Biographical Sketch of Jacob Walker

Jacob Walker, from Brookfield, Mass., located on road 38 at an early date. Mr. Walker, more popularly known as Dea. Jacob Walker, was for many years the county surveyor. He married Philippa Story, by whom he reared a family of nine children, two of whom, Zebiah Burke, aged eighty-three years, and Cynthia Stevens, aged seventy-eight years, are living. For his second wife Mr. Walker married Johanna Fitch, by whom he reared four children. Jacob was born in 1765, and died in 1843, aged seventy-seven years. His son, Cordilla F., now resides in Morrisville.



Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, Vt., for 1883-1884. Hamilton Child. 1887.

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