The publication of the Tribal Rolls, in 1907, gave the roll number, name of the allottee, age, sex and blood, and operated to a large extent to inform the public, but this information was not sufficient, in fact, it aided only those who, by reason of their familiarity with the workings and records of the Indian Offices, knew how to secure additional information. John Campbell set out to help researchers determine the family relationships between the allottee’s by providing an abstract index of all names from the records. This index has proven invaluable over time by providing a quick method to research family relationships within the tribal rolls.
F Surnames
Factor, Billy, 2597.
Factor, Cogee, NB516.
Factor, Fannie, 2595, M170.
Factor, George, NB517.
Factor, Harry. 1653.
Factor, Herbert, 2440.
Factor, Jakey, 2437.
Factor, Joe, 2593, 2594, 2595, 2597.
Factor, John, 2593.
Factor, Jim, 1605.
Factor, Kenneth J., 3509.
Factor, Lillie, 2593.
Factor, Liza, 2438.
Factor, Margie, 2441.
Factor, Millie, 2441.
Factor, Nancy, 1653, 3509, NB510, NB517.
Factor, Peggy, 2439.
Factor, Rhoda, 2437, 2438, 2439, 2440.
Factor, Sarah, 1683.
Factor, Sissie, 2593, NB1051, M267.
Factor, William, 3509, 1683, NB51G, NB517.
Factor, Yartheche, 2593, 2594, 2595, 2597.
Factor, Yarthleehe, 2593, 2591, 2395, 2597.
Factor, Yonthligee, 2593, 2591, 2395, 2597.
Factor, Youthlechee, 2593, 2591, 2595, 2597.
Faheoconweney, 2962.
Fahishkakee, 2593.
Fahkoweny, 400, 2150.
Fahquay, 582.
Fair, Hannah, 972.
Anna, Koga, 919.
Fannie, 2599, 2600, 2689, 218, 400, 1185, 2962, 1296, 2965
Fanny, 218, 400, 1155, 1296, 2599, 2600, 2650, 2962, 2965.
Fareonee, 957.
Farill, Sarah, 27, 40, 695.
Farill, Stephen W., 27,16. 50. 605.
Farloconweney, 2753, 3773, NB1054, M310.
Farmer, Liza, 551, NB5.
Farmer, Nathan E., 551, NB5.
Farmer, Natalie, NB5.
Farmer, Nellie W., 551.
Farmer, N. K., 551, NB5.
Farnie. 225, 2337.
Farrell, Adda, 1796.
Farrell, Fred, 1796.
Farrell, John, 1796.
Farrill, Henry, 27.
Farrill, Katie, 27, NB159, NB160.
Farrill, May 27,
Farrill, Sara, 50.
Farrill, Sarah, 27, 46, 695.
Farrill, Stephen W., 27, 46, 50, 695.
Farye, 1474.
Fat, Bettie, 2611.
Fat, John, 452.
Fat, Lucinda, 452, 1613, 1869.
Fat, Sammy, 3573.
Fatt, Dick, 72, 3573.
Fatt, Hannah, 72.
Fatt, Joseph, 72.
Faulena, 129S, 1299.
Fayecha, 2497.
Fayeche, 2797.
Fecunner, 1445.
Feeley, Charles, 3729.
Feeley, Henry, 3720.
Feeska, 3065, 3050.
Feeskah, 3065, 3050.
Fellows, Callie M.. 1811, M77.
Fellows, Claude, M77.
Fellows, Leona, M77.
Fenley, John, 1502.
Ficonihe, 12IS.
Fiddler, John, 2315.
Media, 2497.
Field, Ablow, 2555, 3352.
Field, Abraham, 1480.
Field, Annie, 3551, 3391.
Field, Ayamka, 1450.
Field, Butler, M405.
Field, David, 119, 51129.
Field, Eblo, 1482.
Field, Frank, 2333, M129.
Field, Harper, 2333, 279, M405.
Field, Ida, NB1145.
Field, Isom, 2333.
Field, Jesse, 1452.
Field, John, 2551.
Field, Kogee, 2333
Field, Louisa, 1259, NB1145.
Field, Lucy, 1435, 2333.
Field, Lunder, 411
Field, Lydia, 2774, 2585, 3402, NB1186, M407.
Field, Mahala, 2333.
Field, Marfe, 2796, M405,
Field, Mary, 1389, 51129.
Field, Mattie, 3881.
Field, Millie, 2333.
Field, Nellie, 3382.
Field, Punskee, 1435.
Field, Stepney, 1435.
Field, S. F., 3028.
Field, Sonnie, NB1225.
Field, Sunday, M407.
Field, Taylor, 2859.
Field, Thomas, 414.
Field, Walter, 2585, NB1225.
Field, Washington, 3391, 3881, M407.
Field, Watt, 414, 2932.
Field, William, 2181, NB1148.
Fields, Amos, 878, 1195.
Fields, Artus, 535.
Fields, Cinda, 149.
Fields, David, 1535, 1538.
Fields, Harry, 1530.
Fields, Indy, 3403, NB911.
Fields, Jobe, 3780.
Fields, John, 149.
Fields, Lartie, 149.
Fields, Lasley, 1493, 1538.
Fields, Lena, 414, 1774, 2932, 3311.
