1050, M382, M333.
Simmons, Chippie, 3684, NB862
Simmons, Chowestas, 2032.
Simmons. Della, CE4050.
Simmons, Dochee, 266S, CE4050.
Simmons, Dora, 1119, M333.
Simmons, Dorsey, 2690.
Simmons, Ella, 902.
Simmons, Emma, 902, NB862.
Simmons, Esther, 730.
Simmons, Fannie, 1287.
Simmons, George, 2593, 4026, NB923.
Simmons, George (or Hotkoper or Hoe Kapo), 2893, 4026, NB923.
Simmons, Ida, M406.
Simmons, Jeff, 902, 2236, 3036.
Simmons, Jennie, 2017.
Simmons, Joe, 1406.
Simmons, John, 1486, 3228, 1026, NB362.
Simmons, Lena, M333.
Simmons, Lizzie, 2236.
Simmons, Lona, 2647.
Simmons, Louisa, 2690.
Simmons, Lucy, 2690.
Simmons, Mainly, CE4050.
Simmons, Mart, 156, 3119.
Simmons, Martha, 2893, NB923.
Simmons, Martin, 156, 3119.
Simmons, Mary, 1286, 3119.
Simmons, Moses, 2690.
Simmons, Nafey, 156, 3119.
Simmons, Nancy, 444, M382.
Simmons, Peggie, 1286, 1287.
Simmons, Sadie, M382.
Simmons, Sallie, 2691, M406, M422.
Simmons, Sam, 2032, 2506, 2520.
Simmons, Samuel, 2893, CE4050, NB362.
Simmons, Sandy, 2820, M406.
Simmons, Sarah, 483.
Simmons, Scott, 1286.
Simmons, Tom, 2893.
Simmons, Viola, 902.
Simmons, Walter, 2690, NB862.
Simmons, William, NB923.
Simms, Bummer, 70.
Simms, Betche, 3767.
Simms, John, 3767.
Simms, Liza, 70.
Simms, Lucinda, NB975.
Simms, Louisa, 21?1, 3707, NB975.
Simms, Mark, 70.
Simms, Maxey, 70, NB975.
Simneparyee, 1558.

Simone, 3233.
Simon, Caesar, 356, 634, 1043, NB200.
Simon, Ceasar, 1648, (Sem Frd-1901).
Simon, Charity, 356, 1043.
Simon, Cheparney, NB1156.
Simon, Emma, 1043, NB493, NB494
Simon, Frank, 1043.
Simon, George, 634, NB200.
Simon, Granvillee, 1648.
Simeon, Ida, 631.
Simon, Jennie, 1618, NB152.
Simon, Joe, 176, 634, 1043, NB49 NB494.
Simon, Lena, 1048.
Simon, Levada, NB494.
Simon, Mandy, 034.
Simon, Mariah, 1648
Simon, Peter, 1131.
Simon, Peyton, NB193.
Simon, Eater, 1043.
Simon, Robert, 1648.
Simon, Sam, 176.
Simon, Simon, 1013.
Simon, Sophie, 634.
Simone, 2797.
Simpson, Alice, 1431.
Simpson, Alice M., NB654.
Simpson, Agnes, NB434.
Simpson, Archie, 3233.
Simpson, Catherine Elizabeth, NB654.
Simpson, George, CE4051.
Simpson, Hattie M., 2239.
Simpson, James H., 1294, NB654.
Simpson, Joe., 3233.
Simpson, John, 3057.
Simpson, John C., 1431.
Simpson, John F. 357, 1294, 1431, 2020, 2030, 2239.
Simpson, John Francis, 1431.
Simpson, Lucy, CE4051.
Simpson, Malinda, 3233.
Simpson, Mallie, CE4051.
Simpson, Mary Elizabeth, NB434.
Simpson, Mary U., 2030, NB16.
Simpson, Melissa, CE4051.
Simpson, Nettie, CE4051.
Simpson, Robert L., 357, NB434.
Simpson, Shelby, 3233, CE4051.
Simpson, Susan A., 1294, 2020, 2030, 2339.
Simpson, Susan N., 357, 1431.
Simpson, Susie, 3233.
Simpson, Tahahke, 3233.
Sims, Eliza, 965.
Sims, Mark. 065.
Sina, 1539, 3102.
Sina, Kay, 872.
Sinda, 1557, 2174.
Sindayogee, 421.
Sindie ga, 1246.
Sitidoche, 3002.
Sinechetche, 1005.
Sinegesta, 1297.
Siney, 2442.
Singer, 3346.
Sinhelupke, 3343.
Sinhoethar, 277.
Sinhotosey, 2232.
Sinka, 150.
Sinkiiyah, 2571, 2961.
Sinkiye, 2578.
Sinlatka, 1520, 629.
Sinlupke, 3975.
Sinhotosey, 2232.
Sinlatka, 1520, 2629.
Sinnedinihoye, 757.
Sinnyliethla, 1520.
Sinpuska, 414.
Sinthlochylo, 3049.
Sinthodey, 3233.
Sintigah, 2765.
