Biography of Herbert G. Tureman, M. D.

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

Dr. Herbert G. Tureman one of the most prominent physicians of Kansas City, enjoying a large practice, specializes on the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, throat and chest. He has made steady progress in his profession and holds to the highest standards in his practice at all times. Missouri numbers him among her native sons for his birth occurred in Callaway county, January 17, 1875, his parents being Robert W. and Sally (Flood) Tureman, who were also natives of Callaway county. The father has devoted his life to financial interests and was an officer of the First National Bank of Mexico, Missouri, whence he removed to Kansas City where he has successfully engaged in banking and real estate business since 1885.

Dr. Tureman attended the Missouri Military Academy, at Mexico, Missouri, and after completing his preliminary education entered the University Medical College from which he was graduated in 1897. He spent two years in the New York hospitals, gaining that broad and valuable experience which can never be secured as quickly as when an interne in a big hospital. He entered upon the general work of his profession but anxious to gain a higher degree of efficiency he went to Berlin, Germany, where in 1902-3 he specialized in the study of diseases of the ear, nose and throat, the last year being first assistant to the famous Professor Friedlander. He spent the year 1904 in Vienna where he attended the University clinics and continued his study as an aurist. Returning to his native land he has since followed his profession and has made for himself an enviable position as a most successful aurist and laryngologist, in fact he has shown notable skill in the treatment of the ear, nose, throat and chest, his work gaining the favorable attention of many older representatives of the profession.

Dr. Tureman was married to Miss Marie Powers of Decatur, Illinois, and they have become parents of two daughters: Jeanette and Joan. Dr. Tureman is a Mason who has taken the degrees of the York rite and is also a member of the Mystic Shrine.

Dr. Tureman’s activities outside of his profession and his home, connect him with the Missouri Savings Bank as a director, with the Kansas City Country Club, Mission Hills Country Club, with the University Club, the Kansas City Club, and Westminster Congregational Church, associations that indicate much of the nature of his interests and the rules that govern his conduct. The larger part of his time is naturally given to his professional work and aside from his private practice he is on the staff of St. Joseph Hospital and the Christian Church Hospital of which he is Chief of Staff at this time-1921. During the war he was on the Medical Examining Board.

He belongs to the Jackson County Medical Society, the Missouri State Medical Association, the Southwest Medical Society, the American Medical Association, the Kansas City Academy of Medicine, is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and to the American Academy of Oto Rhino Laryngologists.

He embraces every opportunity that will promote his knowledge and increase his efficiency in practice and his professional standing is most enviable.


Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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