Biography of William Emil Sauer, M.D.

Dr. William Emil Sauer, a St. Louis physician now limiting his practice to diseases of the ear, nose and throat, was born in Evansville, Illinois, April 17, 1875. His father, Nicholas Sauer, also a native of that state, belonged to one of the old Illinois families of German descent, the first of the name in America being Philip Sauer, who on crossing the Atlantic made his way at once to Illinois, where he followed farming and stock raising. Nicholas Sauer became a successful flour manufacturer, carrying on business first at Evansville, Illinois, and later at Cherryvale, Kansas. He died in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Hotchkiss Rogers

Rogers, James Hotchkiss; pianist, organist; born, Fair Haven, Conn., Feb. 7, 1857; son of Martin L. and Harriet (Hotchkiss` Rogers; educated, Lake Forest, Ill.; studied music, Berlin and Paris, 1875-1880; married Alice Abigail Hall, of Indianapolis, Oct. 20, 1891; composer of about 150 compositions, including songs, piano pieces, anthems and part songs; two cantatas: “The Man of Nazareth”; “The New Life”; as well as part songs and music for organ and violin.

Biographical Sketch of J. Milton Dyer

Dyer, J. Milton; architect; born, Middletown, Pa., 1870; son of Cyrus and Eliza Dyer; educated, Central High School and Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland; Technique Hoch Schule, Berlin; Ecole des Beaux Arts; Paris; took degree in 1900; has designed Cleveland City Hall, buildings at Cooley Farms, Warrensville; Summit and Lake County Court Houses; Central National Bank; First M. E. Church; The Guardian Savings & Trust Co.; First National Bank; The Tavern Club; The William Taylor Sons & Co.’s store and arcade; The Sterling & Welch Co. store, and many other important buildings and residences; among the latter being those … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. L. Rosenberg

Rosenberg, W. L.; orginator and mgr. of the Windsor Institute for Backward Children; born, Westphalen, Jan. 10, 1850; son of Henry Rosenberg; educated in common schools and University of Berlin; married, New York, 1884, Marie Vessie Rosenberg; one son, Dr. Percy Rosenberg, and one daughter, Mrs. Eisie Werley; taught Latin and German for two years in Boston; then worked for Chicago, New York and Cincinnati newspapers; in 1897-1899, local editor of the Waechter-Anzeiger; then returned to his profession as teacher of backward children; is a Social-Democrat; for eight years was teacher of Latin and Greek in Germany; left on account … Read more

Biography of Percy H. Swahlen, M. D.

Dr. Percy H. Swahlen, a representative of the medical profession in St. Louis, well known as an obstetrician and gynecologist, was born in Lebanon, Illinois, June 4, 1877. His father, the late William F. Swahlen, was a native of Wheeling, West Virginia, and was descended from one of the old Pennsylvania families. His grandfather, John Swahlen, who was born in the land of the Alps, came to America in 1820. He married Ann Gibbons, a descendant of the Cope family, early residents of Pennsylvania and members of the Society of Friends or Quakers. William F. Swahlen was well known in … Read more

Biography of Rutherford B. H. Gradwohl, M. D.

Dr. Rutherford B. H. Gradwohl, a St. Louis physician who has won prominence as a bacteriologist, was born in Baltimore, Maryland, March 4, 1877, and is a son of Emanuel Gradwohl, a native of Strassburg, Germany, who came to America in 1856. He was a member of the first cavalry regiment organized in the United States in the latter ’50s and later became a Civil war veteran, serving in the First United States Cavalry throughout the entire period of hostilities between the north and the south. He was made a sergeant and rendered valuable aid to his adopted country. He … Read more

Descendants of Charles Keith of Bridgewater, Massachusetts

Rev. James Keith

For the ancestry of Charles Keith, please see Descendants of Rev. James Keith of Bridgewater, Massachusetts (VI) Charles Keith, son of Benjamin, was born Aug. 8, 1794, and married Dec. 8, 1817, Mehitable Perkins, born March 23, 1795, daughter of Josiah and Anna (Reynolds) Perkins, of North Bridgewater, both of whom were descendants of historic old New England families. To this union were born children as follows: Damaris Williams Keith, born Oct. 8, 1818, married Vinal Lyon, of North Bridgewater, where she died Charles Perkins Keith, born June 20, 1820, is mentioned below Anna Reynolds Keith, born Nov. 11, 1822, … Read more

Biography of Alexander E. Horwitz, M.D.