Fields, Legus, 1195, NB911.
Fields, Lucy, 878, 1195.
Fields, Mitchell, 1494, 2932, NB911.
Fields, Nellie, 1480.
Fields, Ponsey, 149, 1280, 3563.
Fields, Sarah, 987.
Fields, Simon, 1418.
Fields, Sindey, 3503.
Fields, Solomon, 3780.
Fields, Taylor, 3780.
Fields, Tilda, 1280.
Fields, Wady, 1771.
Fields, Waitie, 1535.
Fields, Watt, 2932, 414.
Fields, William, 3563.
Fier, Dick, 1598.
Fier, Elizabeth, 1595, 1599.
Fier, Emma, 1598.
Fife, Allie Ola, 2758.
Fife, Amy, 917.
Fife, Andrew, M468.
Fife, Ben, 108, 445, 1457, 1929, 2010.
Fife, Ben, Mrs., 2016.
Fife, Benie, 917.
Fife, Bessie, 917.
Fife, Betsy, 1175.
Fife, Bixby, 3163.
Fife, Chapman, 41.5.
Fife, Cissey, 207.
Fife, Dawes, N 11157.
Fife, Dixon, 51306.
Fife, Elijah, 108, NB851.
Fife, Elijah L., 108, NB851.
Fife, Elizabeth, 1602.
Fife, Ellen, 1658.
Fife, Exie, NB851.
Fife, Gibson, 415.
Fife, I1auoah, M106.
Fife, Jacob, 1175.
Fife, James, NB371, NB525.
Fife, Jane, 1475, 1476.
Fife, Jeanetta, 3356, M306.
Fife, Jennie, 1463.
Fife, Jessie, 1457.
Fife, Jimmie, 2086, 3782, M106.
Fife, Josey, NB525.
Fife, Judy, 3848.
Fife, July, 415.
Fife, Kiamitia, 917.
Fife, Lena, 108, M127.
Fife, Levina, 3399.
Fife, Liza, 1476, NB1223, NB1224.
Fife, Lizzie, 2493.
Fife, Loney, 549.
Fife, Louis, 3356.
Fife, Louisa, 2755, 3871, M127, NB371.
Fife, Louis 51, M306.
Fife, Lucinda, 2056, 3782, 51106, NB525.
Fife, Luey, 2086, NB525.
Fife, Mammie, 3871.
Fife, Marhela, 2638.
Fife, Maria, 710.
Fife, Melinda, 2758, 3399, 3780.
Fife, Millie, 108, 2086, NB581.
Fife, Minnie, 3356.
Fife, Molea, 917.
Fife, Mrs., 2016.
Fife, Nancy, 105.
Fife, Nellie, 105, 685, 917, 1475, NB1245.
Fife, Maxey, 1475, 1476.
Fife, Nixie, 2936.
Fife, Parsutta, 2493.
Fife, Robert, 965, 1475.
Fife, Samuel, 445, 51468.
Fife, Sandy, 2734, 2755, NB371, M127.
Fife, Sarah, 1457, 3463, NB157, M468.
Fife, Sillar, 108.
Fife, Sissie, 445, 3848.
Fife, Soda, 917.
Fife, Stephen, 1658.
Fife, Sukey, 1475.
Fife, Sunday, 3871.
Fife, Susan, 1458.
Fife, Timmie, 968, 1457, 2086, 3462, NB157.
Fife, Una, 3782.
Fife, William, 3848.
Fife, Willie, 3871.
Fihogee, 2854.
Fikhumba, 1339.
Fikhuna, 106.
Finchee, 2816.
Fine, Charity, 1988.
Fine, Chas. P., 1988.
Fine, Edna Albert, 198S.
Fine, Gertie Elbertha, 1988.
Finnegan, Phil., 669.
Finniegan, Onie, 669.
Fipps, Aaron, 458.
Fipps, Alice M., 458, 3679, NB297, M109.
Films, Beulah E., 458.
Fipps, Effie, 51109.
Fipps, Eva, NB297.
Fipps, Gertie E., 458.
Fipps, Myrta May, 458, NB296.
Fipps, Pearl, 458.
Fipps, Sam, NB297.
Fipps, Samuel, 458, M109.
Fipps, Samuel M., 3679.
Fipps, Vernie, 3679.
Fipps, William B., 458.
Firlina, 1295.
Fish, 680.
Fish, Annie, 2384, 3754.
Fish, Arnikee, 2513.
Fish, Bessie, 2354.
Fish, Billy, 1488.
Fish, Choty, 1214.
Fish, Daniel, 2614.
Fish, Eli, 2640, 2889, 2890, CE4027.
Fish, Eliza, 1488, 3911.
Fish, Elmer, 1480, CE4025.
Fish, Elsie, 3859
Fish Elson, 2882.
Fish, Frazier, 1188.
Fish, George, 1480, 2127, NB1110, NB1291.
Fish, Hannah, 3128.
Fish, Hattie, 2607, 4021, NB1291.
Fish, Hunny, 3859.
Fish, Jack, 151.
Fish, Jackson, 2614.
Fish, Janie, 1271.
Fish, Jennie, 3105, 3129.
Fish, Jimsey. 3105, 3125, 3559, NB1154.
Fish, John, 4021.
Fish, Johnson, 3511, M152.
