Campbell’s Abstract – A Surnames

Last Updated on June 9, 2014 by Dennis

The publication of the Tribal Rolls, in 1907, gave the roll number, name of the allottee, age, sex and blood, and operated to a large extent to inform the public, but this information was not sufficient, in fact, it aided only those who, by reason of their familiarity with the workings and records of the Indian Offices, knew how to secure additional information. John Campbell set out to help researchers determine the family relationships between the allottee’s by providing an abstract index of all names from the records. This index has proven invaluable over time by providing a quick method to research family relationships within the tribal rolls.

A Surnames

Abahalee, 3157.
Abandey, 235.
Abbeah, 2778.
Abbelogah, 2307.
Abbeloka, 937
Abbey, 1315.
Abloe, 1268.
Ablow, Nicey, 1268.
Abolin, 1322.
Absey, 2080, 3003.
Ackley, Bart, 51102.
Ackley, Goldie, M102.
Ackley, Morris, M102.
Aconconey, 588.
Ada, 180.
Adair, Edley, 3802.
Adair, Edwin Brewer, M3.
Adair, Gipsie, 464, M3.
Adair, L. A., M3.
Adair, Martha, 3802.
Adaline, 1631.
Adams, 651.
Adams, Aggie, 1025.
Adams, Andrew, NB780.
Adams, Annie, 1025, NB786, NB787.
Adams, Benjamin, 1170.
Adams, Bettie, 927, NB834.
Adams, Daniel, 1025.
Adams, David, M333.
Adams, Delia, 137.
Adams, Dicey, 137, 882, 927, 1182.
Adams, Ellen, 927.
Adams, Emma, 1025.
Adams, Ethel, NB787.
Adams, Falby, 139.
Adams, Felix, 3887.
Adams, Frank, 1732.
Adams, Fred, 1170.
Adams, Garfield, 139.
Adams, George W., 1170, 3887, M363, NB636
Adams, Hattie, 927.
Adams, Hepsa, 1172, 651, 1025, M202.
‘Adams, Hepsey, 651, 1025, 1172, M202.
Adams, Henry, 137.
Adams, Isaac, 137.
Adams, Israel, 137.
Adams, John, 1170.
Adams, Julia. 927
Adams, Lee, 1175.
Adams, Leo, 1172.
Adams, Lewis, 1172, NB786, NB787.
Adams, Lieutenant, 2285
Adams, Lizzie, 1113.
Adams, Mahala. 651, 925, 927, 1025, 1170, 1172, 1175.
Adams, Mahale,1170, 1172, 1175, 651, 925, 927, 1025.
Adams, Mahaley, 925, 927, 651, 1025, 1170, 1172, 1175.
Adams, Martha, 651, NB811, NB812, M150.
Adams, Mary, 651, M201, NB1017.
Adams, Mehala, 1025, 651, 925, 927, 1170, 1172, 1175.
Adams, Richard, 139, M201.
Adams, Samuel, 275 .
Adams, Sarah, 1170, 3487, M363, NB636.
Adams, Susan, 111, 1732, 1919.
Adams, Theodore, NB186.
Adams, Thomas, 139, 651, 925, 927, 1025, 1170, 1172, 1115, 2285.
Adams, Thomas J., 651, 139, 925, 927, 1025, 1170, 1172, 1175, 2285.
Adams, Thomas Jr., 925.
Adams, Wahale, 139.
Adams, Washington, 1172.
Adams, Wiley, 1113, 1732, 1919.
Adams, Willie, 1170.
Addenna, 532.
Adelhelm, Charlie Antion, NB511.
Adelhelm, Chester, NB510.
Adelhelm, Jennie, NB510-NB511.
Adelhelm, William, NB510-NB511.
Adeline, 1650.
Adkins, Hattie, 74.
Adkins, Ira, 955.
Adkins, Louise, 955.
Adkins, Martha J., 955.
