Biography of Jesse W. Randall

A leading representative of the agricultural interests of Latah County is Jesse W. Randall, who owns and operates a fine farm pleasantly situated nine miles southeast of Moscow. He is most practical and yet progressive, and his untiring industry and capable management have brought him a handsome competence. He was born in Wisconsin, October 3, 1855, and is of Scotch descent, his paternal great-grandfather having emigrated from Scotland when this country was still a British possession. He settled in New York colony, and when the attempt was made to throw off the yoke of British tyranny he joined the American … Read more

Biography of John Lane

Colonel John Lane, the senior member of the law firm of Lane & McDonald, has long resided on the Pacific coast, but has made his home in Lewiston for only two years. In that time, however, he has gained prestige as one of the ablest members of the bar of this locality, and is therefore a valued addition to the professional circles of the city. A native of the state of Indiana, Colonel Lane was born in Evansville, May 17, 1837. His ancestors were of Irish and French stock and were early settlers of North Carolina, where they founded the … Read more

Hammack, Harold V. – Obituary

Word has been received of the death Monday of Harold V. Hammack, 54, of Riddle and formerly Hermiston. He was born March 24, 1920, in La Grande. He is survived locally by his mother, Katheryn Martin, of Elgin. Graveside funeral services will be held at the Elgin Cemetery at 3 p.m. Saturday La Grande Observer, January 30, 1975, Page 2 Contributed by: Sue Wells Second Obituary Hammack, Harold V. Harold V. Hammack died Jan. 27, 1975 at Riddle, Ore. He was born in La Grande, Ore., March 24, 1920. He leaves to mourne him one son, Skip Hammack and two … Read more

Miller, Hudson Linden – Obituary

Hudson Linden Miller, 84, of Dolan Springs, Ariz., died Feb. 8, 2005, in Kingman, Ariz., of congestive heart failure. His funeral will be Saturday at 1 p.m. at The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints, 2625 Hughes Lane in Baker City. Bishop Tom Brock of Baker Valley Ward will conduct the service. Public visitation will be Saturday from noon until 1 p.m. in the Relief Society Room at the church. He was born Sept., 22, 1920, at Midvale, Idaho, to Philip and Alice Miller. He served as a cook in the Army Air Corps during World War II, ranched … Read more

Hardesty, William – Obituary

William Hardesty, veteran of the Civil War, died Friday afternoon [April 8, 1927] at the Soldiers Home Hospital at the age of 89 years. He had been a resident of the Soldiers Home since June 20, 1921, coming to this city from Freewater, Oregon. Mr. Hardesty enlisted for the Civil War in March of 1862 and served as a private in Co. M, 7th Missouri Infantry. He is survived by a son, William D. Hardesty of Freewater. The body has been taken in charge by the Roseburg Undertaking Company and will be sent to Walla Walla, Washington for burial. Roseburg … Read more

Harding, Clara Golson Mrs. – Obituary

Clara Harding, 91, of Halfway died March 9, 2006. Her funeral took place Sunday at the Pine Valley Christian Center in Halfway. On Saturday at noon a service will be held at the Springfield Faith Center in Springfield. Friends are invited to join the family for a reception to follow. Interment will be at Lane Memorial Gardens in Eugene. Clara Irene Harding was born Aug. 12, 1914, on the family homestead in Big Stone Township, three miles from Corinth, N.D., to Sever Ellefson and Inga Jeanette Golson. Clara was educated at the country school in Big Stone Township at Corinth, … Read more

Biography of Rufus Mallory

Rufus Mallory is of New England ancestry, and descended from a strong and hardy stock, well fitted for the furnishing of such elements as are needed to command success and produce laudable results in the new but rapidly growing country in which his lot was cast and where modern civilization has come with such splendid strides. About 1816 his parents left their home in Connecticut for the West, as New York State was then called, and settled in the town of Coventry in Chenango County, at which place the subject of our sketch, the youngest of a family of nine … Read more

Lewis, Ruth Everest Mrs. – Obituary

Ruth Everest Lewis, 90, of Roseburg, a former Baker City resident, died Feb. 2, 2002, at a private home in Roseburg. Her private family graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Morris Hills Cemetery at Boise under the direction of Alden-Waggoner Funeral Chapel. Ruth Everest Lewis was born in 1911 at White Bird, Idaho. She was the first of the five children born to Ethel Bourland Everest and George A. Everest. The family soon moved to Grangeville, Idaho. Ruth was educated in the Grangeville, Idaho, and Brownsville, N.Y., schools and then entered Blair Business College at Spokane, Wash. … Read more

Biography of James W. F. Owens

JAMES W.F. OWENS. – This gentleman was the eldest son of the pioneer Thomas Owens, and came as an infant in arms with his parents to Oregon in 1843, his birthplace having been Platte county, Missouri. In 1853 he removed with his parents to the Umpqua valley, and, amid the beautiful scenes of that almost unearthly region, grew to a vigorous manhood. His only education was received during a six months’ term of school at Dallas; but, having a phenomenal memory, this laid the basis for his large information of later years. He was one of those men who devour … Read more

Ager, Nancy Jane – Obituary

Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Nancy Jane Ager passed away last Thursday, February 5 Nancy Jane Dakan was born on February 7, 1860 near Roseburg, Oregon. When only a young girl she moved with her parents to Cricket Flat where she grew to womanhood. She lived a few years at Dayton, Washington and from there moved to the John Day country and later to La Grande. In 1902 she came to Wallowa County and settled on Day Ridge. In 1895 she was married to James Albert Ager. To this union three children were born: Mrs. Sam Davis, Joseph, Charley E. Ager … Read more

