Biographical Sketch of James Marion Morrow

Last Updated on July 29, 2012 by Dennis

Born July 1, 1860, in Knox County, Ohio, the fifth son of William J. Morrow, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser. James’ mother was a Miss Easter, of Scotch descent. James attended district school until fifteen years of age, when he went to Lincoln College, Jackson County, Missouri. After having remained three years at college, he began clerking in a drug store in Kansas. Following this business for eleven years at different places, he went to Iowa, and there remained some time, after which, in 1891, he moved to Muskogee, Indian Territory, and there began clerking for Sam Gavagan, the druggist. In March 1891, he removed to Tulsa and purchased the drug stock belonging to Dr. Bland, in which business he is now engaged. In October 1890, Mr. Morrow married Miss Dana Calhoun, daughter of Ross Calhoun, of Kansas, a prominent state politician and ex-mayor of Ness City, Kansas. Mrs. Morrow is a lady of refinement and education, much respected and admired. Mr. Morrow is five feet seven and a half inches in height and weighs 178 pounds. He is intellectual looking and gentlemanly in appearance and address. Mr. Morrow is a fine chemist and prescriptionist. His stock in trade is worth about $2,000, he has a good store building, and a nice town residence in Tulsa, Creek Nation. When Mr. Morrow came to town there was no drug store worthy of the title; however, in the brief time that has intervened, he has succeeded in building up a lively trade. Mr. Morrow’s father is a large real estate dealer and owner in Creston, Iowa.



Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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