Adkins, Nat, 3946.
Adkins, Otheola, 955.
Adkins, Richard, 3946.
Adkins, Salle, 3946.
Adkins, Thomas, 3946.
Adkins, W. B., 955.
Afalokey, 3290.
Afalokey, Lucinda, 3290.
Affaloye, 3397.
Agent, Bruce, 591.
Agent, Jim, 591.
Agent, Lizzie, 591.
Aggie, 222, 1524, 2627.
Ahaisse, 1682, 3751.

Ahaisse, Addie, 1682
Ahaisse, Allie, 1682
Ahaisse, David, 1682.
Ahaisse, Fremus, 3751.
Ahaisse, Joseph, 1682.
Ahaisse, Minnie, 1682.
Ahaisse, Sebert, 1682.
Ahaisse, Sissie, 1682, 3751.
Ahaisse, Sissy, 1682, 3751.
Ahaisse, Winey, 1682.
Ahalakhopie, 1951.
Ahalee, 2603.
Ahaluke, 1646.
Ahbeunga, 919.
Ahboga, 575.
Ahchulah, 2734.
Ahcoconnay, 2312, 2983, 2984, 3034, 3338.
Ahcoconney, 2312, 2983, 2984, 3338, 3034.
Ahequany, 2161.
Ahfolaka, 395, 1430.
Ahfonoke, 1260, 1674.
Ahfonoke, Cheparney, 1260.
Ahfonoke, Hoktoche, 1260, 1348, 1376, 1674.
Ahfonoke, Hoktochee, 1348, 1376, 1674, 1260.
Ahfonoke, Malley, 1260.
Ahfonoke, Nicey, 1260, 3966, NB368.
Ahfonoke, Parnoskey, 1260.
Ahfonoke, Sayoehee, 1260, NB 1150
Ahfonoke, Simmer, 1260, NB1149
Ahgogethlon, 1898.
Ahgokela, 1935.
Ahgokela, Waittie, 1935.
Ahgothany, 2161.
Ahhalonaney, 3124.
Ah Harjo, 3175.
Ahjola, 2620.
Ahkacofah, 1000.
Ahkate, 417.
Ahkohkee, 2418.
Ahkona, 43, 563.
Ahkonah, Nellie, 43.
Ahkotaney, 400.
Ahlaahcotaney, 2708.
Ahlacohonney, 400, 3939.
Ahlacontay, 2705.
Ahlaeontblaney, 2982.
Ahlaquan, 2252.
Ahlejetchchee, 37.
Ahlikouncona, 566.
Ahpoke, 2800.
Ahmana, 1318.
Ahochtey, 604.
Ahquntha, 233.
Ahrens, A. J. W., 597.
Ahrens Henry Shaw, 597.
Ahrens, Juliette, 507.
Ahrens, Kate E., 597.
Ahsechage, 1260.
Ahsehe, 3247.
Abseke, 2351.
Ahsey, 2984, NB938.
Ahtah, 1899.
Ahtaqueney, 2717.
Ahtata, 1057.
Ahtushahola, 1587.
Ahwe, 1004, 1006.
Ahweththla, 1384.
Ajenny, 3073.
Ajubee, 567.
Akans, James, 865.
Akans, Noah, 865.
Aknutana, 569.
Akotaney, 2416.
Aktiachee, 3212.
Akuonko, 563.
Alacuuneona, 571.
Albert, 1670.
Albert, David, 2376.
Albert, Hesahar, 2376.
Albert, Jackson, 2376.
Albert, Prince, 2376.
Albert, Sallie, 2376.
Albert, Watty, 2376.
Albutta, 2824.
Alecher, 2874.
Aleck, 328.
Alex, Elizabeth, 1946, NB556.
Alex, F. G., 1946, NB556.
Alex, Freeland, 1946, NB556.
Alex, H., 1946
Alex, Jacob, NB556.
Alex, Mary, 3870, 3902.