Fish, Jonas, 1593, NB1275, 51152.
Fish, Joseph, 680.
Fish, Josiah, 1245.
Fish, Katie, 1488, 3129.
Fish, Lewis, 2890, 3911, NB906.
Fish, Little, 1488.
Fish, Lizzie, NB1154.
Fish, Long, 900.
Fish, Lucinda, 2424.
Fish, Mandy, 2513, 3083.
Fish, Mehaley, 1188, M130.
Fish, Meleya, 3911, NB906.
Fish, Milley, 1488.
Fish, Morleyar, 1593, M152.
Fish, Nache, NB1111.
Fish, Nancy, 650.
Fish, Nellie, 2614, NB1110, NB1111.
Fish, Nicey, 3125, NB1234.
Fish, Okchie, 2621.
Fish, Posey, NB906.
Fish, Peter, 2424, 312S.
Fish, Robert, 2513.
Fish, Rose, 2889, NB1146.
Fish, Salina, 838.
Fish, Sam, 3754.
Fish, Sampson. 838.
Fish, Siah, 3129.
Fish, Sotka, 680.
Fish, Sucky, 2607, NB1154.
Fish, Thomas, 3511.
Fish, Tom, 900.
Fish, Toochie, 1989.
Fish, Wattie, 2649, 3354, 3754.
Fish, Watty, 2384.
Fish, Weleya, 2614, NB1110, NB1111.
Fish, Wiley, 3128, 4021, NB1291.
Fish, Willeya, 2614, NB1110, NB1111.
Fish, William, 2513, 3083.
Fish, Willie, 1271, 2614, CE.1028.
Fish, Winey, 1488, 3511, 51244.
Fish, Wisey, 2877.
Fish, Wothlarsha 400.
Fisher, 2219.
Fisher, Aggie, 977, 3127.
Fisher, Albert, 1389.
Fisher, Alice, 529.
Fisher, Amos, 977, 135,9, 3127.
Fisher. Aubrey, N11755.
Fisher, Barney, 3549, 2230.
Fisher, Becky, 732, 3868.
Fisher, Ben, M137.
Fisher, Bertha, NB757.
Fisher, Bettie, NB1099.
Fisher, Betty, 732, 3505.
Fisher, Billie, 2839.
Fisher, Carrie, 301, M52, NB758.
Fisher, Cheparney, 3127.
Fisher, Daniel, 2809.
Fisher, Dave, 529, 3840.
Fisher, Dinah, 63.
Fisher, Eddie, M138.
Fisher, Elijah, 1445, 1466.
Fisher, Eliza, 1420.
Fisher, Eloise B., 301.
Fisher, Elsie, 3549, M350.
Fisher, Fillisee Norene, 5152.
Fisher, Folothoke, 2975.
Fisher, Freida Chena, 744.
Fisher, George, 63, 2230, 2231, 2975
Fisher, Hannah, 1415, 1116, 2509.
Fisher, Henry C., 301.
Fisher, Hepsey, 917, 3127.
Fisher, James, 1415, 1416.
Fisher, Joe, 520, 872 1389, M137, M138, NB756, NB757.
Fisher, Larney, 520, 3540.
Fisher, Lena, 744.
Fisher, Lewis, 1415.
Fisher, Lizzie, NB756.
Fisher, Lewis Henry, 744
Fisher, Lucy, 1201, 1412, 2839, 3128, NB1099.
Fisher, Lucy B., 301.
Fisher, Mariah, 1415.
Fisher, Mary, 865.
Fisher, Mikey, 2975.
Fisher, Nancy, 312, 529, NB756, NB757, M137, M138.
Fisher, Ollie C. 301.
Fisher, Rosie, M380.
Fisher, Sally, 653.
Fisher, Sam, 744, 872. M52, NB755
Fisher, Samuel, 653, 565.
Fisher, Sarah, 301, 624, 653, 744, 1662.
Fisher, Sarah A., 1777.
Fisher, Scaborn, 1416, 1350.
Fisher, Tinunie,1595, 3127, 3545. 1415, 917
Fisher, Timmy, 917, 1415, 1598, 3127, 351.
Fisher, William, 301, 621, 653, 732, 711, 1115,1602, 3868.
Fisher, Willie, 2539, 3568, NB1099.
Fisher, Yarner, 529.
Fittadega, 2151.
Fittadega, Selina, 2451.
Fixeco, Arhaloc, 2700.
Fixeco, Arius, 2441.
Fixeco, Ben, 2218.
Fixeco, Betsey, 2615.
Fixeco, Cano, 3174, NB295.
Fixeco, Chippie, 3681, NB502.
Fixeco, Chula, 2911.
Fixeco, Coser, 2965.
Fixeco, Cusseta, 1051, 32711.
Fixeco, Dicey, 3290.
Fixeco, Edward, 1177.
Fixeco, Espana, 2398.
Fixeco, Fannie, 2965.
Fixeco, Foluthoker, 2692, NB1243.
Fixeco, Fushutche, 2838.
Fixeco, Helus, 2735, 2736, 2737.
Fixeco, Heneha, 2834
Fixeco, Itshar, 2527.
Fixeco, Joseph, NB1243.
Fixeco, Karwassat, 2765.
Fixeco, Katcha, 2674, 2794.
