The Wilson Family, Somerset and Barter Hill Branch

The Wilson family, Somerset and Barter Hill branch

In the preparation of “The Wilson family, Somerset and Barter Hill branch” I have discovered two lists of the names of the sons and daughters of Col. Ben and Ann Seay Wilson of “Somerset” in Cumberland County, Virginia, in addition to the list found in my father’s notes. None of these was arranged in the same chronological order. It was my good fortune in 1915 to find the Bible, claimed to be the Bible of Col. Ben and Ann Seay Wilson of “Somerset” in Cumberland County, Virginia. At that time this was in the hands of Miss Clementine Reid Wilson, Col. Ben’s great-granddaughter, and it was my privilege to copy, with the aid of a reading glass, for the ink was badly faded, the names of their children from that Bible in the same chronological order in which they were recorded. This chronological order, and military records found, support each other. I therefore believe that this sketch contains the most accurate chronological list of Col. Ben’s and Ann Seay Wilson’s children to be found outside of his Bible.

Biography of John Dollar

John Dollar, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Oakland; born in Perthshire, Scotland, July 1, 1807, where he engaged in farming until 33 years of age, when he emigrated to America, landing in New York in June, 1840, coming to Chicago via canal and lakes, where he hired a team to transport him to Coles Co., paying for the same the sum of $40; arriving here in July, he located eighty acres of land on Section 2, in what is now known as East Oakland Tp., upon which he commenced to make improvements, employing his spare time for several years in … Read more

1910 Western Miami Census

1910 Western Miami Census - Page 1

Pages of the 1910 Western Miami Census. Contains table showing the previous roll number, current roll number, Indian name if given, English name if given, Relationship, Age, and Sex. Also contains the original images of the census.