Siotka, 2778.
Sipley, 3052.
Sipley, Cochagee, 1646.
Sipley, Emma, 1616.
Sipley, Jim, 1646.
Sipley, Timmy, 1646.
Sipley, William, 1646.
Sippey, 336, 343.
Sippy, 330, 343.
Slotka 2778.
Sissy, 1737.
Sitkolage, 3276.
Siwoke, 2098.
Sizemore, Cumseh, 511.
Sizemore, Dave, 3195.
Sizemore, David, 837.
Sizemore, Ellen, 837.
Sizemore, Illinois, 3195.
Sizemore, Lucy, 3243.
Sizemore, Nicey, 3243.
Sizemore, Sam, 838.
Sizemore, Sindy, 114.
Sizemore, Stephen, 511.
Sizemore, William, 3195.
Skahker, Susie, 3298.
Skeen, James R., 552, 553.
Skeen, Julia, 551, 552, 553, 554.
Skeeter, Fred, NB31.
Skeeter, Susanna, 557, NB31.
Skeeter, Willie, 1949, NB31.
Skull, 1232.
Sladen, John, NB1265.
Sladew, Sam, NB1205.
Slabuggay, 2802.
Slafiche, 158.
Sleep, Saheche, 1710.
Sleep, Tom, 1710.
Sleeping, Rabbit, 4024.
Sloan, Albert, M485.
Sloan, Jemima, 3645.
Sloan, Lillie, M486.
Sloan, Loney, M487.
Sloan, Peter, 3645, 51485, M486, M487.
Sloan, Watsey, 3645.
Sloane, Peter, 3907.
Sloane, Sallie, 3907.
Sloane, Sampson, 3907.
Sloane, Watsey, 3907.
Slumber, 2701, 3918, CE4043.
Slunche, 2625.
Smiley, Allen, 2269.
Smiley, Earnest, 2269.
Smiley, Lottie, 2269.
Smith, Matilda, 2344.
Smiley, Nora, 2269.
Smiley, T. E., 2269.
Smith, Adeline, 959, NB415, NB410, M355.
Smith, Aggie, 45, 2506, 3855.
Smith, Albert K., NB415.
Smith, Albert L., 39.
Smith, Alfred C. 39.
Smith, Allen, 941.
Smith, Anna A., 654.
Smith, Anna Eliza, 2032.
Smith, Annie, 1918, 2896, 3443, NB1290, M?6?
Smith, Annie Belle, 1679.
Smith, Arthur Ray, 681.
Smith, Belcher, 2204, 3503, NB920.
Smith, Betsey, 2912, 3552.
Smith, Betsy, 2912, 3882.
Smith, Betsy, 2912, 3882.
Smith, Bettie, 3295.
Smith, Bill, 424.

Smith, Charity, 1835.
Smith, Charles S., 1401, 1622.
Smith, Chatman, 2183, 2941.
Smith, Chella, 2508.
Smith, Cinda, 2508.
Smith, Clarence N., 3513.
Smith, Daniel B., 39, 3313, NB70.
Smith, Daniel B., No. 2, 334.
Smith, Dinah, 2527.
Smith, Edna, 013, NB455, NB592.
Smith, Eliza, 700, 2163 2189, 27?, 382?
Smith, Ella, 613, 2169, 2192.
Smith, Emily, 2117.
Smith, Emma, 392, 684, 2776, 3199, 3896. NB70, NB715, NB719, M189
Smith, Enoch O., NB206, M319.
Smith, Estella, NB920.
Smith, Ester, NB698.
Smith, Eurania, 643, NB698.
Smith, Freeman, 3129.
Smith, Frank, 1851.
Smith, Franklin M, 311.
Smith, George, 1918, 2527, 2698, 2911, 3073.
Smith, George W., 700, 701, 912, 941, 975.
Smith, Gladdis G., NB393.
Smith, Grace, 1753, 3199.
Smith, Guy, 613.
Smith, Hattie, 462, 163.
Smith, Hinty, 3103, NB911.
Smith, Hodge, 2452.
Smith, Horace Greeley, 1401.
Smith, Ida, 1730.
Smith, Isaac, 1730.
Smith, James, 24 2, 2527, 3826.
Smith, James M.C. 47.
Smith, James, Ross, 912.
Smith, Janie, 789, NB200, M319.
Smith, Jay C., 1401.
Smith, Jeffrey, 3011.
Smith, Jemima, 701, 911, 978.
Smith, Jim, 5113, 530, 939, 2230.
Smith, Joe, 1018, 2527, 3073.
Smith, John, 1238, 1590, 2150, 2204, 2776, M353.
Smith, John F., 613, 1890, NB98.
Smith, John G., 613, 1131, 1401, 1402.
Smith, John Jr., 3295.
Smith, John T., 1753, 2000.
Smith, J. M., NB393.
Smith, Joseph, 530.
Smith, Katie, 1918.
Smith, Kogee, 1918.
Smith, Lawa, 993.
Smith, Lawrence, 613.
Smith, Lee Anderson, 1833.
Smith, Lena, 2230.