Fixeco, Kisse, 1477.
Fixeco, Lucy, 3168, NB295.
Fixeco, Mollie, 3236.
Fixeco, Nocus, 2887, 3633.
Fixeco, Okchiye, 2467.
Fixeco, Okchum, 2806.
Fixeco, Pahose, 1477.
Fixeco, Parhos, 3180.
Fixeco, Polly, 2907.
Fixeco, Salina, 2794.
Fixeco, Sparney, 2242, 2907.
Fixeco, Sumka, 2441.
Fixeco Thlethlo. 2424.
Fixeco, Tommy, 3285.
Fixeco, Tulsa, 3002.
Fixeco, Willie, 3016.
Fixeco, Yahola, 2828.
Fixeco, Yarhola, 2832, NB1243.
Fixecoche, Nocos, 2031.
Fixico, 1881, 1882, 3285.
Fixico, Adaline, 1631.
Fixicio, Anderson, 2278.
Fixico, Angie, 1323.
Fixico, Annie, 3082, 3814.
Fixico, Arbeka, 2378, 2388.
Fixico, Arharlock, 2279.
Fixico, Arharlox, 3211.
Fixico, Arholoc, 397.
Fixico, Arholox, 1069.
Fixico, Arkleyarchee, 1715, 1715.
Fixico, Artus, 1366, 3173, 3321.
Fixico, Barney, 2176.
Fixico, Bassta, 1439, NB1058.
Fixico, Bastie, 1439, NB1058.
Fixico, Ben, 2248, 3326.
Fixico, Benjamin, 1358.
Fixico, Benoche, 3279.
Fixico, Betsie, 1267.
Fixico, Cano, 3174, NB295.
Fixico, Cabeehe, 3228.
Fixico, Caesar, 1705.
Fixico, California, NB295.
Fixico, Capeeha, 2081.
Fixico, Carpitcha, 2060.
Fixico, Catus, 2186.
Fixico, Char, 1651.
Fixico, Cheyamy, 1341.
Fixico, Cheparney, 1358, 3942.
Fixico, Chluhart, 1641.
Fixico, Cho, 2751, 3045.
Fixico, Cho Emarthla, 2797.
Fixico, Chocla, 2987.
Fixico, Choela, 2911.
Fixico, Chola, 3069.
Fixico, Cholar, 561, 562, 1217.
Fixico, Chowastiye, 2419.
Fixico, Chular, 1369,
Fixico, Chuoste, 3403.
Fixico, Cinda, 2402, 3814, NB418.
Fixico, Conchart, 2818.
Fixico, Conip, 2180.
Fixico, Conup 1886.
Fixico, Conseh, 3082.
Fixico, Cosa, 2353.
Fixico, Cosar, 1507, 1616.
Fixico, Cotcha, 148, 1287, 2402, 3814, NB418.
Fixico, Cotso, 1125.
Fixico, Cusseta, 1081, 3279.
Fixico, Cussetah, 3609.
Fixico, Daley, 2176, NB1036.
Fixico, Elizabeth, 2948.
Fixico, Emma, 1616.
Fixico, Fannie, 2595, M170, NB741, NB742.
Fixico, Fanny, 2595, NB741, NB742, M170.
Fixico, Fologa, 1217.
Fixico, Fushutche, 1574.
Fixico, Fuskatcha, 2690.
Fixico, Harney, 2480.
Fixico, Hebsey, 1282, 1295.
Fixico, Heles 2735, 2736, 2737.
Fixico, Heneha, 2238, 2274, 2404, 2405.
Fixico, Henehoche, 3912.
Fixico, Hillis, 1682, 2695.
Fixico, Hinny, 1244.
Fixico, Hodulga, 2169.
Fixico, Holata, 693.
Fixico, Hotulka, 1223.
Fixico, Hotulke, 1295, 2646.
Fixico, Hulberta, 1322.
Fixico, Hulbutta, 1669.
Fixico, Hully, 3942.
Fixico, Hutchcutte, 1571, 1572.
Fixico, Hutchecutte, 1571, 1572.
Fixico Icey, NB51.
Fixico, Ilba, 1444.
Fixico, Itchar, 1695.
Fixico, Itsus, 2933.
Fixico, Jeffy, NB742.
Fixico, Jenatte, 3942.
Fixico, Jemima, 1470, NB1058.
Fixico, John. 995.
Fixico, Jowastagee, 2422.
Fixico, Katie, 2353, 2378, 3609.
Fixico, Katy, 1705.
Fixico, Kanip, 1859.
Fixico, Kapecha, 2958.
Fixico, Karsha, 2721.
Fixico, Katcha, 1627.
Fixico, Katcher, 148, 1287, 2402, 3814, NB418.
Fixico, Lahta, 3009.
Fixico, Leah, 2204.
Fixico, Lettif, 1244.
Fixico, Linda, 1125, 1467, NB552.
Fixico, Liddie, 1371.
Fixico, Lindy, 2401.
Fixico, Liza, 975.
Fixico, Lizzie, 2415.
Fixico, Locher, 1291.
Fixico, Lousoche, 1322.
Fixico, Lucy, 3168, NB295.
Fixico, Lydia, 2190, 3083, 3084.
Fixico, Maley, 1616.
