Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – S Surnames


Benjamin, of New Ipswich, and Prudance Melvin, at Concord, Oct. 9, 1754.


Ebenezer M. [Saunders. int.], of Billerica, and Lydia Stearns, Jan. 31, 1815.*


William, and Hannah Wheeler, July 8, 1805.
William, of Billerica, and Mrs. Azuba Stearns, July 31, 1831.*


Sarah F., of Lowell, and Asaph Parlen, int. Apr. 22, 1836.


Samuel E. [of Westford. int.], and Lawrie [Louisa E. int.] Forbush, May 12, 1844. P. R. 1.*


William, of Washington, and Ruth Munroe, int. Feb. 19, 1816.


Susanna, and Jonathan Briggs, both of Concord, Mar. 11, 1798.

SHEAD (see also Shed),

Ebenezer, Capt., of Chelmsford, and Lucy Hartwell, May 16, 1793.*
Sally, of Billerica, and Solomon Andrews, Dec. 24, 1795.*

SHED (see also Shead),

Ebenezer, of Chelmsford, and Mary Blood, int. June 1, 1780.
Ebenezer, jr., of Chelmsford, and Lucy Parker, Apr. 7, 1808.
Jonathan [of Chelmsford. int.], and Esther Blood, Dec. 13, 1781.*
Lucy, Mrs., and Stephen Nickles, May 22, 1825.*


Mary, Mrs., of Salem, and Capt. Nehemiah Andrews, int. Feb. 12, 1807.


Samuel S., of Lowell, and Charlotte Blood, Nov. 14, 1830.*


Benjamin, of Chelmsford, and Paulina Stearns, int. Jan. 2, 1841.

SPAULDING (see also Spalding),

Abegail, and Nathaniel Tuttle [jr. of Chelmsford. int.], at Chelmsford, Feb. 27, 1788.*
Anna, and Zebulun Blood, Apr. 23, 1799.*
Asa, of Concord, and Elizabeth Green, Feb. 11, 1816.*
[Asa. int.], Capt., of Billerica, and Adaline Nickles, Oct. 22, 1829.*
Clarissa, and Silas Simonds of New Orleans, “Fla.,” Oct. 20, 1834.*
Esther, and Otis Stearns of Billerica, int. Oct. 9, 1830. Henry, a. 28 y., blacksmith, b. Westford, s. Sam[ue]l and Mary, of Westford, and Harriatt B. Fletcher, a. 20 y., d. Aaron and Sarah, May 2, 1844.*
Huldah, and Henry Fletcher of Chelmsford, Sept. 27, 1810.*
John, Dea., of Chelmsford, and Mary Hutchinson, Dec. 23, 1802.*
Jonas, and Molly Wheeler, Oct. 8, 1789.*
Jonathan [Lt. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Thankful Emery [of Chelmsford. int.], at Chelmsford, June 20, 1781.*
Lois, and Asa Munroe, Apr. 19, 1807.*
Lucy, and William Parker of Billerica, int. Sept. 22, 1780.
Lucy, and Josiah Hodgman, Nov. 5, 1818.*
Lydia, and Jonas Brown, both of Billerica, May 7, 1811.
Mary, and Joseph Warren, jr. of Chelmsford, Feb. 27, 1794.
Mary, and Philo Litchfield, int. Apr. 4, 1809. (forbidden by Philo Litchfield Apr. 7.)
Mary Amanda, and Jeptha Parker of Chelmsford, at Boston, Nov. 9, 1843.*
Olive, of Billerica, and Asa Nickles, int. Nov. 17, 1844.
Oliver, and Mrs. Lucy Baldwin, Aug. 30, 1835.*
Phebe, of Chelmsford, and Lt. Benjamin P. Hutchins, int. Mar. 18, 1820.
Samuel, of Chelmsford, and Leafe Durant, Jan. 21, 1790.*
Sarah, and Jona[than] Boutwell [jr. int.] of Wilmington, Apr. 12, 1820.*
Sybil [of Billerica. int.], and Ephraim Robbens, Apr. 30, 1782.*
Thomas, and Lucy Heald, Dec. 26, 1814.*
Zebulun, jr., and Dorcas Parker of Westford, int. Mar. 15, 1806.


Rhoda, of Billerica, and Abijah Hodgman, int. May 30, 1801.
Rhoda, and Daniel [David. int.] Clark of Bedford, Apr. 4, 1813.*
Sarah, of Boston, and Benjamin Robbins, int. Dec. 25, 1802.

STEARNS (see also Sterns),

Aaron, and Mrs. Mary Duren, Mar. 4, 1813.*
Azuba, Mrs., and William Sanderson of Billerica, July 31, 1831.*
Charlotte, and Thomas Eaton, both residents in Carlisle, Feb. 17, 1828.*
Eliza, and Abraham Allen, both of Billerica, May 10, 1831.
Hannah, and David Mordock, now living in Carlisle, int. Mar. 10, 1805.
John, and Mehitable Kelley of Lexington, int. Sept. 20, 1823.
Josiah, of Billerica, and Sarah Davis, int. Jan. 30, 1783.
Louisa, and William Green, Dec. 4, 1843.*
Lydia, and Ebenezer M. Sanders [Saunders. int.] of Billerica, Jan. 31, 1815.*
Mary, Mrs., and Jacob Blaisdell, Oct. 14, 1824.*
Otis, of Billerica, and Esther Spaulding, int. Oct. 9, 1830.
Paulina, and Benjamin Shurtliff of Chelmsford, int. Jan. 2, 1841.

STERNS (see also Stearns),

John, of Chelmsford, and Lydia Crosby, int. Aug. 4, 1789.
Nathaniel, and Mrs. Azubah Duren of Billerica, int. Apr. 6, 1822.


Rachel, and Edward Luther Tyler of Lexington, int. Apr. 7, 1832.
Sam[ue]l P., farmer, b. Chelmsford, s. Sam[ue]l, and Elizabeth Barrett Heald, a. 25 y., d. Jonathan and Betsey, May 3, 1846.*


Thomas B., of Lowell, and Elvira Nickles, June 27, 1841.*


Samuel, jr., of Lexington, and Mary Spalding, Sept. 11, 1816.*
Samuel, and Eliza Farmer of Lowell, int. Nov. 7, 1842.
Sarah, and Benjamin Temple of Concord, at Concord, Dec. 22, 1791.


Elisabeth, and Benjamin Wood, at Chelmsford, Apr. 10, 1755.


Timothy, of Cambridge, and Lydia Munroe, resident in Carlisle, Feb. 18, 1794.*


Nathan W., of Westford, and Betsey W. Adams, int. Sept. 5, 1831.


Edward, of Westford, and Rebeccah P. Fletcher, Nov. 19, 1840.*

Marriage Records,

Town of Carlisle. Vital records of Carlisle, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. The Essex Institute, 1918.

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