Smith, hoe, 3331.
Smith, Lewis, 292, 013.
Smith, Lina, 2547.
Smith, Liza, 1733.
Smith, Lizzie, 111, 292, 121, 2230, 2132, 2911
Smith, L4mina, 993, 2032.
Smith, Louis, 3129.
Smith, Louis N., 1102.
Smith, Louisa, 1679, 1531, 1590, 2770.
Smith, Louisa B., 1401, 1022.
Smith, Lucile, 1101.
Smith, Lucinda, 39, 41, 613, 637, 684, 637, 748, 1131, 1401, 1402.
Smith, Lumsey, 392, 2817.
Smith, Lydia, 2217, 2218, 2508.
Smith, Margaret Ellen, M338.
Smith, Maria E., 1039.
Smith, Marsey, 392, M359, M360.
Smith, Martha, 101, 307, 912, 1012, 1022, 1679, 3520, NB592.
Smith, Martin, 1735, 1736, 2944, M408.
Smith, Martin W., 959
Smith, Mary, 830, 959, 1258, 2169, 2183, 204, 2544, 3035, 3902, NB960.
Smith, Mary 1., 39, 3513, NB76.
Smith, Matilda, 416, 1015, 2344, 3075.
Smith, Mickey, 2508, 3855, M405.
Smith, Micky, 2505, 3855, M405.
Smith, Miley, 3014.
Millie, 1730, M405.
Smith, Mollie, 1730, 2452, M63.
Smith, Mose, 114.
Smith, Nannie Lou, 1402.
Smith, Napka, 1826.
Smith, Keeley, 1736.
Smith, Nellie, 2153, 2941.
Smith, Nina, 334.
Smith, Oliver Russell, NB206.
Smith, Orrey, 2169.
Smith, Pearl, 39, 613.
Smith, Peggy, 47.
Smith, Phatimma, 959.
Smith. Rachel, 765, 1785, 2006, NB393.
Smith, Rannie, 613, NB698.
Smith, Rashie C., 1402.
Smith, Rhoda, 2250.
Smith, Rosa, 2381.
Smith, Rose, 1915.
Smith, Ruth, NB76, M383.
Smith, Sallie, 114, 2250, 3946.
Smith, Sally, 392.
Smith, Sam, 446, 700, 959, 1735, 2756, 3855.
Smith, Samuel, 331.
Smith, Samuel C., 959.
Smith, Sarah, 446, 2204, 3503, 3813, NB920, M123.
Smith, Sarney, 2869.
Smith, Sarty, 2912.
Smith, Segomaha, 2912.
Smith, Seper, 1826.
Smith, Sheldon, 41.
Smith, Shelton, 637, 684, 748.
Smith, Stephen, 684, 748, 3490, NB70.
Smith, Steve J., NB416.
Smith, Susan, 1736.
Smith, Susie, 2452.
Smith, Tecumseh, 3295.
Smith, Terry Steven, NB70.
Smith, Thomas M., 959, NB415, NB416, M388.
Smith, Tilda, 1918, 2527.
Smith, Tildy, 1018, 2527.
Smith, Tillie Stay, M383.
Smith, Violet Elizabeth, M319.
Smith, Wade, 1679, NB592.
Smith, Walter C., 1101.
Smith, Washington, 2247, 2248.
Smith, Wesley, 2032.
Smith, Wiley, 1915, 2250.
Smith, William, 2169, 2527.
Smith, William S., 39.
Smith, Willie, 350:3.
Smith, Willie G., 1535
Smith, Willis, 613.
Smith, Winey, 2169.
Smith, Zular M., 1402.
Smock, Anna Louise, NB45.
Smock, Eloise Grayson, 1960, NB45.
Smock, John C., NB45.
Smoermeryeehe, 1449.
Smudayee, 950.
Snake, Cotahyar, 175.
Snakeya, Abram, 389, M275
Snakeya, Amos, M274.
Snakeya, David, 359, 3421, NB998, M274.
Snakeya, Gabriel, 389.
Snakeya, rimless, NB998.
Snakeya, Mary, 389.
Snakeya, Molleanna, 389, 3421, NB995, M274
Snakeya, Mollianna, 3421, 389, NB998, M274.
Snakeya, Nora, M275.
Snakeya, Owe, 359.
Snakeya, Tobe, 3421.

Snap, Andy, NB1008.
Snap, Dickson, 2486.
Snap, James, 400, NB1008.
Snap, Mabele, 1899, NB1008.
Snap, Mary, 2486.
Snapp, Amanda, 1333.
Snapp, Dick, 1:333.
Sneed, Almorence, 307.
Sneed, Artra, 101.
Sneed, Charles, 1033, 3793, 101, 307, 1013, 1022, 3520, 3971.
Sneed, Charles, Jr., 3971.
Sneed, Charley, 101, 307, 1013, 1022, 1033, 3520, 3793, 3971.
Sneed, Charlie, 3510.
Sneed, Ernest, 3971.
Sneed, Frank, 1013.
Sneed, George, 3793, NB1010, NB1011.