Fixico, Mapetta, 1618.
Fixico, Martha, 2176.
Fixico, Mary, 693.
Fixico, Mickey, 3009.
Fixico, Mina, 3942.
Fixico, Minta, 2176.
Fixico, Nagusche, 1249.
Fixico, Nanny, 1245.
Fixico, Neha, 2173, 3942.
Fixico, Nellie, 3423.
Fixico, Nocos, 3174.
Fixico, Nocus, 1215, 1710, 2218, 2277, 2278, 2524, 277S, 3053, 3082.
Fixico, Nokus, 1319.
Fixico, Nupsey, 237, 707, 1616.
Fixico, Okehema, 6.
Fixico, Okchiye, 1269.
Fixico, Okchon, 2385.
Fixico, Oktaiehe, 1323, 1381.
Fixico, Oktiarchee, 1323, 1381.
Fixico, Osah, 1212, 1884.
Fixico, Osach, 2827, 2829.
Fixico, Oscoce, 1444, 3423.
Fixico, Osoche, 2827, 2S29.
Fixico, Osuch, 2061.
Fixico, Pahos, 280, 995, 2759.
Fixico, Pahose, 280, 995, 2759.
Fixico, Pathos, 1862, 2415.
Fixico, Pefeny, 1287, NB51, M81.
Fixico, Pickcarty, 1577.
Fixico, Pin, 2204, 2442.
Fixico, Polly, 1254.
Fixico; Quasada, 2401.
Fixico, Robert, NB435.
Fixico, Roley, NB1058.
Fixico, Roman, 2176.
Fixico, Sallie, 1369, 2176, 3082, 3565, NB435, NB1168, M339.
Fixico, Sally, 1369, 2176, 3082, 3565, NB435, NB1168. M339.
Fixico, Sampson, 3565.
Fixico, Samson, 2402.
Fixico, Sarfarchar, 1467.
Fixico, Sarna, 3942.
Fixico, Semarhichkar, 1444, 3423.
Fixico, Sewika, 1371.
Fixico, Simhejeschee, 1358.
Fixico, Siney, 2442.
Fixico, Sparney, 2242, 2850.
Fixico, Spoko, 2768.
Fixico, Sutter, 5181.
Fixico, Sunderler, 1254.
Fixico, Sunduller, 2415.
Fixico, Sunny, 1439.
Fixico, Susan, 3942.
Fixico, Tagie, 1439.
Fixico, Taho, 2190.
Fixico, Thlechimy, 1681.
Fixico, Thlotho, 1371.
Fixico, Thomas, 1371.
Fixico, Thorthlo, 1245, 1371, 1482, 1486, 1487
Fixico, Tommie, 2818, 3324, 3684.
Fixico, Tulmars, 2056.
Fixico, Tulmochus, 1631, 3565, NB435.
Fixico, Tulmochuss, 2176, 3565, NB435.
Fixico, Tulsa, 23, 1559, 1560, 2688.
Fixico, Tulwa, 1267, 2086.
Fixico, Tummie, 2518.
Fixico, Warney, 3279, 3609.
Fixico, Watka, 2823.
Fixico, Watty, NB741, NB742, 51170.
Fixico, Wegus, 1223.
Fixico, Willie, 1414, NB418.
Fixico, NB741.
Fixico, Wisely, 1381.
Fixico, Wisey, 1507, 2818, 2933
Fixico, Wizo, 1345.
Fixico, Wotka, 1358.
Fixico, Woxie, 1881, 1882.
Fixico, Yaha, 1295, 1298, 12119, 2832. 3083, 3084.
Fixico, Yahola, 975, 1571, 2542, 2692, 2918, 2950.
Fixico, Yana, M170.
Fixico, Yarhar, 216.
Fixico, Yohola, 2950.
Fixoco, Cho, 2745, 3945.
Fixseko, Cusseta, 3917.
Flack, Cornelia, 190.
Flack, Enoch, 490.
Flack, John, 490.
Flack, Mottle, 490, NB860.
Flanders, Edward, 635.
Fanley, Edward, 224.
Fanley, William, 221.
Fleet, Alice J., 2011, NB521.
Fleet, James H., NB524.
Fleet, John J., NB524.
Flint, Brown, 828.
Flint, Lizzie, 828.
Flint, Morris, 828.
Flint, Thomas, 828.
Flippin, Jerome, 372.
Flippin, Mary Jane, 372.
Flippin, Walter, 372.
Flowers, Alice, NB565.
Flowers, Arminta, 20.3, 2024, 2264.
Flowers, Joe, 2023.
Flowers, John, 2023, 2024 2264, 3863.
Flowers, Johnny, 3863.
Flowers, Joseph, 2024, NB565.
Flowers, Lewis, 2261.
Flowers, Mattie, 2023.
Flowers, Mentie, 3863.
Flowers, Mintie, 3802.
Flowers, Susan, 2023.
Flowers, Willie Eva, NB565.
Fo bits co yee, 1596.
Fob lok he, 72.
Fo ko lo da ga, 2655, 2656, 2657
Fola, 1493, 1536, 3236.
Fo le che chc, 2826.
Foley, Arney, 1951, NB1244.
Foley, Eliza, 2233, 2670.
Foley, John, 1951.
Foley, Kissie, 1951.
