For nearly a century there have lived in North Bridgewater and Brockton representatives of an earlier family of the name in and about Boston. Reference is made to some of the descendants of Charles Little Hauthaway, who, coming from Roxbury in youth, in 1828, cast his lot with the people of North Bridgewater, where have figured most successfully three generations of the family.
From members of this family it seems that the English spelling of the name is Haughtweight or Hautweight, which may be the same as the old County Suffolk English spelling Hautwat, a name still extant there. The records of a century and more ago in Boston reveal the spelling Hauthwait, one Francis Hauthwait being the owner and occupier of a dwelling “North on West street; east by John Ballard; West by Frothingham.”
Charles Little Hauthaway
Charles Little Hauthaway, son of Charles and Penelope Hauthaway, born in Roxbury, in that part of Boston now called the Highlands, Feb. 19, 1815, was in his early teens when he came to Bridgewater, and became an apprentice at the shoemaker’s trade, continuing in that line of work until 1853. In 1833, six months before his term of apprenticeship was ended, he became convinced that he could do better working on his own responsibility, and so bought his time. He entered the employ of Rufus H. Howard, then the largest shoe manufacturer in town, employing about fifteen hands. Here Mr. Hauthaway and Daniel S. Howard worked together, while Frederick Howard worked there as a cutter, and Darius Howard was the man of all work. When the head of the firm died, in 1838, Mr. Hauthaway started for himself, beginning the manufacture of shoes in a small way, continuing until 1853-54. About this time his attention was called to the fact that one of his employees, a boot treer, was making and using a superior kind of dressing. In 1854 David Whittemore came to town. He, too, was making a blacking, and he and Mr. Hauthaway formed a partnership, as Hauthaway & Whittemore, for the manufacture of dressing, blacking, varnishes, ink, oak stain, and kindred articles. After a short time Mr. Hauthaway started in this field alone. He had a hard struggle to establish his claim, and to get his goods on the market. On April 1, 1859, he issued a circular substantiating his claim to priority in the manufacture of the North Bridgewater Dressing and Blacking, an article which now is used all over the world. He conducted his canvass, traveled over the State by team, beat down the competition of those who tried to imitate his wares, and built up a large business. From quarters in a little 7×9 room in his basement on Montello street, with a twenty-gallon kettle, he was obliged to move to more extensive quarters, going to the old Armory building on Linden street. In 1862 his eldest son Charles M. was admitted as a partner, and later his younger son, Edwin Dyer, became interested and the business was incorporated as the C. L. Hauthaway & Sons Company. As most of the business had to be done through Boston, in February, 1869, a factory was established on High street in that city, where it continued until caused by fire to move to the present location, at No. 346 Congress street, Boston. Today there are agents in Canada, London, Hamburg, Australia and New Zealand. When Mr. Hauthaway retired, his sons continuing the business, he and his wife gratified their desire for travel, and their collection of curiosities and bric-a-brac was of rare interest.
Mr. Hauthaway was always public-spirited, and no movement for the advance of the moral or material interest of old North Bridgewater and Brockton failed to gain his support. He gave freely to those less fortunate than himself. As a young man he was prominent in the fire department, and for many years was foreman of old Protector Engine, No. 3. He was also one of the board of fire engineers. He belonged to several Masonic bodies; was a trustee of the Plymouth County Agricultural Society, and was a charter member of the Commercial Club of Brockton. He was an active worker in the Church of the New Jerusalem. He died in Brockton Dec. 17, 1884, in the seventieth year of his age.
On Nov. 29, 1838, Mr. Hauthaway married Betsey Morton, daughter of Amasa Morton, of Plymouth, and by this alliance to the succeeding generations of Hauthaways came the blood of the distinguished Morton family of the Old Colony, one which gave to this Commonwealth one of its noted governors, and to the country one of its vice presidents. Mrs. Betsey (Morton) Hauthaway, a native of Plymouth, was a descendant of George Morton, a native of Austerfield, Yorkshire, England, who married in 1612, in Leyden, Julian Carpenter, daughter of Alexander Carpenter, of Wrentham, England. They came in the ship “Ann” in 1623, locating in Plymouth. These were the ancestors of former Gov. Marcus Morton, of Massachusetts, and of Vice President Levi P. Morton. The lineage of Mrs. Hauthaway from George Morton is through:
- Ephraim and Ann (Cooper) Morton
- Josiah and Susanna (Wood) Morton
- Josiah (2) and Elizabeth (Clark) Morton
- Josiah (3) and Experience (Ellis) Morton
- Josiah (4) and Mary Morton
- Amasa and Deborah (Morey) Morton, who were married in 1818, and became the parents of Betsey (Morton) Hauthaway.
To Charles Little and Betsey (Morton) Hauthaway were born children as follows:
- Charles Morton Hauthaway, born Sept. 17, 1839, is mentioned below
- Betsey Anna Hauthaway, born Oct. 31, 1841, died May 20, 1860
- Adaline Frances Hauthaway, born Feb. 17, 1844, married Francis E. White, one of the prominent manufacturers of Brockton, where she died May 24, 1884
- Edwin Dyer Hauthaway, born July 12, 1853, resides in Brookline, and is connected with the business in Boston which was founded by his father.