Alex, Susan, 1946.
Alexander, 94, 97, 808, 4014.
Alexander, Alex, 97, 1837, 2237.
Alexander, Arty. 97, 100, NB154
Alexander, Bettie, NB503.
Alexander, Christie, NB505.
Alexander, Cora, 2012
Alexander, David, 2237, 3891
Alexander, G. A, 1602, 1630, 1902, 1003, 114, 2011, 2241
Alexander, George, 97.
Alexander, George A., 1602, 1630, 1902 193, 1901, 2011, 2241.
Alexander, Hannah M., 2241
Alexander, Hettie, 1902, Nb504, NB505
Alexander, Jacob, NB504

Alexander, James, 1602, 1837.
Alexander, James H., 2211
Alexander, John L., 1902, NB504, NB505
Alexander, Leah, 2012.
Alexander, Lewis, 1602
Alexander, Lily, 94.
Alexander, Liza. 97.
Alexander, Lizzie, 2237, 2747, 3394, NB410.
Alexander, Loley, 256.
Alexander, Louis, 2012.
Alexander Lucy, 2012
Alexander, Martha 2237, 3811, NB503.
Alexander, Mary, 94, NB154.
Alexander, Mattie G., 1902
Alexander, Miley, 97, NB1083.
Alexander, Nancy, 97, 100, 1602, 1630, 183 1902, 1903, 1904, 2011, 224 3811, NB151.
Alexander, Nancy Larney, NB441.
Alexander, Nathan, 1902.
Alexander, Reuben, 97.
Alexander, Robert, 3894, 1904, 3811, NB503.
Alexander Robert L., 1904, 3811, 3394, NB503
Alexander, Holy, 100.
Alexander, Sallie, 2237, 1837.
Alexander, Sally, 1837, 2237.
Alexander, Sealy, 97.
Alexander, Tecumseh, 97
Alexander, Tisey, 100.
Alexander, Willie, 256.
Algogehney, 1208.
Allen, Abraham, 1062.
Allen, Ada, 1062.
Allen, Annie, 1062.
Allen, Benjamin, T., 541.
Allen, Bill, 1062.
Allen, Cora, 540.
Allen, Cora Lou, NB109.
Allen, Eliza H., 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 595.
Allen, Ella, 1062.
Allen, Ivey M., 540.
Allen, James, 1062.
Allen, Jess, 92, 1062, 3669, CE4015.
Allen, Jesse, 92, 1062, 3669, CE4015.
Allen, Jesse Will, 3669.
Allen, Joe, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542.
Allen, John W., 540, NB109.
Allen, Joseph, 1062.
Allen, Joseph W. 540.
Allen, Lizzie, 1062, 3669.
Allen, Louina, 1772.
Allen, Louisa, 1062.
Allen, Louvina, 1237.
Allen, Lovnia, 1771.
Allen, Lucinda, 1062, 1062.
Allen, Lular, 92.
Allen, Millard E., NB109.
Allen, Myrtle May, 4010, CE4015.
Allen, Rosette, 4010.
Allen, Roy, 1062.
Allen, Wootsey, CE4015
Allicky, 1250.
Allinda, 2202.
Allummee, 1820.
Allyah, 2059.
Alpatochee. 2238.
Alwir, Lucy, 7.
Amarthar, Nargusta, 3065, 3080
Amey, 336, 343, 435, 2205, 2206, 2468, 2696, 3197, 3198, 3200.
Amoche, 3402.
Amochee, 1792
Amoge, 3042.
Amos, 1585.
Amster, Susana 2880
Amy, 336 343, 435, 2205, 2206, 2468, 2696, 3197, 3198, 3200.
Aneil, William, 2241
Anderson. Alma. 2115.
Anderson, Amos, 1469, NB509.
Anderson, Amy, 229
Anderson, Andrew, 871.
Anderson, Annie, 1469, 2115.
