Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – A Surnames


John, of Lowell, a. 30 y., machinist, s. Dyer and Sarah, and Hannah Nutting, a. 27 y., d. Cyrus and Hannah, Oct. 26, 1845.*


Abi M[irriam. int.], a. 23 y., d. Benj[amin] and Abi, and George Cumber of Ashland, a. 30 y., s. Joh[n]athan and Reb[ec]ca, Oct. 27, 1847.*
Anna, and Maj. Jonas Parker, June 28, 1818.*
Benjamin, and Abi Heald, May 21, 1820.*
Betsey, and Ens. Thomas Heald, jr., Apr. 1, 1821.*
Betsey W., and Nathan W. Swetser of Westford, int. Sept. 5. 1831.
Charlotte A., and Joseph V. Heald, May 25, 1843.*
Fanny, and Nathaniel Taylor, Apr. 20, 1828.*
John Quincy, and Adaline Carter, int. Oct. 14, 1847.
Jonas Brown, of Plainfield, Ct., now living in Carlisle, and Mary Melvin, 2d, int. Jan. 22, 1820.
Jonas J., and Betsey K. Foster of Lowell, int. Feb. 3, 1844.
Lucy H., and Ira Brown of Lowell, int. Dec. 16, 1832.
Lydia H., of Concord, and Benjamin Franklin Procter, int. Sept. 5, 1835.
Sally, and John Bennett of Billerica, Apr. 30, 1820.*
Samuel, jr., of Chelmsford, and Salley Kidder, at Concord, Sept. 5, 1780.*
Samuel, jr., of Chelmsford, and Dorcas Heald, Nov. 12, 1809.
Sam[ue]l D., and Martha A. Cheever of Lowell, July 8, 1839.*
Sarah K., and Benjamin C. Morgan of Lawrence, int. Oct. 15, 1847.


Jesse, and Rebeckah Harris, June 23, 1785.*


Abraham, and Eliza Stearns, both of Billerica, May 10, 1831.
Malachi, and Rebecca Crosby of Billerica, Apr. 13, 1786.*


Betsey, and Jonathan Heald, jr., Nov. 23, 1806.
Lucy, and Jacob Manning, jr. of Billerica, Apr. 26, 1796.*
Nehemiah, Capt., and Mrs. Mary Shepard of Salem, int. Feb. 12, 1807.
Polly, and Lewis Fisher of Salem, Apr. 7, 1808.*
Rebickah, and Zacheus Green, jr., Dec. 15, 1796.*
Sarah, and John Wilkins, Jan. 2, 1810.*
Solomon, and Sally Shead of Billerica, Dec. 24, 1795.*

Marriage Records,

Town of Carlisle. Vital records of Carlisle, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. The Essex Institute, 1918.

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