Mississippi Choctaw Claims 1933

Surname S

Bob Sam
Dixie Sam
Eliza Jane Sam
Eliza Sam
Ephram Sam
Green Sam
Houston Sam
Hugh Summers Sam
Jimmie Sam
Julia Sam
Lola Sam
Mattie Sam
Oscar Sam
Raymond Sam
Sallie Sam
Sam Jones Sam
Sophie Sam
Williamson Sam
Willis Sam
Martin Sampson
Limmie Scott
Ben Scott
Mary Jane Scott
Marshall Scott
Caroline Seals
Henry Seals
Mary Seals
Lena Semonee (?)
Jim Shepard (Fille-mah-tubbee)
Adam Shotubbee
Fed Shotubbee
Hotemah Shotubbee
Im-ah-lak-tubbee Shotubbee
Lena (or Lena) Shotubbee
Ok-lah-to-nah Shotubbee
Sam Shotubbee
Buck Shoemake
Eben Shoemake
Lansby Shoemake
Cooley Shoemaker
Charlie Shumake
Empey Silman
Lizzie Sills
Oliver Sills
Perry Sills
Fannie Simon
Charley Simmons
Emma Simpson
John Simpson,
Rosie Simpson
Sissie Simpson
Mary Jane Sis-man-nubbee
Amy Smith (A-ha-ka-te-ma)
Bicey Smith
Ellen Smith
George Smith
John Smith (Ah-no-sah-cubbee)
Lissie Smith
Mamie Smith
Rena Smith
Robison Smith
Sallie Smith
Sealy Smith
Sebe Smith
Sweeney Smith
Willis Smith
Winnie Smith
Ethel Sockey
Irvin Sockey
Sarah Sockey
Seba Sockey
William Sockey
Bettie Solomon
Ellen Solomon
Ellis Solomon
Fannie Solomon
Ishla M. Solomon
Lillie Solomon
Mamie Solomon
Minnie Solomon
Missie Solomon
Morris Solomon
Neely Solomon
Nora Solomon
Willie Solomon
Acy Stephen
Sealy Stephen
Silman Stephen
Lucy Steve
Martha Steve
Smith Steve
Tom Stephen
Tom Steve (Ook-lo-tubbee)
David Stoliby
John Stoliby
Martha Stoliby
Missouri Stoliby
Sallie Stoliby
Solomon Stoliby
Joseph Stout
Malissa Stribling


5 thoughts on “Mississippi Choctaw Claims 1933”

    • Descendant of HOPIA. My family is Harrington. My grandfather was William Bailey Harrington was born in 1896 in Holmes County, Mississippi. Despite all documentation, oral history, language and traditions, we were never permitted to enroll. Any help to join Mississippi Band is appreciated. Thank you!

  1. I cannot find the “Cs” in the online list of Mississippi Choctaw claims 1933. I am researching my sons Choctaw heritage and believe their great grandmother Addie Viola Loper Currie was full blood. Thank you.


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