January 7, 1760, I, * * * received the mutual consent of and gave the nuptial benediction to Michel Boier and to Josette Margueritte de Lignon, after the publication of three bans – in the presence of the undersigned witnesses and of others in attendance.
M. L. Lefranc, Miss, of the society of Jesus.
Mi. Lamarque; Michelle Boyer; Jean Romain dit Sanscrainte; Sejourne; Bourassa; Farly; Langlade; La Faintessie; René Bourassa, fils; Bourassa Langlade; Amable Chaboillez; René Bourassa, petit-fils.
In the presence of the undersigned witnesses, I received the mutual consent of Pierre Duprés and of Marie Joseph Carignan at Michilimakinak July 13, 1761.
M. L. Lefranc, Miss, of the society of Jesus.
Jac Farly; Jos. Bourice; Francois Carignant; Joseph Duchaux.
August 16, 1762, I * * * received the mutual marriage consent of messire Constant Kerigoufili 1 and of Angelique Metivier, and gave them the nuptial Benediction. * * *
P. du Jaunay, miss, of the Society of Jesus.
Deconstant Quierigoufili; Marie Angelli Metivier; Laurent Ducharme; Langlade; Margueritte Mettivier; Farly; Ducharme; Langlade, fils; Leonard [name inelligible]; Sejourne, witness; Bourassa Langlade; Marie Joseph du Mouchelle Farly; Angelique Cejournée.
July 25, 1763, I, * * * received the mutual marriage consent of Michel Joseph Marchettau de Noyer, voyageur; and of Therese Parant. * * *
P. du Jaunay, of the society of Jesus.
Pierre Parant; Langlade; Amable Roy; Parant, fils; Langlade, fils; René Bourassa; Bourassa; L. Bertrand; Sejourne; Bourassa Langlade.
May 4, 1764, I, * * * received the mutual marriage consent of Jean Baptiste Cauchois, voyageur, and of Angelique Sejourné, and gave them the nuptial benediction. * * *
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Jean Bte Cauchois; Angelique Sejourné; Sejourne; Farly; Parant, père; Michel Boyer; Bourassa, père; M. Auger; Augustin Chaboillez; L. Chaboillez; Bourassa, fils; Amable Roy; Grignon.
July 24, 1764, I received the mutual marriage consent of Jean Baptiste le Beau, voyageur; and Marie Joseph, called Lysette Jourdin, after the three publications of Bans. * * *
On the same day I received the mutual marriage consent of Francois le Blanc, voyageur; and of Marie Joseph, called Josette Jourdin after the three publications of bans. * * *
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Francois le Blanc, + his mark; Baptiste Le Beaux; Langlade; La Fortune; Laurent Ducharme; Cardin; Jean Baptiste Jourdain, + his mark, father of the brides.
July 25, 1768, 2 we, vicar-general of Illinois, in virtue of the powers vested in us by monseigneur Briand, Bishop of Quebec, 3 dated May 15, of the present year, granted dispensation from the three publications of bans of marriage in favor of the persons hereinafter named, to-wit: Gabriel Coté, trader, of this post, son of Nicolas Cotté and of Marie le Vasteur, residing at Camouraka; and Agathe Desjardins of this post. And, knowing no other impediment to the said marriage, we received their mutual consent and gave them the mutual benediction, according to the form prescribed by our mother the holy church, to ratify and validate the consent the aforesaid parties had already given one another on August 17, 1765, in the presence of several persons and in the church, promising, as they could not do otherwise owing to there being no priest, to take advantage of the arrival of the first one, to have their marriage validated and thus legitimize a child born February 28, 1767, which they did this day in the presence of Mr. Catin sargt and Pierre Chaboiller, friends of the husband; and of Sieur Jaques Giasson and Dme Therese Campion wife of Pierre Ignace DuBois, friends of the wife, all of whom, except the wife, signed these presents first duly read.
Gibault, Vicar-general. 4
Cotté; Chaboillez; Giasson; Cardin; Therese Campion Dubois.
- The family name was Fily de Kerregou.[
- There appear to have been no entries between 1764 and 1768, doubtless because of the absence of priests.[
- Jean Olivier Briand, seventh bishop of Quebec, was born in 1715, ordained to the priesthood in 1739, and came to Canada as secretary of Bishop Pontbriand. Upon the latter’s death (1760) he exercised the functions of canon of Quebec cathedral, being chosen (1766) to the vacant see. He was an energetic and effective administrator, and adhered to the British cause during the American Revolution. In 1784 he resigned because of age and infirmity, and died at Quebec in 1794.[
- For this priest see Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. xviii, p. 292, note 14. He was at this time passing through Mackinac en route to the Illinois.[