Sherwood, Clarissa Fisher Mrs. – Obituary

Clarissa Sherwood, 94, of Roseburg, a former Halfway resident, died July 11, 2007, at Bend. Her funeral was today at Chapel of the Roses. The Rev. Dwayne brown of the First Presbyterian Church officiated. Private entombment was at Roseburg Memorial Gardens. Clarissa was born on Nov. 25, 1912, and was raised at Halfway. She was the daughter of Alva and Gladys Fisher and the first of six children. After graduating from Halfway High School, she attended Eastern Oregon Normal School at La Grande, graduating in 1933. She began her teaching career with 12 students in a one-room school house at … Read more

Sims, Leonard – Obituary

Truck Kills Sims, Former Powderite Leonard Sims, 60, who farmed the place now occupied by Ben Biais on Clover Creek, some years ago, died Wednesday from a broken neck suffered when a truck he was operating went over a bank near Elkton on the Reedsport highway last Sunday morning. Sims was taken to the Pacific Christian hospital in Eugene after the accident, and clung to life for two days. Sims left here about ten years ago, when Ben Biais took possession of the Clover Creek ranch. He had farmed the place for two years, according to William Hudelson, North Powder … Read more

Densmore, Luella Harrison Ewing Mrs. – Obituary

Luella Harrison Densmore, 91, of Pendleton, died Feb. 20, 2005, at Willowbrook Terrace in Pendleton. At her request, there will be no funeral services. Arrangements are in care of Bishop Funeral Chapel in Pendleton. Mrs. Densmore was born in New Bridge on April 14, 1913, the daughter of William and Lavina Chipman Ewing. She lived her younger years in New Bridge, where she received her education. She married Victor Lee Harrision in Payette, Idaho, on Nov. 18, 1929. They had a son, Harvey L. Harrison. She lived in Myrtle Creek for several years and was a beautician. Mr. Densmore preceded … Read more

Biography of Winslow P. Powers

Deceased. – While it is the province of our volume to give mention of the leading citizens of Wallowa county, it also comes within the purview of the work to grant to such as the noble and esteemed citizen, whose name appears above, a memoir, and it is with especial delight that we are privileged to do so at this time, since he was one of the builders of the county, and one who held in becoming manner the position of leader for many years, being eminently fitted for that capacity, both by marked capabilities, great energy and force of … Read more

Bogen, Belva Gene Lakey Mrs. – Obituary

Richland, Baker County, Oregon Belva Gene Bogen, 78, of Richland, died peacefully at her home surrounded by her family and friends on Nov. 9, 2005. A memorial service will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Richland Christian Church. Friends are invited to join the family for a reception following the service at the church. Belva Gene was born on March 25, 1927 in Drain, to Eugene Harold and Bessie Bell White Lakey. She was raised and educated in Drain, graduating from Drain High School in 1945. Upon graduation, Belva married her high school sweetheart, John Bogen, on June … Read more

Biography of George E. Wells

GEORGE E. WELLS. – The subject of this sketch is a man of great energy and power of adaptability, as is manifested in the occupations that have been engaged in by him during the years in which he has been in this western country, and it is pleasant to remark that during all of these varied undertakings, some of which have been exceedingly arduous and fraught with hardship and danger, he has manifested a stanch and unflinching courage, marked industry and enterprise, with excellent personal qualities of integrity and upright principles, while a good success has attended his efforts, both … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Newt Livingston

Newt. Livingston, the present sheriff of Grant County, is a native of Missouri. When he was barely a year old, he came to Oregon with his parents, and lived in Douglas County until 1886. Moving then to Willow precinct, on Granite Creek, in the northern part of this county, he took op a homestead and became engaged in stock rising. In 1896 he was nominated by the Populist Party for Sheriff, and was elected by a handsome majority. He has proven to be a capable and efficient officer, and is popular with all who know him. In 1875 he married … Read more

Thompson, Jerry B. – Obituary

Died at the Soldiers’ Home, Roseburg, Oregon, March 8th, 1923, Jerry B. Thompson, age 87 years. The remains arrived in Union on No. 24 Monday, March 12 and were accompanied by his daughter Mrs. Havemann and granddaughter, Elma Davis Havemann. The funeral was held from the Presbyterian church in Union, March 13, 1923 at 2:30 p.m., and (?) was offered by Rev. Quinn of the Methodist Episcopal Church; services by Rev. Hughes who read the 99th Psalm. He talked from the words “The untrodden way or the new road.” He paid a fitting tribute to this old pioneer who endured … Read more

Biography of George Harvey Emerson

GEORGE HARVEY EMERSON. – It is ever with peculiar interest that we observe the career of one who has been a soldier of the union. It was noticed that in the England of 1670, if any man was an exceptionally industrious and sober mechanic or man of business, it usually proved that he was an old soldier of Oliver Cromwell. In much the same way the severe discipline and the exercise of elf-devotion in our great war educated the soldier and prepared him for large and difficult enterprises. The subject of this sketch was born in Chester, New Hampshire, in … Read more

Biography of Hon. Matthew P. Deady

HON. MATTHEW P. DEADY. – The character of the man whose name heads this article is one to which justice cannot be done in a short sketch of the principal events of his life. However, it will serve to illustrate one pure, wise and energetic; one of those who, while he gained his education, toiled for his living; one of those whom no circumstances, poverty or hardship could deter or turn aside from his purposes and the pursuit of knowledge. Judge Deady was born in Easton, Talbot county, Maryland, on May 12, 1824. His parents were good and respectable people, … Read more