Biographical Sketch of Thomas Jefferson Archer

The subject of this sketch was born March 17, 1861, the seventh son of Dr. James Archer of South Carolina, a leading physician. His mother was a Miss Key. Thomas attended district school until he was fourteen years of age, when he went to Osage Mission Kansas, where he remained one session. After this he went to Muskogee and there clerked in a hotel until April 1882, when he opened a small store on Verdigris River, twenty-one miles east of Tulsa. When the Fisco was completed to Mingo he removed to that point, and on its completion to Tulsa he followed the road there, where he conducts a store at the present time. In 1887 he put up his present store building, one of the finest in town. Mr. Archer is agent for the Weir Plow Company, the Bain wagon and Buckeye machines, and carries a general mercantile stock of about $7,000. In April 1889, Mr. Archer married Miss Annie Mobray, daughter of George W. Mobray, of Tulsa, who has recently emigrated from England, and is pastor of the M. E. Church. By this marriage they have one child, a daughter, named Mabel Grace, born June 18, 1891. Mrs. Archer is a lady of refinement and education, and is an uncommonly good musician. Mr. Archer is five feet eight inches in height, and weighs 150 pounds. He is a man of gentlemanly and intellectual appearance and of good business capacity. He is owner of some 500 head of cattle and ten to fifteen saddle horses.


Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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