Anderson, Augusta, 3564.
Anderson, Austin, 961.
Anderson. Beatrice. 976.
Anderson, Bennie, NB329, NB330.
Anderson, Bessie, NB320.
Anderson, Betsey. 976, 1225.
Anderson, Billie, 3210, 3530.
Anderson, Celey 2115, 3210.
Anderson. Charles, 2694, NB350
Anderson, Charley, 2694, NB350.
Anderson, Cilia, 871.
Anderson, David, 976, 1225.
Anderson, David V., 1225, 976.
Anderson, Earnest, 076,
Anderson, Eliza, 2574, 871, 2878.
Anderson, Ella, 2149, 3530.
Anderson, Emma, 976, 2149, 3564, NB205, M247
Anderson, Emmett A., 976.
Anderson, Geo., 352, 581, 640. 871, 961, 1225.
Anderson, George W., 1225, 352, 581, 961, 640, 871.
Anderson, Green, 2574.
Anderson, Haley, 1705, 3310.

Anderson, Hannah, 1062.
Anderson, James, 1062, 1059
Anderson, Jennie, NB509.
Anderson, Jim, 1059, 1062.
Anderson, Leah, 1643.
Anderson, Liza, 871, 2574, 2878.
Anderson, Lizzie, M., 1225.
Anderson, Lottie. 3250.
Anderson, Lucy, 961, 2488.
Anderson, Lydia C., NB205.
Anderson, Martha. 2115, 51158, NB350, NB1180, 1\1158
Anderson, Millie, 1797, NB1003.
Anderson, Minnie, 1705.
Anderson, Mose, 2488.
Anderson, Nancy, 352, 581, 961, 1225.
Anderson, Nannie, 640.
Anderson, Narto, 1469.
Anderson, Nellie, 1225.
Anderson, Norman, 3310.
Anderson, Phoebe, 229, 1797, NB1042.
Anderson, Richmond, 2149.
Anderson, Robert, 1225.
Anderson, Ruth, 961.
Anderson, Sam, 1716, 1717, 3310.
Anderson, Sam Clarence, 976.
Anderson, Sampson, 1716
Anderson, Samuel, 3310, 1716, 1717.
Anderson, Simon, 1469.
Anderson, Soloman, 976, 3564, NB205, 51247.
Anderson, Solomon, 976, 3564, NI3205. 51247
Anderson, Stella Terrasa, M247.
Anderson, Susan, 960, 1059, 1062, NB1120.
Anderson, Thomas, 1705, 2878, 3530, 3987, 1797, 2115, 3210, 3250. 3310.
Anderson, Tifney, 1460.
Anderson, Timmie, 2591.
Anderson, Tom, 1705, 1797, 2115, 3210, 3250, 3310, 3987, 2878, 3530.
Anderson, Tyler, 1716.
Anderson, Viola, NB509.
Anderson, Walter, S71.
Anderson, Wiley, 1643.
Anderson, William, 871, 2149, 2591.
Anderson, Willie, 1717, NB1180.
Anderson, Winey, NB329, NB330.
Anderson, Wisey, NB330.
Andrews, Annie, M183.
Andrews, Minor, M183.
Andy, Cornelius, 1877.
Andy, Lee, 1877.
“Angie,” 3337.
Anna, 1403.
Anna, Mollie, 1800.
Anneha, 1328.
Annie, 149, 170, 445, 565, 1247, 1469, 1536, 2356, 2397, 2495, 2667, 2784, 29-17, 3054, 3303, 3121, 3549. CE4049, NB1204.
Annie, Lucy, 3343.
Annie, Millie, 884.
Anoche, 1696, 2598.
Anochee, 1696, 2598.
Ansiel, Albert Robert, NB591.
Ansiel, Arnecie, 807, NB1164.
Ansiel, Charles A., 2041, NB722, NB723.
Ansiel, Charley D., 807.
Ansiel, Charlie, 2041, NB722, NB723.