Sneed, George Everett, 3793.
Sneed, Hannah, 3793, NB1010, NB1011.
Sneed, John, 3810, 3971.
Sneed, Larzar, NB1011.
Sneed, Leonard, 3793.
Sneed, Maron, 3793.
Sneed, Martha, 307, 101, 1033, 3793, 3810.
Sneed, Pamima, 3971.
Sneed, Panina, 307.
Sneed, Peoria, 307.
Sneed, Sue Willie, 3971.
Sneed, Susie Rose, NB1010.
Sneed, William, 3520.
Snow, Ada, NB1084.
Snow, Ca-pah-ny, 2161, 2257, NB1084, M310.
Snow, Cheparney, 2257.
Snow, Far-lo-con-we-ney, 2783, M310.
Snow, Harthlee, 2161.
Snow, Jessie, 1945.
Snow, John, M310.
Snow, Louisa, 2161, NB975.
Snow, Martha, 1948, NB884.
Snow, Tecumseh, 194S, 2161.
Snow, Wesley, 2161.
Snow, Yar-la-co-we-ney, 2161.
Snowden, Lucy, 3973.
Soapey, 1071.
Sobige, Artus 2459.
Soc-con-tay, 3124.
Socer, 1962.
Sochalage, 1453, 1572, 1484.
Sochalagee, 1483, 1484, 1572.
Sochee, Nancy, 1558.
Sochee, Tutu, 1558.
Sochker, 1554.
Sochonagee, 1716, 2450.
So-con-thla-ney, 2180, 3704, NB390, M292.
Soc you thlikee, 2773, 2801.
Soda, 2018.
Sofa, 446, 1645, 1695.
Sofallah, Hannah, 2308.
Sofalley, 2982.
Soffeeney, 3885.
Sofficka, 2530.
Soffie, John, 569.
Soffike, 42.
Sofie, 3357.
Sofley, George, 1957.
Soharhoye, 2742.
Schema, 3882.
Soheparke, 99S.
Sohkuekar, 2208.
Sohsuka, 39-12.
Sohsuka, Kidey, 3942.
Sohuleche, 1894.
Sohulkie, 2388.
Sokahchee, 1614.
Sokahoye, 252.
Sokena, 2333.
Sokenah, 215.
Sokheyathka, 1544.
Sokikee, 2275.
Sokinnogee, 1494, 1536.
Soklutke, 1627.
Sokwanegee, 1716, 2480.
Solander, G. A., 2332.
Solander, Bettie L., 2332.
Solander, Minnie, 2332.
Soldier, John, 2534.
Soldier, Robert, 2534.
Solkar, 1715.
Soloman, Johnson, 2299.
Soloman, Sam, 2299.
Soloman, Susie, 2299.
Soloman, Wiley, 2299.
Solomon, 2616.
Solomon, Celey, 2090.
Solomon, Charny, 2090.
Solomon, Lahtah, 2090.
Solomon, Peggie, 3597.
Solomon, Holey, 2616.
Solomon, Sallie, 386.
Solthie, 2160.
Soma, 1289, 1496, 1868, 2341, 2999.
Soma, Ecke, 3081.
Somarley, 1569.
Somdaya, 2540.
Somdaya, Jimmie, 2540.
Somecha, 1270.
Somechechee, 1420, 1422.
Somechichee, 1420, 1422.
Sometka, 21.
Somie, 2838.
Somika, 1037.
Sommahuhte, 3761.
Sommy, 1151.
Somolaka, 1027.
Sone, Dickey, 1071.
Sone, Sallie, 1071.
Songtahney, 2982.
Sonnahgay, 2711.
Sooder, Robert, 2170
Sookey, Boney, 644, NB689.
Sookey, Charley, 644.
Sookey, Dinah, 4S9, 644, 716.
Sookey, Josephine, NB689.
Sookey, Mamie, NB689.
Sookey, Martha. 644.
Sookey, Wiley, 489, 644, 716.
Sookie, 1436, 1437.
Sooktey, 2885.
Sophia, 2119, 2553, 3(111
Sophie. 282. 2501
Sophoyee, 2530.
Soppy, 2381, 2510.
Sorbe, Anna Belle, 1700.
Sorbe, Mary E., 1700.
Sorbe, Susan, 1700.
Sorbe, William, 1700
Sorrell, Dorothy, 1209, 3559
Sorrell, Julia, 1209.
Sorrell, Lillie, 3559.
Sorrell, William, 1209, 3559
Sosah, 2771
Sosar, 2145.
Sosaye, 2720.
Soska, 1709.
Sosolee, 1114
Sotanhley, 2231.
Sothar, 1205, 1200.
Sounah, 1195.
Southarpecher, 3128
Southlope, Louisa, 2311.
Sowa, 693.

Sowanhoke, 81.
Sowarley, 1451.
Soweka, 1452.
Soweka, Lewis, 1452.
Sowite, 2090.
Sowwihe, 619.
Soxlopinkala, I1.
Spaniard, Alice, 2113.
Spaniard, Annie, 2143.