Foley, Kizzie, 2670.
Foley, Lowe, 1051.
Foley, Melindy, 2832, N131241.
Foley, Minnie, 1951.
Foley, Taylor, 2670, NB1241.
Foley, William, 1951.
Fo lis cha, 1070.
Follker, 2649.
Foloppa, Sam, 3757.
Fo lot ho go, 2857.
Fo lot ho ka, 122.
Fo lot ho kee, 2219, 2230.
Fo lot hok ko oho, 89, 91.
Fo lot ka, 362.
Fo lot ker, 1185.
Folsom, Rufus. 89.
Foluthoker, 2692, NB1213.
Fo lut ti ke, 2701.
Fol wa tus to no ga, 1836.
Foreman, Annie, 3711.
Foreman, George E., 3711.
Foreman, Isabelle, 3711.
Foreman, Jeremiah E., 3711.
Foreman. Maggie Belle, 3711.
Foreman, Minnie E., 3711.
Foreman, Sarah C., 3711.
Foreman, Stephen S., 3711.
For lee yer, 1644.
Forty-four, Billy, 3501.
Forty-four, Cordenny, 3501.
Forty-four, Hannah, 3301.
Foshee, Andrew Jackson, 82.
Foshee, Dewey McKinley, 3544.
Foshee, Emily, 51151.
Foshee. Ernest, 51151.
Foshee, Henry C., NB1043.
Foshee, Homer L., M198.
Foshee, L. A., 82, 83, 84, 86.
Foshee, Lillian, 3544, NB1043, M198.
Foshee, Lillian F., 3511, NB1043, M198.
Foshee, Mary A., 82, 83, 84, 86.
Foshee, Sarah, S2.
Foshee, Simion Lee, 82, M151.
Foshee, Walter A., 82.
Foshee, William R., 84, 3544,M198, NB1043.
Fos hut see, 3104.
Foster, 2214.
Foster, Abe W., 698, NB781.
Foster, Abraham, 495, 695, 927, NB781.
Foster, Adam, 3149.
Foster. Annie, 2171.
Foster, Bessie, 698.
Foster, Betsey, 3109, 3149.
Foster, Caroline, 2043.
Foster, Charles, 3149.
Foster, Charles E., 1639.
Foster, Chotka, 1440, NB1039, NB1040.
Foster, Claude C., 1639.
Foster, Cora, 982.
Foster, Dave. 3831, 2156, 3697, NB209,NB300.
Foster, David, 2156, 3697,3831,NB299, NB300.
Foster, Edna Earle, 1021.
Foster, Edward, 1615, NB250, M84.
Foster, Eliza, 1639.
Foster, Gabriel, 132.
Foster, George, 153, 743, 1615, 2156, 2171, 3942
Foster, G. C., 982, 3685, NB-179.
Foster, George Cameron, NB922
Foster, George W., 1021, 3807, NB677.
Foster, Grace Al., NB250, M84.
Foster, Henry, 1892, 3783, NB1039.
Foster, Bettie, 405 Foster, Ida M. 1639.
Foster, Ira P. 743.
Foster, Janie, 1892, 3783, NB1150.
Foster, Jeanette C. E., .1029.
Foster, Jennie, 495, NBI I!).
Foster, Jennie Slay, NB922.
Foster, Jimmie, N 11300.
Foster, 1ohn J., 1630.
Foster, John W., N13250.
Foster, Kinder, 2171.
Foster, Lewis E., 5181.
Foster, Lizzie, 3119.
Foster, Louie, 982, 3685, NB179.
Foster, Lowiney, NB1150.
Foster, Luey, 495, 19118, NB781.
Foster, Lula, NB1040.
Foster, Lula B., NB479.
Foster, Malinda, 3685.
Foster, Martha, 3697.
Foster, Mary, 1110, 1743, NB1039, NB1040.
Foster, Mary E., 1021, 3507, NB677.
Foster, Mary Josephine, NB677.
Foster, Hattie L., 743.
Foster, Melanie, 2156, 3697, NB299, NB300.
Foster, Meleny, 2156, 3607, NB299, NB300.
Foster, Me se ley, 2171.
Foster, Millie, 132.
Foster, Moses, 132.
Foster, Nancy, 3942.
Foster, Noah, 132, CE4092.
Foster, Oceola, NB299.
Foster, Robert H , 1639.
Foster, Robinson, 1892.
Foster, Rosa, 743, 1615.
Foster, Sallie, 92, 698, 699, CE4029.
Foster, Sam, 3149.
Foster, Samuel, 495.
Foster, Sandy, 132.
Foster, Sarfarsody, 3912.
Foster, Sukey, 3149, NB650.
Foster, Summer, 3783.
Foster, Sunda, 2033.
Foster, Susie Mills, NB7SI.
Foster, Turner, 2214.
Foster, Walter S., 1639.
Foster, William, 982.
Foster, William C., 1639, NB922.
Foster, Willie Frances, 3807.
Foster, Wolley, 2214:
Fox, Ada, 276, 3414, NB1263.
Fox, Addie, 3069, 3953.
Fox, Alice, 503.
Fox, Andewe, 562.
Fox, Charlie, 562.
Fox, Cumsey, 1332.
Fox, Eliza, 860.
