Carlisle Massachusetts Births – R Surnames

Last Updated on March 16, 2013 by Dennis


William Bradley, s. William and Betsey, Jan. 17, 1812.


, ch. W[illia]m Q., June 19, 1849.

ROBBENS (see also Robbins),

Easther, d. Ephraim and Sybil, June 15, 1783.

ROBBINS (see also Robbens, Robins),

Aaron, s. John, jr. and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1781.
Ann Maria, d. Benjamin and Sarah, Dec. 4, 1803.
Azubah, d. Ephraim and Sibbel, Feb. 8, 1786.
Azubah, d. Ephraim and Sibyl, Apr. 26, 1790.
Benjamin, s. Jonas and Sibbel, July 1, 1772.
Betty, d. Jonas and Sibbel, July 12, 1778.
Charles Harrison, s. John D. and Caroline, Feb. 16, 1838.
Daniel Webster, s. John D[ana. dup.], agriculture, and Caroline Lakin, Jan. 11; 1845.
Eliza, d. John, 3d and Jane, Nov. 29, 181[torn; bef. 1818?].
Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Sibbyl, May 3, 1796.
Ephriam Ocear, s. Ephriam and Ann, Oct. 22, 1822.
Fletcher, s. John, 3d and Jane, May 27, 1818.
George Heald, s. Ephraim and Ann, Sept. 17, 1830.
Georgianna Maria, d. John D. and Caroline, May 12, 1840.
Henry Clay, s. Ephraim and Ann, June 27, 1836.
John, s. John and Sarah, Nov. 4, 1777.
John, s. John, jr. and Sarah, July 18, 1778.
John, s. John D. and Caroline, Aug. 16, 1827.
John Dana, s. John, 3d and Jane, Apr. 6, 1809.
John Hildreth, s. Lt. John, 4th and Anna, Sept. 23, 1812.
John Nelson, s. Ephraim and Ann, June 30, 1827.
Jonas, at Chelmsford, Jan. 28, 1741.
Jonas, s. Jonas and Sibbel, Aug. 12, 1767.
Jonas, s. John and Sarah, Mar. 19, 1786.
Jonas, s. Benjamin and Sarah, July 21, 1805.
Joseph, s. Jonas and Sibbel, June 5, 1775.
Joseph, s. Jonas and Sibbel, Mar. 29, 1784.
Lucy, d. John, jr. and Sarah, May 28, 1776.
Malvina Ann, d. Ephraim and Ann, July 14, 1824.
Martha, d. John, jr. and Sarah, Apr. 11, 1789.
Mary, d. John, 3d and Jane, Jan. 28, 181[torn; bef. 1818?].
Mary Ann, d. Lt. John, 4th and Anna, Feb. 15, 1811.
Mary Hunt, d. John D. and Caroline, Feb. 3, 1835.
Molly, d. Jonas and Sibbel, Mar. 14, 1769.
Moses, s. John, jr. and Sarah, Oct. 26, 1783.
Paulina Nickles, d. John D. and Caroline, May 29, 1832.
Salla, d. John, jr. and Sarah, Mar. 23, 1787.
Samuel Heald, s. John D. and Caroline, Mar. 7, 1830.
Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Nov. 11, 1779.
Sarah, d. Benjamin and Sarah, Mar. 29, 1809.
Sibbel, d. Jonas and Sibbel, May 2, 1765.
Sibbel, d. Jonas and Sibbel, Apr. 12, 1781.
Sibbyl, d. Benjamin and Sarah, Oct. 15, 1807.
Sibbyl Spalding, d. Ephraim and Ann, Apr. 16, 1826.
Susanna, d. John and Sarah, Mar. 25, 1793.
Sybbel, d. Ephraim and Sybbel, Mar. 18, 1798.

ROBINS (see also Robbins),

Jemima, d. John and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1784.
Mary, d. John and Sarah; Mar. 29, 1781.

ROBINSON (see also Robison),

Eliza, d. Increase and Sarah, at Concord, Dec. 4, 1807.
Susanna, d. Increase and Sarah, at Billerica, Mar. 16, 1811.
William, s. Increase and Sarah, at Concord, Feb. 25, 1809.

ROBISON (see also Robinson),

Amanda S., d. William and Thankful, Mar. 3, 1841.
Mary A., d. William and Thankful, Sept. 4, 1832.


Emerson, s. James and Mary, Sept. 13, 1802.
Francis, s. Jacob and Susanna, Feb. 1, 1807.
George Washington, s. James and Mary, Aug. 9, 1809.
Jacob, s. Jacob and Susanna, Jan. 20, 1810.
James Sullivan, s. James and Mary, Mar. 23, 1807.
Lydia, d. Jacob and Susanna, Mar. 8, 1812.
Mary Ann, d. James and Mary, Oct. 3, 1804.
Merindia, d. Jacob and Susanna, Jan. 9, 1801.
Milo, s. Jacob and Susanna, Jan. 20, 1805.
Susan, d. Jacob and Susanna, Dec. 24, 1802.
William Lambert, s. James and Mary, Oct. 27, 1799.

Birth Records,

Town of Carlisle. Vital records of Carlisle, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. The Essex Institute, 1918.

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