1884 Hester Roll Index

Last Updated on February 9, 2013 by Dennis

T Surname

Number  Name  Comment
1104 Tah-gah
774 Tah-he-coo
493 Tah-hoo-kuh
517 Tah-kih
249 Tah-mih
25 Tah-nih
561 Tah-nih
699 Tah-nih
96 Tah-no-lih
163 Tah-no-lih
996 Tah-que-te-heh-heh
1145 Tah-se-ke-yah-kih
771 Tah-skih-gih-tih-hih
452 Tah-tah-yeh
1212 Tah-ya-los-tah
739 Tah-ya-nih
159 Tah-yeh-nih
906 Tah-ye-nih
1142 Tah-ye-nih
174 Tah-yuh-hah
1114 Ta-kah-noh-tsa-clah
568 Ta-kah-shun-tah-nah
76 Ta-kih
1040 Ta-kih
1154 Ta-kih
383 Ta-kin-ih
178 Ta-kin-nih
746 Ta-kin-nih
745 Ta-le-skih
1396 Tallant, Catherine
1395 Tallant, Elizabeth
156 Tar-kih, or Dorocs
986 Tar-nih
810 Tart-lah-tah
645 Ta-we-sih
800 Taw-hee-skih
208 Taw-yah-ne-tah
772 Taw-yah-ne-tah
1307 Taw-yah-ne-tah
1397 Taylor, Addie
1454 Taylor, Andrew J.
1545 Taylor, Catherine
1453 Taylor, Edward
1459 Taylor, Francis M.
316 Taylor, Jessih
2928 Taylor, John D.
1460 Taylor, James
1461 Taylor, John
1447 Taylor, Mary Ann
1462 Taylor, Susan Madora
1546 Taylor, Thomas
1458 Taylor, Wiley
1195 Te-cah-noo-teh-yo-hih
1318 Te-cah-se-na-kih
737 Te-coo-gee-tah
589 Te-coo-ye-skih
1191 Te-cum-seh
402 Teel-tah,ta-kih
528 Te-gee-gee-skih
1133 Te-gee-skih, Jesse
23 Te-goo-ge-tah
870 Te-ha-le-taw-heh, Jim
838 Teh-ye-nih
148 Te-kah-noo-teh-yo-hih
759 Teh-kin-nih
30 Te-nih
1331 Tes-quah-nih
911 Te-squal-to-gih
661 Te-sah-ne-hih
1026 Te-sah-teh-skih
149 Te-ses-kih
492 Te-soo-yaw-gih
49 Te-tah-ke-yos-kih
273 Te-tah-kee-yah-skih
436 Te-tah-la-taw-kih
1150 Te-tah-nah-skih
594 Te-tah-ne-se-skih
48 Te-tun-nee-skih
655 Te-yeh-ste-skih
1215 Te-yolt-lih, Tom
198 Tex-zan-ah
1381 Timson, Drusilla
1408 Timson, Harriet
1382 Timson, Humphrey
1380 Timson, Hannah
1407 Timson, James
1409 Timson, James A.
1050 Tim-son-eh
2608 Thomas, Alfred
2613 Thomas, Alfred W.
Thomas, Bettie   p 85 Rej.
1918 Thomas, Caladonia E.
Thomas, Elizabeth p 85 Rej.
2612 Thomas, Ella J.
1920 Thomas, George Erascus
Thomas, James p 85 Rej
2614 Thomas, James
2609 Thomas, James H.
1917 Thomas, James Monroe
1921 Thomas, Lucius Franklin
Thomas, Lucy   p 85 Rej.
Thomas, Mary   p 86 Rej.
1916 Thomas, Minerva Theresa
1922 Thomas, Mordecai Avelino
2607 Thomas, Nancy 7817
1919 Thomas, Nancy Catherine
2610 Thomas, Nancy E. 7817
Thomas, Nancy Jame   p 85 Rej.
Thomas, Rufus p 85 Rej.
2611 Thomas, Sarah J.
Thomas, Thomas, Jr. p 85 Rej.
Thomas, Thomas, Sr. p 85 Rej.
2439 Thomison, Mattie
2440 Thomison, Minni, Lee
1897 Thompson, Hiram
1899 Thompson, Jane
1895 Thompson, John
1898 Thompson, Mattie
1900 Thompson, Maxwell
1894 Thompson, Reuben
1896 Thompson, Susannah
1893 Thompson, Wm. Davis
873 Too-cah
465 Too-he-nih
206 Too-kah
1131 Too-nah-na-clah
597 Too-nah-wlh
785 Too-nih
794 Too-noo-wah
1059 Tor-kih
123 Tos-ke-ge-ta-hih
79 Tots-tsa-cluh-nah
170 Too-wa-yah-law
459 Tramper, Jake
515 Teah-oaw-nih
830 Teah-lah-te-hih
776 Tsah-lih
464 Tsah-ne-lah-tsih
660 Tsah-ne-yeh-sih
536 Tsah-nih
614 Tsah-nih-yeh-sih
279 Tsah-noo, Wai-nih
681 Tsah-noo, Wai-nih
652 Tsah-tah-gah-ne-kah
1190 Tsah-tsih,
1186 Tsah-tsih, Wah-sih-to-nih
2535 Tsa-tsih, Cah-loo-stih
696 Tsaw-oaw-hih
267 Tsa-ye-te-hih
531 Tse-mih
120 Tsih-kih-eh
892 Tsih-mih
854 Tsih-mih
657 Tsin-nih
220 Tso-co-hih
376 Tsoh-oaw-hih
1022 Tsoh-lah-caux-kih
761 Tsoh-wah
779 Tsoh-wah
593 Tso-wah
806 Tso-whah, Oo-ge-del-lah
1153 Tsuh-sah-hih
671 Tsuh-tah-yah-lah-tah
111 Tsuh-tsah-lah-tuh
630 Tsu-le-yah-he-tuh
932 Tsu-neel-kah
1188 Tsu-noo-la-hus-kih
91 Tsu-nu-lah-hus-kih
1949 Tucker, Adolphus Lewellyn
1948 Tucker, Amanda Elizabeth
1928 Tucker, Huldy
1931 Tucker, Janes T.
1923 Tucker, John
1925 Tucker, Johnie Wilburn
1930 Tucker, Josephine Hester
1926 Tucker, Laura Jane
1950 Tucker, Lilian Deluria
1924 Tucker, Lydora Angeline
1947 Tucker, Maraus Lafayette
1957 Tucker, Marinda L.
Tucker, Martha p 88 Rej.
1932 Tucker, Mary Magnolia
1927 Tucker, Mary Perrilee
1956 Tucker, Ruby
1929 Tucker, Wm. Posey
602 Tu-nah-yih
2596 Turner, Cordelia
2595 Turner, Roscoe
Twelty, Toliver p 87 Rej.
35 Tzo-wah
265 Tzu-sau-hih 7749


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