Fox, Elzie, NB469.
Fox, Harney, 1602.
Fox, Henry, 560.
Fox, Jennetty, 3953.
Fox, Jennie, 1081.
Fox, Jim, 3069, 3953, NB1263.
Fox, Jimmie, 3069, 3953, NB1263.
Fox, John, 1332, NB469.
Fox, Katie, NB392.
Fox; Katy, 1332.
Fox, Lena. 1332, NB469.
Fox, Lizzie, 5, 1081.
Fox, Lucy, 1332.
Fox, Luke, 560, 3414, NB392.
Fox, Maggie, 560, 3414, NB392.
Fox, Martha, 2155.
Fox, Mary, 560, 2155.
Fox, Missouri, 501, 502, 503, 997.
Fox, Nellie, 501, 502, 503, 685.
Fox, Sakena, 562.
Fox, Sandy, NB1263.
Fox, Sarah, 860.
Fox, Sofa, 1602.
Fox, Sophia, 2537.
Fox, Sukey, 582, 1818, 2023.
Fox, Sutar, 502.
Fox, Tom, 5, 1081.
Fox, Trig Jim, 860.
Fox, Wash, 1602.
Fox, William, 582, 1332.
Fox, William Jr., 582.
Fox, Willie, 1602.
Fox, Winey, 2537.
Fox, Varner, 502.
Francis, Annie, 43, 127, 2872, 3955, NB1070
Francis, Amos, 3955.
Francis, Bettie, NB251.
Francis, Christie, 2458.
Francis, Dorsey, 43.
Francis, Elizabeth, 3955.
Francis, Emma, 43.
Francis, Freeland, NB1070.
Francis, Garfield, 123.
Francis, Hattie, 123.
Francis, Jackson, 1418.
Francis, Jeff, 125, NB252.
Francis, John, 43, 109, 123, 125, 1421 1985, 3596
Francis, Leah, 109.
Francis, Lena, 109.
Francis, Lizzie, 123.
Francis, Locha, 43.
Francis, Louis, 3720.
Francis, Louisa, 125.
Francis, Mack, 125, 127, 2339.
Francis, Manerva, 123, NB594.
Francis, Martha, 43, 2033, 3517.
Francis, Mary, 123.
Francis, May Della, M86
Francis, A1enaffee, 123, NB594.
Francis; Millie, 43, 109, 1985, 3517, NB251, NB252, M86.
Francis, Minkey, 109, 3596, NB274, NB275.
Francis, Minnie, 109.
Francis, Mitchell, 123, 2033, NB594.
Francis, Robert, 1985, 2339, 3517, 3720, NB251, NB252, M86.
Francis. Holey, NB274.
Francis, Samuel, NB275.
Francis, Si11a, 125.
Francis, Sukey, 1418.
Francis, Susie, NB594.
Francis, Thomas, 109,
Francis, William, 109, 125, 127, 3596, 3955, NB274, NB275, NB1070.
Frank, 2425, 299S.
Frank, Addie, 2430.
Frank, Alfred, M267, NB1051.
Frank, Amanda, 11.
Frank, Amanda J., NB370.
Frank, Austin, 2372, NB953.
Frank, Barney, 10, 2095, NB294.
Frank, Bettie, 564, NB411, NB412.
Frank, Betty, 564, NB411, NB412.
Frank, Dave, 2263, 1930, 2361, 2430, 3147.
Frank, David, 1930, 2263, 2361, 2430, 3147.
Frank, Eliza, 258, 2431.
Frank, Ella, 2098.
Frank, George, 51267.
Frank, Hannah. M215, NB797.
Frank, Harry, 2998.
Frank, Henry, 11.
Frank, Hichete, 1863, 2316.
Frank, Jane, 1699, 2263, 2360. 2361.
Frank, Jennetta, 2360.
Frank, Jennie, 1930, 3147.
Frank, Jimmie, 2360.
Frank, John, 1030.
Frank, Johnson, NB1051.
Frank, Joseph, 11.
Frank, Josie, 564.
Frank, Katie, 1930.
Frank, Leah, 576, NB294, NB358, M389.
Frank, Levina, 3147.
Frank, Lidda, 10, NB294.
Frank, Liddy, 10, NB294.
Frank, Liza, 871, 1-157.
Frank, Lizzie, 32G, 2372, 3800, N13953.
Frank, Louina, 3877.
Frank, Louis, 3877.
Frank, Lucy, 2372.
Frank, Mahala, NBI12.
Frank, Major, 2360.
Frank, Marsena, 11.
Frank, Meena, 10.
Frank, Nancy, 1s03, 2310, 2125.
Frank, Neddie, NB111.
Frank, Noah, 2998, 3117, 3877, M215, M272, NB797.
Frank, Norah, 11.
Frank, Polly, 3117.
Frank, Sallie, 1930, M253.
Frank, Sammie, 2361.
Frank, Sissie, 2593, M267, NB105.
Frank, Sissy, 2593, M207, NB1051.
Frank, Short, 561, NB111, NB412.
Frank, Stella, M215.
Frank, Tingo. 11, NB370.
Frank, Tom, 10, 11.
Frank, Thomas, 1912, 2372.
Frank, Vera, NB797.
Frank, William 871, 259, 2316, 2131, NB370.