Ansiel, James F., 648.
Ansiel, Jennie M., 3670.
Ansiel, John G., 1335, NB645.
Ansiel, Lula, NB645.
Ansiel, Mary, NB722, NB723.
Ansiel, Robert L., 2040, 3670, NB591.
Ansiel, Robert Lee, 2040, 3670, NB591.
Ansiel, Robert Leroy, NB723.
Ansiel, Sadie A., 2040, 3670.
Ansiel, Samuel E. 0., NB645.
Ansiel, Statie Ann, NB591.
Ansiel, William, 2040, 2041.
Ansiel, William F., NB722.
Ansiel, William W., 2040.
Ansil, Stephen, 428, 648.
Ansil, Will, 807.
Ansill, Daisy, 428.
Ansill, Henry F., NB738.
Ansill, John Lee, 3806.
Ansill, Kate, 428.
Ansill, Roxie, 3806, NB738.
Ansill, Sallie, 428.
Ansill, Samuel E., 428, 3806, NB738.
Ansill, Stephen, 428, 648.
Ansill, Wm. Oscar, 428.
Ansill, Wm. Stephen, 1335
Anteline, 1462.
Antige, 2769.
A pe cor ney, 2428.
Applegeet, Cora, 3541, NB118.
Applegeet, Cora F., 3541, NB118.
Applegeet, Orvill B., 3541.
Applegeet, W. F., 3541, N13118.
Applegeet, Zelma Fay, NB118.
Appo gey, 3000.
Apucka, Jemima, 62.
Apucka, Micco, 1409, 1423, 1425.
Apucka, Nancy, 62.
Apueka, Nathaniel, 62.

Apueka, Setty, 62.
Apueka, Tooka, 62.
Apueka, William, 62.
Apueka, Willie, 62.
Aquanay, 2428, 400.
Aquanay, Lucy, 2428, 400.
Arabella, 23.
Arbebeeasic, 3792.
Arbeka, Jim, 1992.
Arbor, 1503.
Arbifhoge, 2778.
Arbor, Caney, 3623.
Arbor, Fagley, 3623.
Arbor, Henderson, 3623.
Arbor, John, 3623.
Arbuckle, 2950.
Arbuckle, Battle, 2950.
Arbuckle, Betsey, 2950.
Arbuckle, Fanny, 2950.
Arbuckle, Hepsey, 3981.
Arbuckle, Louisa, 2950.
Arbuckle, Millie, 2950.
Arbuckle, Napsey, 2050.
Arbuckle, Salinee, 3981.
Arbuckle, Tommy, 2950.
Arch, Dick, 4024.
Arch, Hokte, 4024.
Arch, John, 4024
Arch, Sarwike, 4024.
Archibald, Abel, CE4016.
Archibald, Adda, CE4016.
Archibald, Allen, CE4016.
Archibald, Cain, CE4016.
Archibald, Sallie, CE4016.
Archibald, Smedlow, CE4016
Archola, 1573, 2758.
Archopa, 1174.
Ardodey, 1269.
“Arfulka,” 3326.
Arhalokoche, 1970.
Arhalokoche, George, 1970.
Arhalokoche, Lewis, 1970.
Arkalokoche, Maggie, 1970, NB1199.
Arhalokoche, Maxey, 1970.
Arhalokoehe, Rosanna, 1970.
Arhalokoche, Sofa, 1970.
Arhalokoche, Winey, 1970.
Arkahneehe, 220.
Arkic, 1124.
Arlaquinnay, 957.
Arlie, 1674.
Arlike, 2947.
Arlinda, 2642.
Armarner, 2299.
Arnakke, 2688.
Arnay, 6.
Arnett, Abbie Lee, NB21.
Arnett, Albert W., 803, NB21, NB237.
Arnett, A. W., 803, NB21, N13237.
Arnett, Fred, 803. Arnett, Iola, NB237.
