Biography of Walter D. Allen

Last Updated on May 24, 2013 by Dennis

President of the Masonic Female Institute, this city, was born raised and educated in Louisiana. He left the Pelican state in 1877, to make his home and his name in Texas. He has done both.

Shortly after his arrival in Bonham, he took charge of the Bonham Male and Female Academy, over which the presided for five years. At the end of this period he became tired of the principalship of a mixed school, and. at a great sacrifice, financially and obtained a charter for the college over which he now presides. In 1882, he leased the grounds and buildings of the Masonic Institute for a term of thirty years, one of the conditions of which lease imposed by the fraternity was, “that he should matriculate and teach free of charge, one pupil for every fifty matriculations of the first year, and for, every twenty thereafter.” The local lodge of F. & A, M. and Prof. Allen are careful that this charitable and highly commendable condition is fulfilled. The conduct and success of this institution under Prof. Allen’s guidance has been gratifying to himself, his patrons and the order, and what he probably thought was a sacrifice at resigning the principalship of his academy. has proved to be the contrary. Of course the Institution is not restricted to the matriculation and education of the daughters of Free and Accepted Masons as some may believe, but is open to all. The number of matriculations last year was 112. For a full description of this institution the reader is referred to the chapter on schools and colleges.

Prof. Allen is a gentleman of culture and learning. He is pleasant, plain and agreeable in his address, and his students love and respect him the more for the conspicuous absence of the austere and awe-inspiring style and address, so characteristic with college presidents. With colleges like the Masonic Institute, and gentlemen like Prof, Allen to preside over them, there is absolutely no necessity for parents to send their slaughters away from home for a thorough education. In the conduct of the college, Prof. Allen is ably assisted by his estimable wife, a lady of culture, refinement and finished education, and by a corps of assistants.



Carter, W. A. History of Fannin County, Texas — History, Statistics and Biographies. Business Cards, and a Complete Directory of the County. 1885.

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