1884 Hester Roll Index

Last Updated on February 9, 2013 by Dennis

O Surname

Number  Name  Comment
2283 Oliver, John Francis
2282 Oliver, Joshua
2284 Oliver, Lewis Homer
2895 Oneal, Deborah M.
2893 Oneal, Eliza C.
2894 Oneal, Mary E.
213 O-nih
278 On-sah
898 Oo-cah-we-yoo
1216 Oo-cah-yas-teh
748 Oo-chah-tah
773 Oo-ohaw-staw-sih
519 Oo-clah-nah-taw
817 Oo-claw-nah-tah
233 Oo-co-la-hoh, Sally
40 Oo-goo-coo, Archer
39 Oo-goo-coo, David
37 Oo-goo-coo, Di-ya-nih
41 Oo-goo-coo, Jonah
38 Oo-goo-coo, Lloyd
36 Oo-goo-coo, Su-ya-tuh
1112 Oo-hah-lah-nih
365 Oo-hah-sih
121 Oo-he-yos-kah-lah-tuh
1328 Oo-kee-tah-la-who-yah
539 Oo-kum-muh, Wilson
434 Oo-la-stab-ah
118 Oo-lau-nau-steh-skih
480 Oo-la-whah-tih
556 Oo-la-whah-tih
451 Oo-la-yah-ha-tih
109 Oo-le-he-nah-tuh
815 Oo-le-he-yaw-tah
470 Oo-le-scah-stih
169 Oo-lih-scah-stih
577 Ool-scha-stih
609 Ool-sih-cow-ge-tah
635 Ool-stoo-hih
1280 Ool-stu-hih
735 Oo-ne-yah-yah-tah
179 Oo-so-kil-lih, David
209 Oo-squah-nih
487 Oo-squin-nih
314 Oo-stah-na-coh
194 Oo-tah-ne-tah-tih
326 Oo-tah-teh-gee-skih
424 Oo-tah-yih
1126 Oo-tal-lu-kih
1152 Oo-wa-loo-kih
1027 Oo-wa-nah-ih
488 Oo-wa-tih
574 Oo-yah-sksh-lah-tuh
576 Oo-yos-kah-law-te-ge-skih
264 Oo-you-skih
2814 Owen, Eugene
2313 Owen, Leonora
2815 Owen, Lilly
17 Owl, Adam
2922 Owl, Candace
15 Owl, David
19 Owl, Delia Corinth
20 Owl, Caroline Eudora
16 Owl, Eve Samantha
2923 Owl, Ida
191 Owl, Johnson
21 Owl, Lewis
192 Owl, Noah
190 Owl, Sa-la-nih
2921 Owl, Sampson
18 Owl, Solomon Darius
1445 Owl, Winney
1665 Ownesby, Ella
1663 Ownesby, Ivy Ann
1662 Ownesby, Lucius
1664 Ownesby, Marthy
1666 Ownesby, Ranie
1661 Ownesby, Sarah
700 O-sih
1286 Ot-ter, Thomas


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