Arnett, Iona, 803.
Arnett, Maggie, S03, NB21, NB237.
Arnicha, 1355.
Arnie, 2368.
Arnogee, 3161.
Arpincinlike, 2630.
Arpinculikee, 2125.
Arpoika, George, 2470, NB1175.
Arpoika, Meka, 2470.
Arpoika, Sissie, 2470, NB1175.
Arpoika, William, NB1175.
Arpueka, Louisa, 62.
Arpucka, Una, 62.
Arsamarhe, 1249.
Arsehme, 1569.
Arshotopehe, 2568.
Arsluthlecha, 441.
Arsoyakce, Lovina, 2338, NB1101
Arssee, 2892.
Arssee, Albert, 2892.
Arstohartar, 1550.
Artarkinnay, 2713.
Artie, 3367.
Artochee, 144.
Artus, Hopaye, 3233.
Artusbahe, 2337.
Artusse, Annie, 626, NB1123.
Artusse, John, 1155, NB1123.
Artusse, Mose, NB1123.
Artussee, Mary, 2233.
Arwolichee, 1592.
Ary, Ann, 2706, 637, 770, 771, 772, 844 1129
Asbell, Art, 1338.
Asbell, Emma, 1338.
Asbell, Glen, 1338.
Asbell, Sarah, 1338, 2055, 1749, 1748.
Asbell, S. C., 2055.
Asbell, Wallace, 1338.
Asbill, Brina, 1748.
Asbill, Edna, 1748.
Asbill, Samuel, 1748.
Asbill, Sarah, 1749, 1338, 2055, 1748.

Asbill, Sarah A., 1748, 1749, 1338, 2055
Asbury, Anderson, 448.
Asbury, Coody, 635.
Asbury, Cooty, 343.
Asbury, Cooweeseoowee, CE4017.
Asbury, Daniel, 343.
Asbury, Eliza, 343, NB361, N13693.
Asbury, Francis, 343, NB365.
Asbury, George, 1397, NB361.
Asbury, George T., 1397, NB361.
Asbury, Jack, 1987.
Asbury, James, 1397.
Asbury, Jennetta, 343, NB365.
Asbury, Jim, 1987, 2544, 2546, 2547, 3109.
Asbury, John, 2546.
Asbury, Joseph, NB174, NB693.
Asbury, Josephine, 1397, NB978.
Asbury, Josiah, 1397, 1450.
Asbury, Joshua, 1397, NB174.
Asbury, Katie, 343.
Asbury, Lizzie, 1397.
Asbury, Louina, 32.
Asbury, Lucy, 32, NB1079, M301.
Asbury, Mary, 1397, 2546, 2544, 3889, NB960
Asbury, Miley, 1397.
Asbury, Moses, 32, 1061.
Asbury, Nancy, 2547, NB174.
Asbury, Nicey, 32, 1061.
Asbury, Polly, 1987.
Asbury, Rhoda, 32.
Asbury, Rosie, 1397.
Asbury, Sarah, NB361, NB362.
Asbury, Siah E., 1397.
Asbury, Sippie, NB365.
Asbury, Thomas, 448, 1061, 2547, CE4017, NB693.
Asbury, Vicey, 2544.
Asbury, Wesley, 3109.
Asbury, Wisey, 1987.
Ashley, Adolphus K., 54.
Ashley, Amanda S., 54, NB209.
Ashley, Daniel, 54.
Askley, Emma, 5a.
Ashley, George S., 54.
Ashley, Hettie E., 54, NB63, NB64.
Ashley, Isabel Jane, 54, 341.
Ashley, J. R., 54, 341.
Ashley, James T., 54.
Ashley, John R., 54, 341.
Ashutebgee, 2702.
Asoyaleer, Lovina, 2338. NB1191.
Atarthle, 1675.
Atkin, Thomas, 585.
Atkins, Alice, 1101, 3493, NB502.
