Biography of James Richardson Brewer, M.D.

James R. Brewer was born in February 1849, at Black Forest, Gibson County, Tennessee, seventh son of Dr. James M. Brewer, of Tennessee, and grandson of Sterling Brewer, who for twenty years was speaker of the Senate of Tennessee. Dr. Brewer is brother to the Rev. T. F. Brewer, superintendent of the Harrell International Institute, of Muskogee. In 1859, the subject of our sketch entered Yorkville Academy, Tennessee, where he remained until 1865. During 1867 and 1868 he attended Andrew College, Trenton, Gibson County, Tennessee, after which he attached himself to the mercantile business until 1873, in Columbus, Kentucky. In 1874 he began the study of medicine with Dr. Sale, and later with Dr. J. M. Taylor, of Corinth, Mississippi. Attending a course of lectures at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, he commenced practice in the summer of 1876, and continued the same in Franklin and Washington Counties, Arkansas, until the fall of 1877, when he returned to the above-mentioned university and completed his course of lectures. Afterward he resumed practice in Washington County, Arkansas, moving to Columbus, Kentucky, in 1879, and from thence to Franklin County, Arkansas, in 1880. Three years later he came to Muskogee, Indian Territory, and in November 1886, moved to Pierce City, Arkansas, where he remained five months. Going from thence to South West City, Missouri, he located there until 1888, when he returned to Muskogee, Indian Territory, where he is now residing. In March 1878, he married Miss Ella Lee Cook, daughter of William Cook, a leading man in Columbus, Kentucky, and treasurer of that city for forty years, as well as treasurer of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. Mrs. Brewer is a lady of superior attainments and many accomplishments. Dr. Brewer is five feet seven inches in height, and weighs 135 pounds. He is gentlemanly in appearance and affable in manner, highly educated, and stands in the front rank in his profession. He has a large practice in Muskogee, where he has many friends.



Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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