Frank, Wilson, 576.
Franklin, Annie, M370.
Franklin, Billie, 2012.
Franklin, Dave, 2042.
Franklin, Ethel Slay, 942.
Franklin, Frank, 2042, M370.
Franklin, Harriett, 2042.
Franklin, James E., 912.
Franklin, Judy, 2042.
Franklin, Lena, 942, 3713.
Franklin, Polly, 2042, M370.
Franklin, Rentie, 2042.
Franklin, Samuel B., 942.
Franklin, William, 942, 3713.
Franklin, William Penn, 3713.
Frazier, Alice, 3172.
Frazier, George, 1973.
Frazier, Johnson, 3172.
Frazier, Margaret, 1747.
Frazier, Nettie, 2101.
Frazier, Tom, 1747.
Freeman, Carlyle D., 3267.
Freeman, Celia, 451
Freeman, Columbus, 503.
Freeman, Cordelia, 934. NB710.
Freeman, Emma J., 3201.
Freeman, Estella E., 3267.
Freeman, Ezra, NB710.
Freeman, Hovah Monroe, NB710.
Freeman, John, 120, 223, 451, 1613.
Freeman, John, Jr., 120.
Freeman, John W., NB160.
Freeman, Joseph L., 3265.
Freeman, Josephine, 3254, 3200, 3261, 3265, 3360, 3267.
Freeman, Josie, 3251 3260, 3261, 3360, 3267.
Freeman, Lena, 1747, NB166.
Freeman, Liza, 120, 223.
Freeman, Louis 120.
Freeman, L C., 3254, 3200, 3201, 3205, 3267, 3360.
Freeman, Lloyd C., 3254, 3261, 3260, 3265, 3267, 3360
Freeman, Lucy, 120.
Freeman, Lynne S., 3267.
Freeman, Marv, 223.
Freeman, Major, 707.
Freeman, Mitchell, 503.
Freeman, Peter, 1613.
Freeman, Pikey, 2747.
Freeman, Rhoda, 3332.
Freeman, Rueben, 120.
Freeman, Sudie, 1753.
Freeman, Theodore, O., 3267.
Freeman, Theodore E., NB106.
Freeman, William, 120.
Frick, Jay, NB1237.
Frick, J. L., NB1237, NB123S.
Frick, Mamie, 808, NB1237, NB1238.
Frick, William, NB1238.
Friday, Jennie, 2485.
Friday, Berry-Creek Frd., 198, NB1092, NB1226.
Friday, Clarence, NB1226.
Friday, Jennie, 1738, NB1092, M398.
Friday, Lewis, 2485.
Friday, Willie, NB1092.
Fronges, John, 1418.
Fry, Dema, 434.
Fry, Lawrence, 434.
Fry, Leechie, 2942, NB1258, NB1259, M474.
Fry, Leona, 434.
Fry, Lottie, 431.
Fry, Milly, 434.
Fry, Robert, 434.
Fry, Sam, 2961, NB1258, NB1259, M474.
Fry, Sandy, NB1258.
Fry, Sarty, NB1250.
Fry, Susie, 346.
Fulga, 2508.
Fulhoge, 2419.
Fulley, 2492.
Fullhoogee, 1990.
Fulotka, 310.
Fulotka, Nellie, 310.
Fulotka, Oscar. 310.
Fulotka, Susan, 310.
Fulsom, Conthlany, 882, 5118.
Fulsom, Emma, 3871.
Fulsom, George, 400.
Fulsom, Henry, 5118.
Fulsom, Joe, 2410.
Fulsom, Rosa, 2-120.
Fulsom, Ladee, NB748.
Fulsom, Louisa, 1210.
Fulsom, Lucy, 882, NB718.
Fulsom, Millie, 2116, 3016, 3874, NB798.
Fulsom, Pantenay, 3123.
Isom, Rhoda, NB798.
Isom, Robert, 2120. N 14748, 51 IS.
Fulsom, Sallie, 605, 51318.
Fulsom, Salo, 2421.
Fulsom, Sam, 2421.
Fulsom, Sarah, 2421.
Fulsom, Thomas, 1216, 2116, 2420, 2421, 3616, 3874, NB798.
Fulsom, Wicey, 3616.
Fulsom, Wiley, 51315.
Fulsom, William, 89
Fulsom, Willie, 2421, M318
Fulsome, 1012
Fulton, 1878
Fulton, Friday, 1878
Funnaske, 2689.
Furr, Albert Clinton, 51223.
Furr, Archie D., 1089.
Furr, Arthur, 1089.
Furr, Arthur B., 1089.
Furr, Benjamin C., 1089, M223.
Furr, Jude, 1089, NB1013.
Furr, Mamie, 1089.
Furr, Perry, 1089.
Furr, Samuel, 1089.
Furr, Stella, M223.
Furr, William O., 1089.
Furvaga, 1906.
Fuseke, NB546.
Fuseke, Cinda, NB546.
Fustanagee, Cotsa, 3392.
Fustinnokochee, 1574.
Fuswa, Mary, 3007.
Futchahokke, 252.
Futloka, 254.
Futrell, Alice, 230, NB339, NB340.
Futrell, Frank, NB339, NB340.
Futrell, Jimmie, NB339.
Futrell, Pearlie, NB340.
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