Spaniard, Chiler, 2197.
Spaniard. Chotie, 2197.
Spaniard, Henry, 2197.
Spaniard, James, 2443, 2151, 2157
Spaniard, Jemima, 2143
Spaniard. Joe, 2143.
Spaniard, John, 3237.
Spaniard, Louisa. 2 197.
Spaniard, Malinda, 2113
Spaniard, Martha, 2107.
Spaniard, Misselda, 2113.
Spaniard, Simon, 2113.
Spaulding-, Edith, 2055, 3393.
Spaulding, Etta, 110.
Spaulding, George W., 3393.
Spaulding, Grace B., 110.
Spaulding, H. B., 110.
Spaulding, Homer, O., 110.
Spaulding, Homer R., 3393.
Spaulding, James S., 110.
Spaulding., Josephine, 110.
Spaulding, Lelia A., 110.
Spaulding, Samuel B., 110.
Spaulding. Sophia, 971.
Spaulding, Thomas L., 110.
Speeny, 1162.
Speneer, Lough, NB1021.
Speneer, Loma, NB1022.
Spencer, Ludie. 136, NB1021, NB1022.
Spencer, Ramsey, NB1021, NB1022.
Speeney, 1162.
Spoeogee, Polly, 3229.
Spogeyhala, 2769.
Spoka, 1691.
Spuncher, 173.
Squire, 233.
Squire, Alashoconconay, 596.
Squire, Annie, NB288.
Squire, Beekie, 604.
Squire, Candy, 604.
Squire, Delia, 604.
Squire, Hannah, 604.
Squire, Hepsey, 604.
Squire, John, 596, 604, NB288.
Squire, Kittle, 3308.
Squire, Noah, 604.
Squire, Sarah, NB288.
Squire, Sukey, 596.
Squire, Tekecoconay, 604.
Squire, Tom, 604.
Stake, Albert, 431, NB352, M300.
Stake, David, 131.
Stake, Eliza, 445, NB693.
Stake, Ellen, 431.
Stake, Lizzie, 131.
Stake, Louisa, M300.
Stake, James, 1313.
Stake, Jeffie, 431.
Stake, Jennie, 431.
Stake, Jonas, 431, 448, 1792.
Stake, Joseph, 131.
Stake, Missie, NB352.
Stake, Salina, 131.
Stake, Sallie, 431, NB352, 51300.
Stake, Willey, 1792.
Staley, Enconcoconthla, 588.
Staley, John, 588, NB789, NB1071.
Staley, Kissie, NB1071.
Staley, Nellie, NB759.
Staley, Sakcota, 588, NB789, NB1071.
Staley, Tar-so-con-thla, 588.
Stalla, Miste, 1458.
Stand, Lizzie, 3739.
Stand, Phillip, 2920, 3739.
Stand, Thomas, 3739.
Standwaitie, 1675.
Standwaitie, Joseph, 1675.
Standwaitie, Toady, 1675.
Standwaitie, Wilson, 1675.
Stanley, Chas. A., CE4052.
Stanley, Charles, 40011.
Stanley, Earl A., 4006.
Stanley, Joseph C., 4006.
Stanley, Mattie, E., 4006, CE4052.
Stanley, Pearl A., 4000.
Stanley, Pleasonit, 4006.
Stanley, Wootsey, CE4052.
Stanwaite, 3139.
Star, Charley, 3954, NB1271.
Star, Robert, 1539.
Star, Sina, 1539,
Starfey, 2843.
Starr, Adam, 3742.
Starr, Annie, 2720, 3126, 3984, NB627.
Starr, Charles, 3984, NB1271.
Starr, Cheeky, 2052, 3120, 8821.
Starr, Chipley, 212.5, 51342.
Starr, Cora Ellis, 3954, NB1271.
Starr, Daniel, 1773.
Starr, Edward. 2720.
Starr, Ella, 1717.
Starr, Emma, 3521.
Starr, Gertrude, 3984.
Starr, Hebsey, 1539.
Starr, Henry, 3081.
Starr, James, 2720.
Starr, Jesse J., NB1271.
Starr, Katie, 2032, 3120.
Starr, Lena, 1747, NB166, M448.
Starr, Lewis, 2720, M448.
Starr, Lillie, 1747.
Starr, Lizzie, 2720.
Starr, Lona, 1747.
Starr, Louisa, 1773.
Starr, Lucinda, 2365.
Starr, Lydia, 1747.
Starr, Mahala, 2940, M448.
Starr, Martin, 2125, 2630.
Starr, Martha, 2052.
Starr, Melissa, 2720.
Starr, Miley, 522, 893.
Starr, Minnie, 1539.
Starr, Mollie, 3821, CE4053.
Starr, Moses, 1539.
Starr, Nancy, 2125, NB1288, NB1289.
Starr, Nellie, 2720.
Starr, Nina, 1539.
Starr, Pulhokey, 2720.
Starr, Reuben, 2125.
Starr, Robert, 1192, 1747, CE4053.
Starr, Sallie, 2030.
Starr, Same, CE4053.
