Biography of George W. Stidham, Jr.

The subject of this sketch was born March 17, 1859, the son of G. W. Stidham, deceased, who was the most prominent man of his day among the Creeks. His mother was a Virginia lady, a Miss Thornsbury, of an old and highly respected family. Young George was sent to the neighborhood school until the age of fifteen years, when he went to the Henderson Masonic Institute, Henderson, Tennessee. Here he remained for five years, one year in the interim being spent at home. After this he spent twelve months in the School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky, and from thence to the Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, where he remained one year, after which he returned home and commenced the practice of medicine. But he finally concluded to discontinue his profession, and so entered the mercantile house belonging to his father. Here he remained for five years, after which he became a stockman, which business he carries on to the present day. He is owner of 1,000 head of stock cattle, and has an enclosure of 1,200 acres, 200 of which are in cultivation. Mr. Stidham married Miss Bucknor, daughter of Rev. H. F. Bucknor, the oldest missionary in the Creek Nation. The issue of this marriage is: Ottie, born July 1887; Lela, April 1889, and Sarah, 1891. Mr. Stidham was clerk of the Supreme Court for one term, member of the board of education for one term, and executive or private secretary under Samuel Checote and Ward Coachman during their respective administrations. At present he is clerk of the upper House of Kings. Mr. Stidham is a member of the Masonic Lodge at Eufaula, has held the office of senior deacon for three years, and now holds that of senior warden. He is a young man of superior education and business ability, possessing an affable and gentlemanly address.


Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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