Biographical Sketch of O. A. Reich

Mr. Reich is an American of German decent, and not a German as his name would indicate. He. was born in North Carolina in 1828, came to Texas in 1850. He is a brick mason, and out of his trade has acquired a nice little sum in money and lands. Like most of men who have made money in Texas, he came here with a few dollars and by economy, industry and promptness, has put himself in a condition to pass his old age in ease and comfort, if not luxury. Mr. Reich is owner of the addition to Bonham, … Read more

Cravens Slave Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

Slaves of Mary E. Cravens, brought to Texas from Christian County, Ky, in 1845. Most of these were buried in the cemetery on land owned by Gershom Cravens and his mother, Mary E. Cravens. This plot of land chosen for the slaves’ cemetery was on the west side of the road, west of the Cravens’ family cemetery, north of the community of Bantam. The list of the birth of slaves, both those brought to Texas and those born in Texas, have been taken from written records in the family Bible belonging to Mary E. Cravens. Unfortunately we do not have … Read more

Bridges Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

This graveyard is on the old Bernethy farm located about half way between Monkstown and Telephone. BERNETHY Baby, b. & d. 1893. Child of D. R. & S. E. BRIDGES F. M., 1842 – 1889.

Fannin County Texas Cemeteries

Oak Ridge Cemetery, Ladonia, Fannin County, Texas

A complete listing of all available online Fannin County Texas cemeteries, with links to multiple cemetery transcriptions, gravestone photos, tombstone photos, official records, etc.

Yoakum – Ward Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

A cemetery transcription of the Yoakum – Ward Cemetery in Fannin County, Texas. Located on private property near the Ward Creek west of Allens Chapel between the Ward creek and the Yoakum creek. The Wards came to Texas in the late 1830’s having lived previously in Illinois and Missouri. Adam Stump Yoakum came to Texas from West Virginia circa 1847. We can find no relationship between the Wards and Yoakums other than friendship. WARD Jerimiah, b. 27 Jan. 1788, d. 1896. Nancy, 1805 – 1853. CARTER Bell, 1878 – 1909. Leo, 1908 – 1915. Son of J. M. & B. … Read more

Page Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

A cemetery transcription of Page Cemetery in Fannin County, Texas. This cemetery is located near Lake Crockett west of FM 100. BARTLETT Glossell, b. 23 Feb. 1925, d. 5 Oct. 1926. LITTLE L. A., b. 1853, d. 9 Jan. 1916. PAGE N. T., 182? – 1929. Ernest, 1887 – 1919. C. R., b. Apr. 1902, d. June 1903. A. J., b. 6 Apr. 1876, d. 16 Feb. 1916. Elmer, b. 11 Mar. 1907, d. 24 July 1924. THOMPSON Nellie, b. 10 Dec. 1872, d. 13 Feb. 1905. Wife of N. C. WILKERSON Joe, 1882 – 1964. Married Mary Page 1918. … Read more

Humble Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

(Loc: 7 miles north of Windom, Texas) HUMBLE Henry, b. 1810, d. 25 Dec. 1893. Born in CA. Jane, b. 1815, d. 21 Dec. 1893. Born in CA. Wife of Henry. Child, no dates. —?—–, child, unmarked, no dates.

Daugherty Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

A cemetery transcription of Daugherty Cemetery in Fannin County, Texas located five miles north of Windom, Texas. James Daughtery came to Texas about 1836 with a few other families including his son-in-law, a Mr. Thomas, and settled at Kentuckytown near the southwest corner of the county. They had much Indian trouble and had to go to Fort Inglish for protection. When cold weather came late in the fall of 1838 James Daugherty and his son, Andrew, Mr. Thomas, and his grandson returned to Kentuckytown to butcher his hogs for winter meat. As they returned to Fort Inglish they made camp … Read more

Biography of Walter D. Allen

President of the Masonic Female Institute, this city, was born raised and educated in Louisiana. He left the Pelican state in 1877, to make his home and his name in Texas. He has done both. Shortly after his arrival in Bonham, he took charge of the Bonham Male and Female Academy, over which the presided for five years. At the end of this period he became tired of the principalship of a mixed school, and. at a great sacrifice, financially and obtained a charter for the college over which he now presides. In 1882, he leased the grounds and buildings … Read more

Bigbee Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

BIGBEE CEMETERY Fannin County The Bigbee family settled about three miles west of the Bois d’Arc springs. A school was built and named after this family. A Mr. Perkins had a general store which he called Perkinsville. The cemetery is located north of Coffee Mill Lake, about two miles south of highway 273 and about one and a half miles east of highway 2029. [Ed. Note: For many years this cemetery was not fenced and suffered the ravages of cattle and wild hogs. It is our understanding that an effort was started about 1988 to repair and restore the cemetery … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. B. Ryan