Starr, Susie, 1539, 3126.
Starr, Thomas, 1747.
Starr, Walter, 51342.
Statham, Elizabeth, M227.
Statham, Gertrude Bennett, 2714, M227.
Statham, W. H., M227.
Stebbin, Martin, NB670, NB671.
Stebbin, Wisey, 3190, NB670, NB671

Steel, Mary, 676.
Steele, Alex W., 915.
Steele, Catherine C., 1399, 3798.
Steele, Dave, 617.
Steele, Edward, 257.
Steele, Lena N., 915.
Steele, Louisa, 287.
Steele, Mamie, 2733.
Steele, Mary, 3798.
Steele, Rachel, 915.
Steele, Robert, 3798.
Steele, Samuel Edward, 915.
Steele, Simon, 2733.
Steele, Susan, 2733.
Steele, Tula, 617.
Steele, Wyley, 287.
Steen, John Howard, M240.
Steen, Katie, 362, 3840, M246.
Steen, Robert, 3840.
Steen, Walter, 3840, M246.
Steen, Walter H., 3840, M246
Steinmachee, John, 886.
Stephen, 2678, 3190.
Stephens, Green, 3586, NB342, NB343.
Stephens, Johnnie, NB343.
Stephens, Millie, 1128, NB342, NB343.
Stephens, Mollie, 3586.
Stephens, Vadie, 3586.
Stephens, Willie, NB342.
Stephenson, A. P., 1584, NB396, M62.
Stephenson, Augusta, 1584.
Stephenson, Eddie, M62.
Stephenson, Nancy, 2587, NB1144, NB1145
Stephenson, Polly, 1584, NB396, M62.
Stephenson, Siney, NB396.
Stepney, 2750, 2885.
Stepney, Liley, 2855.
Stepney, Lizzie, NB1251.
Stepney, Sissie, 2885.
Stepney, Susie, 2898, NB1251.
Stepney, Thompson, 2885, NB1251.
Sterbargee, 2864.
Stevens, Bryan, 1049.
Stevens, Cicero, 1030, 3557.
Stevens, Clarence O., 3557.
Stevens, Ida Bell, M239.
Stevens, Idella, 3557, M1030
Stevens, Lenow, M240.
Stevens, Mary, 1019, NB344, NB692, M241.
Stevens, Mose, 3917.
Stevens, Myrtle M., 1030.
Stevens, Pearl V., 1030.
Stevens, Sarah, 3947, M239, M240.
Stevens, Stella I., 1030.
Stevens, Wiley, 3947.
Stevens, William, 1049, 3947, M239, M240.
Stevens, Wm. A., 1049, 3917, M239, M240.
Stevenson, Mamie, 3360.
Stewart, Albert P., 1091, 3521.
Stewart, Alice, 1108.
Stewart, America, 1108, 3694, NB5589
Stewart, Ammie, 1108.
Stewart, Annie, 1692.
Stewart, Clyde, 1691.
Stewart, Edna, 3694.
Stewart, Effie, 1108.
Stewart, Floyd Lee, NB589.
Stewart, George F., 3521.
Stewart, John, 586.
Stewart, Louisa, 1691, 3521.
Stewart, Lucy, 1404.
Stewart, Noah, 1404.
Stewart, Rhoda, 2517.
Stewart, Robert, 586, 1804.
Stewart, Robert W., 1404, 1691, 1692, 3158.
Stewart, Ruthie Pearl, 1108.
Stewart, Sofa, 1804.
Stewart, Sophia, 1691, 1692. 3158.
Stewart, Thomas A., 1692.
Stewart, William H., 1108, 3694, NB589.
Stewart, Wm., 1076.
Stick, Jennie, 132.
Stidham, Albert L., 689.
Stidham, Albert P., 2715.
Stidham, Ara A., 1764.
Stidham, Ariada, 1608.
Stidham, Ben, 3712.
Stidham, Buckner Lawrence, 3150.
Stidham, Cleo, NB3.
Stidham, Clifford, 2715.
Stidham, Edward, 2445.
Stidham, Eliza, 2445, NBS67, NB1197, NB12?0.
Stidham, Eloita, 1764.
Stidham, George, 2445, 3150.
Stidham, Geo. W., 360, 68?, 814, 1608, 1764, 2715.
Stidham, Geo. W. Jr., 689.
Stidham, George W. Sr., 689, NB2, NB3.
Stidham, Georgiana, 1764.
Stidham, G. W., 360, 6 9, 811, 1608, 1764, 2715
Stidham, Harney, 2445, 2446.
Stidham, Harriet, 2484.
Stidham, Jack, 81.
Stidham, Jennie, 659, NB2, NB3.
Stidham, John, 1939, 2446.
Stidham, Johnny, NB1197.
Stidham, Johnson, 2445, 2446, 3291.
Stidham, Kittie, 689.
Stidham, Leah, 1930.
Stidham, Lee, 2181
Stidham, Lela, 689.
Stidham, Lenin May, 1761
Stidham, Leonidas G., 1761.
Stidham, Lura M., 1761.