Dr. Alexander E. Horwitz, surgeon, with offices in the University Club building of St. Louis, was born September 25, 1879, at Memel in East Prussia, Germany. His father, Robert Horwitz, came from Germany to America in 1881 and is now living retired in St. Louis. He married Sophia Sachs, who came from Germany, and to them were born seven children, four sons and three daughters. Alexander E. Horwitz, the fourth in order of birth, was educated in the public and high schools of St. Louis and in the Washington University, from which he was graduated in 1900, winning the Bachelor … Read more

Biography of Herbert G. Tureman, M. D.

Dr. Herbert G. Tureman one of the most prominent physicians of Kansas City, enjoying a large practice, specializes on the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, throat and chest. He has made steady progress in his profession and holds to the highest standards in his practice at all times. Missouri numbers him among her native sons for his birth occurred in Callaway county, January 17, 1875, his parents being Robert W. and Sally (Flood) Tureman, who were also natives of Callaway county. The father has devoted his life to financial interests and was an officer of the First National … Read more

Biography of Prof. William H. Carruth

Prof. William H. Carruth, one of the leading linguistic seholars and authors of the West, had held the chair of German Language and Literature of the University of Kansas since its creation over thirty years ago. He was born on a farm near Osawatomie, Kansas, April 5, 1859, the son of James H. and Jane (Grant) Carruth. His father, from whom he in herited his love of books, was a home missionary of the Presbyterian Church, and from his mother he inherited courage, energy and an independent disposition. He worked his way through school and college, graduating at the University … Read more

Biography of Warren P. Elmer, M. D.

Dr. Warren P. Elmer, making a specialty of internal medicine, was born in Lodi, Ohio, October 1, 1879, a son of Warren Elmer, who was also a native of the Buckeye state and a representative of an old family of Ohio and New York. The Elmers are of English origin and the family was founded in America in 1650 by Edward Elmer, since which time representatives of the name have participated in the Colonial wars, the Revolutionary war and other military struggles, defending American Interests. Warren Elmer, Sr., was a breeder and stock raiser, who specialized in breeding and raising … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wilson George Smith

Smith, Wilson George; composer, pianist; born, Elyria, Ohio, Aug. 19, 1855; son of George Troupe and Calista M. Smith; graduated Cleveland public schools; began musical education in Cincinnati, 1875, under Otto Singer; studied in Berlin, 1880-1882, under Kullak, Kiel, Scharwenka, Moszkowski and Oscar Ralf; married Mez Brett (artist and writer), of Ohio, April 16, 1883; since 1882, engaged as teacher of piano, voice and composition; also musical literateur, editor and critic, Cleveland Press, since 1902; held important official positions in Music Teachers’ National Ass’n; piano compositions (several hundred) include books of piano studies, transcriptions and editorial revisions of classic and … Read more

Biography of Bertha Louise Ahrens

Bertha Louise Ahrens (B. Feb. 26, 1857), missionary teacher among the Choctaw Freedmen of Indian Territory since 1885, and principal teacher at Oak Hill Academy, 1905-1911, is a native of Berlin, Prussia. Her parents, Otto and Augusta Ahrens, in 1865, when she was 8, and a brother Otto 5, came to America and located on a farm near Sigourney, Iowa, after one year at Bellville, Illinois; and four, at Harper, Iowa. The schools and Churches first attended used the German language. Her first studies in English were in the graded schools at Sigourney and here at seventeen, she became a … Read more

Biography of Harvey S. McKay, M. D.