Atkins, Anderson, 248.
Atkins, Annanias A., 3781, M208.
Atkins, Annie, 174.
Atkins, Bertie, 3781.
Atkins, Billy, 74, 174, 248.
Atkins, Callie, M401.
Atkins, Charles, 1101.
Atkins, Daniel, 174.
Atkins, Elmira, 174.
Atkins, Elza, M. 208.
Atkins, Hellen C., 1101.
Atkins, Hettie, M208.
Atkins, Isabelle M., NB110.
Atkins, James, 052, 1101, 1134, 3781.
Atkins, James A., 3781, 952, 1101, 1134.
Atkins, James P., NB110.
Atkins, Jane, 291.
Atkins, Janie, 174.
Atkins, John, 2905, M401.
Atkins, John H., 3781.
Atkins, Katie, 1602.
Atkins, Lee, 1602.
Atkins, Leola, 3781.
Atkins, Louisa C., 3493.
Atkins, Mary, 174, 1134, 1602, M361.
Atkins, Mary Jane, 952, 2022.
Atkins, May, 1101.
Atkins, Mildred, NB502.
Atkins, Minnie, 2707.
Atkins, Missena, 174.
Atkins, Nancy, 2022.
Atkins, Naoma, 3781, M270.
Atkins, Nathaniel, 3781, M401.
Atkins, Richard, 3781, 3858, 3967, 3972.
Atkins, Rina, 14, 2905.
Atkins, Robert D., 1101, 3493, NB502.
Atkins, Robert Meagher, NB110.
Atkins, Salina, 248.
Atkins, Sallie, 3972.
Atkins, Sarah, 3781, 3972.
Atkins, Susan, 173, 174
Atkins, Thomas, 14, 174, 248, 585, 2022, 2707. 2905.
Atkins, Tom, 291.
Atkins, Tommy, 14. Atkins, Victoria, 3967. Atkins, Wiley, 174.
Atkins, William Sherman, 3967.
Aubrey, Alice Hiawatha, NB46.
Aubrey, C. B., 1304, 3665, M48.
Aubrey, Charles, NB46.
Aubrey, Herbert F., M48.
Aubrey, Millie, 1304, 3665, NB46, M48.
Aubrey, Olla, 1304.
Aubrey, Samuel, 3665.
Audd, Clarence Y., 737.
Audd, Clyde B., 737.
Audd, Ccodey I., 737.
Audd, Ellen M., 737.
Audd, Flora R., 737, 3469.
Audd, Joseph McDonald, 3469.
Audd, Leonard G., 737.
Audd, Oma M., 737.
Audd, R. Y., 737, 3469.
Aultman, Agnes, NB910.
Aultman, Benjamin, 119, NB910.
Aultman, Claud L., NB232.
Aultman, Frank B., 193, NB232, NB233.
Aultman, Franklin C., NB233.
Aultman, Georgia A., 193.
Aultman, Henry, 119, 193, 194, 783, 843.
Aultman, Henry E., 119, 193, 194, 783, 843.
Aultman, H. E., 843, 119, 193, 783, 194
Aultman, James, 19.1.
Aultman, Jessie M., 193.
Aultman, Louisa, NB910.
Aultman, Melvina, 119, 843.
Aultman, Millie, NB232, NB233
Auquanay, 400, 2428.
Austin, Daniel, 692.
Austin, Hannah, 2149.
Austin, Oldman, 2355.
Austin, Susan, 692.
Austin, Taylor, 2149, 2355.
Ayah, 1270, 1375.
Ayamka, 1480.
Ayechiche, John, 126.
Ayers, Gussie, 436, 3893.
Ayers, Lester, 436.
Ayers, Walter, 3893.
Ayers, William, 436, 3893.
Ayumker, 2585, 3382.
Azulie, Chepan, 964.


Campbell, John B. Campbell’s Abstract of Creek Indian Census Cards. 1915.

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