Stidham, Marie Oleta, 689
Stidham, Mattie, NB867.
Stidham, Millie 1939.
Stidham, Nellie, 3291.
Stidham, Nutwoche, 3291.
Stidham, Ottie, 689, M61.
Stidham, Polly, 2445.
Stidham, Rose, 2159.
Stidham, Sarah, 306, 689, 811, 2715.
Stidham, Sarah C., 360, 689, 811, 2715.
Stidham, Selestine, 371
Stidham, Thomas Edward, NB2.
Stidham, Theodore E., 360, 3712.
Stidham, Theo., 3712, 360.
Stidham, Timmie, 2445, NB867, NB1197, NB1200.
Stidham, Timmy, 2445, NB867 NB1197, NB1200.
Stidham, William, 3819.
Stidham, Wilson, 8l.
Stinson, Charley, 2292.
Stoddard, Jesse, 179.
Stoddard, Joseph, NB460.
Stoddard, Lousanna, .179, NB160, NB317.
Stoddard, Mamie, 879.
Stoddard, Stella, M317.
Stoddard, William, 579, NB460, M317.
Storm, Annie, 718.
Storm, Bertha, NB119.
Storm, Eliza, 718.
Storm, Gladys, 3683.
Storm, John, 718, 3683, NB119, NB420.
Storm, Lou, 718, 3683, NB119, NB420.
Storm, Parlee, 718.
Storm, Pocahontas, NB420.
Stout, Ethel, M161.
Stout, James C., M161.
Stout, Lou Ellen, 956, M161.
Stover, Daniel, 1011, 3431, M72.
Stover, Daniel Jr., M72.

Stover, Eli, 1011.
Stover, Lavina, 1011, 3438, M72.
Stover, Lillie, 1011.
Stover, Reuben, 3435.
Stover, Wasa, 1011.
Stover, Willie, 1011.
Stratton, Louisa, 880.
Strickland, Jennie, 906
Strickland, Sam, 906.
Strouvelle, Alice Kendall, NB59.
Strouvelle, C. E., NB58, NB59.
Strouvelle, Charles Edward Jr., NB58.
Strouvelle, Susanna Barnett, NB58, NB59.
Stubblefield, Ed, NB559.
Stubblefield, Ella M., 2111.
Stubblefield, E. S., 3591
Stubblefield, Ida, 2111, NB594, NB585, MB147.
Stubblefield, J. M., 2111.
Stubblefield, John, NB584, NB585, M171.
Stubblefield, Johnnie, NB585.
Stubblefield, Joseph S. 3591.
Stubblefield, Lousanna, 1165, 3591. NB559
Stubblefield, McAfee, NB559.
Stubblefield, Minnie, NB581.
Stubblefield, Ross Marion, M174.
Sualtala, 2614.
Subbioye, 2497.
Suche, 1509.
Suchemerica, 2359.
Suckheeha, 1463.
Suckie, 2743.
Sticky, 2607, NB1134.
Sudcharkey, 3942.
Sudcharkey, Kidney, 3942.
Sudcharkey, Sampson, 3942.
Sudcharkey, Sohsuka, 3942.
Sudduth, Bob, NB1042.
Sudduth, Phoebe, 229, NB1042.
Sudduth, Rosetta, NB1042.
Sudeka, 2559.
Suder, Choatkey, 3937.
Suder, Lobla, 2170.
Suder, Bunny, 2170.
Suego, 3206.
Suequegah, 2176.
Suffanefka. 2830.
Suffekah, 381.
Suffochechee, 1463.
Sugar, Adaline, 36, 117, 200.
Sugar, Adeline, 36, 117, 200.
Sugar, Armster, 117.
Sugar, Eddie, 1734.
Sugar, Ellen, 1171.
Sugar, Helen, 657, 904, 1734, 3632.
Sugar, James, Jr.57, 904, 1171, 1734.
Sugar, James, Jr., 3632.
Sugar, James, Sr., 3232.
Sugar, Jennie, 897.
Sugar, Joseph, 904.
Sugar, Kizzie, 657.
Sugar, Nancy, 117, 657, 1927.
Sugar, Pilot, 657.
Sugar, Sam, 1734.
Sugar, Thomas, 117, 200, 657, 1927.
Sugar, Togy, 117, 938.
Sugar, Tom, 117, 200, 657, 1927.
Sugar, Wesley, 36, 117, 200.
Sugar, Darner, 657.
Suhkene, 2911.
Sukanatah, 2207.
Sukey, 181, 1524, 1573, 1624, 1623, 1691, 1786, 2459, 2755, 2759, 2886, 2947, 3011.
Sukie, 3945.
Sukkahke, 399, 704.
Sula, Kogee, 1051.
Sulka, 1325, 1724, 2100.
Sulkuyeste, 2847.
Sullen, Tom, 425.
Sullins, Gladys Slay,
Sullins, James N., M187.
Sullins, Muskogee Essie, 3004, M187,
Sullivan, 1142.
Sullivan, Addie, 521.
Sullivan, Annie, 23.
Sullivan, Becky, 520.