Thorough study in the leading medical centers of America and of Europe has well qualified Dr. Harvey S. McKay for successful practice and he has won particular prominence in the field of surgery, being identified as surgeon with several of the leading hospitals of St. Louis, while his private practice is extensive and important. Dr. McKay is numbered among Missouri’s native sons, his birth occurring in Troy, Lincoln county, October 1, 1878. His father, Dr. Solomon R. McKay, also a native of Missouri, is of Scotch descent. He is well known as a physician and surgeon, having long practiced following … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry A. Becker

Becker, Henry A.; surgeon; born, Chicago, Ill., March 3, 1870; son of August Becker; educated, West High School; Adelbert, 1891; W. R. U., medicine, 1894; University of Vienna and Berlin, 1896-97; same universities 6 months, 1912; married, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 18, 1901, Miss Laura E. Ferguson; one son, William Nevison Becker, age 9; visiting surgeon in chief to German Hospital; associate in surgery at Lakeside Hospital; assistant professor of surgery in medical dept. of Western Reserve University; fellow of American College of Surgery, State and American Medical Ass’n; member Sigma Nu Sigma Medical Fraternity; member University, Clifton, Keswick Golf and … Read more

Biography of Henry W. Hermann, M.D

Dr. Henry W. Hermann, who has attained prominence in the field of neurology, was born on the 9th of June, 1855, at Hermansburg, Washington county, Arkansas, and is a son of Charles F. and Lena D. (Wilhelmi) Hermann. According to a genealogical record printed by C. F. Hermann, the first date mentioned in connection with the family in America is 1650. In a volume entitled Founders of Harman’s Station, Kentucky, it appears that one Heinrich Hermann from the same family reached America about the year 1700, penetrated as far west as the Mississippi river, and was celebrated as an Indian … Read more

Rosemeyer, William A. – Obituary

Rosemeyer, 86 years old, who died in Indianapolis at the home of his son-in-law Tine P. Dickinson and daughter [September 9, 1938], 4451 Central Avenue Friday night, were held at the Flanner & Buchanan Mortuary. Rosemeyer had been ill almost two years. He was born in Germany and came to this country from Berlin with his family at the age of 6. He spent the remainder of his life in Indianapolis. The death of his wife, Sarah Elizabeth Large Rosemeyer, April 19, 1934, ended a married life of 63 years. Mr. Rosemeyer was a member of the Union Congregational Church. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harold North Fowler

Fowler, Harold North; university prof.; born, Westfield, Mass., Feb. 25, 1859; son of Samuel and Maria Jones Fowler; A. B., Harvard, 1880; studied American School Classical Studies, Athens, 1882-1883, Universities Bonn and Berlin, 1883-1885; Ph. D., Bonn, 1885; married, Helen, daughter of ex-Gov. Charles H. Bell, of Exeter, N. H., Dec. 23, 1890; instr. Harvard, 1885-1888; prof. Phillips Exeter Academy, 1888-1892; prof. Greek, University of Texas, 1892-1893; College for Women, Western Reserve University, since 1893; prof. Greek language and literature, American School Classical Studies, Athens, 1903-1904; editor-in-chief American Journal of Archaeology since 1906; corr. mem. Kaiserlich Duetsches Archaol. Institut. Editor: … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Augustus F. House

House, Augustus F.; physician; born, Cleveland, Oct. 7, 1847; son of Hudson M. and Mary Snyder House; studied at Woodville and Oberlin; graduated Western Reserve Medical College; post-graduate work at Vienna, Berlin and London; married, Cleveland, 1872, Mary Grace Cleave; two children; clinical professor of surgory, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Cleveland; director and member of finance committee of Lake Shore Banking & Trust Co.; member American Medical Ass’n, Ohio State Medical Ass’n, Cleveland Academy of Medicine (president, 1898); pres. of medical staff and trustee St. Clair Hospital; Past Eminent Commander of Oriental Commandery, K. T., Past Most Excellent High … Read more

Biography of Franklin H. Albrecht, M. D.

Dr. Franklin H. Albrecht, an orthopedic surgeon of St. Louis, his native city, was born August 7, 1882, a son of Herman S. and Elizabeth M. (Weinrich) Albrecht. The father was born in Germany and on coming to America made his way direct to St. Louis in 1879, after which he here engaged in the manufacture and sale of machinery supplies. His wife was born in St. Charles county, Missouri, a daughter of Conrad Weinrich of German birth, who was brought to the new world by his parents when but three years of age, the family home being established at … Read more