Of these children, the late Charles Morton Hauthaway, a self-made man, through the force of his make-up, through his own efforts, rose to position and fortune and through his life was esteemed and respected for his many good qualities by those of the community in which it was lived; and he is followed by his son, the present Frank Morton Hauthaway, treasurer of the C. L. Hauthaway & Sons Company, of Boston, who is worthily sustaining the family reputation.
Charles Morton Hauthaway

CHARLES MORTON HAUTHAWAY (deceased) was a prominent manufacturer of Brockton, long head of the C. L. Hauthaway & Sons Company.
Charles Morton Hauthaway was born Sept. 17, 1839, in Plymouth, Mass., and after acquiring the usual common school education attended the Adelphian Academy at North Bridgewater. He then began a business career in the shoe manufacturing establishment of the late Daniel S. Howard, where he remained a short time. Subsequently he began business for himself, engaging in the manufacture of blacking in partnership with his father, and through his industry and careful attention to business assisted in the success of the concern. In time the younger son, Edwin Dyer Hauthaway, was taken into the firm, and the name was changed to C. L. Hauthaway & Sons, which became and was long one of the successful manufacturing concerns of Brockton, its products going to all parts of the world. Some years prior to Mr. Hauthaway’s death, which occurred in 1904, he retired from active business, leaving his brother and son to conduct it. Prior to this time it had become a corporation known as the C. L. Hauthaway & Sons Company, the business since 1870 having been located at No. 346 Congress street, Boston, with a branch factory at Lynn, Massachusetts.
On the breaking out of the Civil war Mr. Hauthaway, when twenty-four years of age, went to the defense of his, country, becoming a private in Company D, 4th Massachusetts Volunteer Cavalry, Jan. 9, 1864, and was soon thereafter made commissary sergeant. He was twice promoted, and was commissioned second lieutenant by Governor Andrew, but as his term of service was so nearly expired he was not mustered into service as lieutenant. He was honorably discharged Nov. 14, 1865. He was a member of Fletcher Webster Post, No. 13, G. A. E., of Brockton, and of the Commercial Club. In politics he was a Republican.
On Jan. 15, 1862, Mr. Hauthaway married Susan Augusta, daughter of William Morey, Jr., of Plymouth, and they had one son, Frank Morton, born Jan. 8, 1863. Mr. Hauthaway died Sept. 29, 1904, aged sixty-five years, at his home, No. 227 West Elm street, Brockton. The following tribute was paid him by a friend in one of the local papers:
“Charles Morton Hauthaway, who died at 5 p.m., yesterday, was born in Plymouth, Mass., Sept. 17, 1839. He was an earnest, stirring boy, and needed no stimulant toward industry. This desire to do things was a part of his nature and only ceased with his death. He was not satisfied to do things in a perfunctory way, but always tried to excel, no matter what the duty.
“He married Susan Augusta Morey, a most estimable woman from Plymouth, Mass., and a daughter of the late William Morey, of that historical locality. Enthusiastic in her home life, she had been indeed a helpmate for her husband.
“As I remember it, Mr. Hauthaway commenced his life work in the shoe factory of Daniel S. Howard, and there, under the careful training of a noble man, accepted and followed the instructions there received. This resulted in a small fortune in those days, even before his majority. He was proud-spirited and high-toned by nature, desired the best, and was pleased to see the world copy and enjoy, and in short was a gentleman in feeling and in deeds. He was genial, a good conversationalist, and well up in the technique of the business, which gave him a fortune.
“He was a patriot, and leaving his wife and only son at North Bridgewater, at the age of twenty-four, he enlisted in the United States cavalry, and served in the war until the close of the Rebellion. An active Republican, he believed in voting as he fought, and was satisfied with the Constitution of the United States as made by the founders of this great Republic. Dying comparatively young, yet he lived to see his manufactures sold in every habitable part of the globe.
“Living for half a lifetime in the immediate neighborhood of the late Mr. Hauthaway, the writer recalls with pleasure and satisfaction the blameless life of an active, conscientious business man; open, frank and cheerful in life and conversation, he lived despising shams, and charitable without ostentation. His life work is ended, but the results stand out as an object lesson for young men, showing that industry, sobriety and honesty and charity always bring their reward. He leaves a happy home, and a devoted wife and son to mourn his loss.”
Frank Morton Hauthaway
Frank Morton Hauthaway, only son of the late Charles Morton Hauthaway, was born Jan. 8, 1863, in North Bridgewater, now Brockton, and is the present treasurer of the C. L. Hauthaway & Sons Company, of Boston. He married Alice Maria Packard, eldest daughter of the late Dr. Josiah Edson and Maria Foster (Stoddard) Packard, of Brockton, and a direct descendant of Samuel Packard, the progenitor of the Packard family in this country. Mr. and Mrs. Hauthaway have two daughters, both born in Brockton, namely:
- Ruth Morey Hauthaway, born Oct. 28, 1888, was married Oct. 6, 1909, to Harry Irving Mabbett, of Plymouth, Mass.
- Marjorie Hauthaway, born Aug. 6, 1891, lives with her parents in Brookline, Massachusetts.