Sullivan, Charlie, 423, 2625.
Sullivan, Eliza, 1212.
Sullivan, Ellen, 520.
Sullivan, Emma, 31124.
Sullivan, George, 520, 1242, 1420, 1609, 3534.
Sullivan, Hagey, M421, M425.
Sullivan, Hattie, 5.
Sullivan, He1en, 23.
Sullivan, Jim, 1523.
Sullivan, Jimmie, 1523.
Sullivan, Jimmy, 3853.
Sullivan, James, 5, 23.
Sullivan, Jimmy, 1471.
Sullivan, John, M425.
Sullivan, Lizzie, 521, 3534, M135
Sullivan, Louina, 358.
Sullivan, Louisa, 23.
Sullivan, Lucy, 3333.
Sullivan, Mary Ann, 1242.
Sullivan, Minnie, 1523, NB651.
Sullivan, Obey, 23.
Sullivan, Peggy, 520, 1242.
Sullivan, Sallie, 385, 2535, 2799.
Sullivan, Sally, 3853.
Sullivan, Sam, 385.
Sullivan, Stephen, 1171.
Sullivan, Sulphur, 3553.
Sullivan, Sunday, 521.
Sullivan, Thomas, 2799.
Sullivan, William, 358, 521, 2535, 3534, M424, M425.
Sullivan, Willie, 2799.
Sulma, 2463.
Sulphur, Alex, 3627.
Sulphur, Andrew, 3157.
Sulphur, Chepon, 880, 881.
Sulphur, Edmond, 881.
Sulphur, George, 881.
Sulphur, Hattie, 3944.
Sulphur, James, 881, 3914, 3157.
Sulphur, Jennie, 270, 3157.
Sulphur, Jim, 3627.
Sulphur, Kizzie, 881, 3944.
Sunaga, 1743.
Sumaga, 1328, M446.
Sumeyischee, 1535, 1536.
Sumhohka, 1230.
Sumihahye, 1242.
Sumihitchka, 3074.
Sumka, 1452, 1751, 2441, M191.
Sumka, Henry, M191.
Sumka, Willie, 1452.
Summers, Ada, 875.
Summers, Clinton B., 3660.
Summers, Clinton P., 875.
Summers, Cordia, S75.
Summers, Dee, 875.
Summers, Fannie, 3660.
Summers, Frank, 875.
Summers, James, 575.
Summers, Mary, 875.
Summers, M. J., 875, 3660.
Summers, Pet, 875.
Summers, Thos., 777, 875.
Sumnubba, 3319.

Sumsey, 1820.
Sumsey, Sissie, 1820.
Sunday, 1567, 1568.
Sunday, Alex, 300.
Sunday, Anderson, 300.
Sunday, Edmund, 115.
Sunday, Ellen, 300.
Sunday, Ellis, 115, 1918, 2662.
Sunday, Ellis B., 115, 191S, 2662.
Sunday, Kizzie, 300.
Sunday, Mattie, 2602.
Sunday, Miley, 115.
Sunday, Mollie, 1918, 2662.
Sunday, Tilda, 1918.
Sunday, Win., 264, 300.
Sunga, Sofix, 1358.
Sunjony, 2100.
Sunnikkeya, 1971.
Sunny, 1240, 2887.
Sunny, Albert, 289, 1831.
Sunny, Katie, 1831.
Sunny, Mary, 1240.
Sunny, Peggie, 1240, 1363.
Sunny, Walter, 1240.
Sunthlupehcher, 2213, 2628.
Supefatka, 2347.
Susana, 326, 1065.
Susey, Mary, 2186.
Susie, 161, 254, 362, 919, 1503, 1729, 2452, 2518, 2653, 2681, 4024.
Sussie, 2527.
Susanna, 245, 590, 758, 1251, 1971, 2128, 2254, 2488, 2495, 2619, 2620, 2908, 9922, 3214.
Susannah, 2619, 2620.
Sutherland, Adalaide, 1852, 2992.
Sutherland, Adelaid, 1852, 2992.
Sutherland, Dick, 1852, 2992.
Sutherland, Earnest, 2992.
Sutherland, Sol., 2992.
Suthoneche, 444.
Sutor, Robert, 1216, 3937.
Suttoah, 1651.
Sutton, James D., 484.
Sutton, John W., 484.
Sutton, Lorena, 484.
Sutton, Loretta, 484.
Sutton, Mollie, 454.
Sutton, Samuel Jesse, 484.
Suwagee, 1249.
Suwerneryeche, 149?.
Swingle, Alice, 51231.
Swingle, Corda, 471, 3479, NB445, M231.
Swingle, Cordee, 471, 3479, NB445, M231.
Swingle, Hattie, NB445.
Swingle, Levi, 3479.
Swingle, Washington, 3479.
Swingle, Willoughby, NB445, M231.
Swop, Louis, 255.
Sylahoke, 1667.
Sylla, 2781, 3410, CE4027.
Synkoky, 1308.


Campbell, John B. Campbell’s Abstract of Creek Indian Census Cards. 1915.

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