Biographical Sketch of John F. Adams

Last Updated on June 24, 2011 by

JOHN F. ADAMS. – We have here the founder of the promising city of Adams, Oregon, which is located on the line of the railroad in Umatilla county. Mr. Adams was born in Franklin county, Maine, in 1835. When twenty-two years of age, he came to Douglas county, Oregon, and for five years engaged in school-teaching. Exchanging the master’s rod for the shepherd’s crook, he went extensively into the sheep business in the Umpqua valley, and in 1865 transferred his flocks to Umatilla county. Here he has lived twenty-three years. Besides the culture of sheep, he has devoted much time to cattle and is now giving chief attention to fine horses. His stock of all kinds is of highly improved breeds. He is doing the county much service by thus improving its stock, and thus largely enhancing its wealth. He is in truth, in every particular, a public spirited gentlemen, greatly interested in all that prompts the mental and moral as well as material welfare of his town and county. He is one of the oldest settlers in the region, antedating nearly all those here; and it is much due to him that the place has attained its present prosperity and eminence. He was married in 1878 to Miss Susan F. Fry. They have four children, three boys and a girl. Mr. Adams and his wife are now in their full vigor, and will see a development of this region which must eclipse anything which has yet been brought to pass within its environs.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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