Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – L Surnames

LAKEN (see also Lakin),

John Grag, and Elisabeth Heald, Jan. 31, 1808.*

LAKIN (see also Laken),

Caroline, and John Dana Robbins, Apr. 22, 1827.*


Elisabeth, and Joseph Raimond, both of Lexington, Dec. 30, 1794.


Maria Louisa, and John Taylor, Dec. 3, 1837.*
William, and Susanna Wheat, Dec. 1, 1808.*


Hannah, of Bedford, and Isaiah Green, int. Nov. 7, 1801.
Patty, and Tilly Green, July 14, 1811.*
Samuel, of Bedford, and Mrs. Frances Blood, May 21, 1799.


James, of Dummerston, and Hannah Melven of Concord, May 30, 1793.


Maria, and Jonathan Bradford Heald, int. Dec. 15, 1849.


Amos, and Elvira Bacon of West Cambridge, int. Oct. 13, 1839.
Reuben, and Sally Wilson, both of Westford, Apr. 4, 1805.
Susanna, of Westford, and John Chamberlin Wilkins, int. May 20, 1802.


Dorinda A., of Lowell, and Rev. Abel Fletcher, int. Oct. 1, 1843.
Joseph, of Lowell, and Lucy Hodgman, int. Oct. 5, 1844.


Mable, and John Jacobs, Dec. 15, 1783.
Mary, and David Kendall of West Cambridge, Apr. 18, 1824.*
Paul, jr., and Lucy Daviss [Daviss. int.] of Acton, Sept. 11, 1801.*
Paul, Rev., and Mrs. Sarah Capron of Braintree, int. Sept. 21, 1811.
Philo, and Mary Spaulding, int. Apr. 4, 1809. (forbidden by Philo Litchfield Apr. 7.)
Philo, and Eliza Howard, int. June 12, 1814.
Philo, and Mrs. Lefa Spalding, May 8, 1823.*
Roland, and Rebecca Simonds, Aug. 21, 1831.*


Lovey, of Tyngsborough, and Asa Duren, Sept. 3, 1821.*
Rebeca, of Tyngsborough, and Willard Duren, jr., May 25, 1817.*
Sally [Sarah. int.], of Tyngsborough, and James Nickless, jr., Jan. 26, 1795.*


John O., of Lowell, and Lucy H. Boynton, int. Apr. 25, 1840.


William, and Sarah Wallas, both residents in Carlisle, int. Mar. 20, 1781.


Ann, and Ephraim Robbins, Dec. 13, 1821.*
Mary, and Nathan Davis of Tewksbury, May 4, 1826.*
Samuel, and Anna Heald, Dec. 1, 1796.*

Marriage Records,

Town of Carlisle. Vital records of Carlisle, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. The Essex Institute, 1918.

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