J. B. Ryan was born in Kentucky of Irish parents, in 1854, and moved to Fannin County, Texas, in 1866, a mere lad, brought nothing with him, stopped at the town of Honey Grove, and by honest toil, prompt action, and natural intelligence, got his start. In 1877, with a small capital, he opened up a drug business in Honey Grove, which under his business eye and careful management, soon grew into a large, safe and paying business. Alive to the rapid strides of improvement all around him, M r. Ryan invested his surplus earnings in real estate, as fast … Read more

Harper Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

This cemetery is located near the Bartley school and the land was settled by the Harper family in the early days of Fannin county. BURROWS Emmet, b. & d. 1866. Son of J. S. E. HARPER G. W., 1828 – 1865. There are also two native stone tombstones with no names or dates.

Lyday Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

A cemetery transcription of the Lyday Cemetery in Fannin County, Texas. The Lyday family settled in the southwest corner of Fannin County in the time of the Republic of Texas. Lyday’s Fort was built to protect the family from Indians. The neighbors took refuge at the fort also. The bridge that was built across the Sulphur River along the main road that crossed Texas by the easly settlers was near this fort. The bridge is called Lyday’s crossing or Lyday’s bridge still. LYDAY Lad J., b. 15 Aug. 1813, d. 8 Nov. 1859. F/o Sims. David E., b. 1 Feb. … Read more

James – McFarland Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

A cemetery transcription of the James – McFarland Cemetery in Fannin County, Texas. This cemetery is located approximately 6 miles southeast of Ladonia. JAMES John, b. 12 Dec. 1814, d. 24 Oct. 1863. MCFARLAND M. J., b. 2 Dec. 1855, d. 13 July 1893. Wife of M. G. Maria, b. 1829, d. 4th Sunday of May 1879. Mother of M. C.

Biography of Col. R. H. Taylor

Mr. Woodson is a good lawyer, a conscientious officer and a vigorous and successful prosecutor. Of this county, was born in Columbia, South Carolina, in 1825. He began the study of law in the law office of Judge Warner, and was admitted to the bar by a special act of the legislature at the age of 18 years. He moved to Fannin County in 1844, and his abilities as a ‘lawyer were soon recognized, and. he was employed upon one side or the other of every important suit; both criminal and civil, in the county. In a few years, his … Read more

Burnett Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

Cemetery transcription of Burnett Cemetery in Fannin County, Texas. The Selfs family settled on Bullards creek southwest of Windom in the early 1840’s coming from North Carolina. They were buried on their farm and their neighbors were allowed to use their family graveyard. A schoolhouse was built and the first teacher was a Mr. A. H. Burnett. The school was called Burnett as was the cemetery. BALDWIN Dora, 1879 – 1882. Dau. of W. H. & N. E. Nannie, 1851 – 1882. Wife of W. H. W. H., 1851 – 1882. BOWAN Silvester, 1826 – 1881. BURNETT Infant, b. & … Read more

Biographical Sketch of F. J. Abernathy

Mr. Abernathy, of Bonham, was born in Giles County Tennessee, in 1834. He came to this state in 1862, and followed the business of school teaching for twelve consecutive years. In 1878, he was appointed as Notary public in this county, in conjunction with which he at once opened a real estate business. Mr. Abernathy is a prompt and reliable businessman, and thoroughly understands his business. , In his real estate transactions, he confines himself to this county, and is well posted on real estate values, land titles, and everything pertaining to the real estate line. His work as Notary … Read more

Pettigrew Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

(Loc. seven miles north of Windom, Texas, on the land survey granted to Elizabeth Pettigrew by the Republic of Texas.) PETTIGREW J. H., b. 3 Nov. 1818, d. 16 July 1887. Prudence E., b. 10 Oct. 1824, d. 19 May 1889. Wife of J. H. H. M., b. 10 Sept. 1810, d. 15 Aug. 1841. Died from rattlesnake bite while he cleared Land on the homestead on the Pettigrew Branch. James, 1851 – 1863. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 1777, d. 26 Jan. 1854. Infant, b. & d. 1 Nov. 1855. Son of J. H. & P. E. J. T., b. 17 … Read more

Greenlee Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

A cemetery transcription of Greenlee Cemetery in Fannin County, Texas. These graves were on the Morgan farm in the northern section of the county. Since this listing the stones have been completely destroyed by cattle. GREENLEE Mary M., 1855 – 1895 Willes S., 1849 – 1894. Husband of Mary M.