Cross Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

A cemetery transcription of the Cross Cemetery in Fannin County, Texas. The Cross family settled on the Bois d’Arc creek north of Lannius in the 1840’s. A Mr. Newton married one of the Cross daughters. There are several graves but are either not marked or the stones are completely illegible. CROSS Joseph, 1802 – 1851. Son of William. Tommie, 1831 – 1866. Thomas D., 1862 – 1881.

Biography of Walter D. Allen

President of the Masonic Female Institute, this city, was born raised and educated in Louisiana. He left the Pelican state in 1877, to make his home and his name in Texas. He has done both. Shortly after his arrival in Bonham, he took charge of the Bonham Male and Female Academy, over which the presided for five years. At the end of this period he became tired of the principalship of a mixed school, and. at a great sacrifice, financially and obtained a charter for the college over which he now presides. In 1882, he leased the grounds and buildings … Read more

Wheeler Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

Mary Bruce Allen, mother of Elbert J. Allen, an early settler, is buried in an unmarked grave in this cemetery. Mary Bruce Allen died in 1848 and her will is recorded at Bonham, Texas. David Young Allen was born in 1820 in South Carolina and he died during the war between the states while at Fort Washtaw in 1863. Newt Wright (husband of Mary Bruce and cousin to David Young Allen) and Allen put into a written agreement that if one died while at war, the other would bring his body back home for burial. Newt Wright suffered much danger … Read more

Lee Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

(Loc. 3 miles northwest of Windom) LEE John, b. 23 Apr. 1757, d. 22 Mar. 1855. John, b. 23 Apr. 1797, d. 22 Mar. 1854. John F., b. 2 June 1876, d. 4 Nov. 1879. Son of H.C. & N.A. Nancy A., 1841 – 1879. Wife of H.C. James A., b. 26 Apr. 1827, d. 9 Oct. 1911. Husband of Mary A. Mary A., b. 20 Nov. 1830, d. 10 Mar. 1883. Wife of James A. Mary M., b. 9 May 1833, d. 25 June 1912. Wife of J.A. Lena M., b. 3 Mar. 1875, d. — Mar. 1888. Dau. … Read more

Page Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

A cemetery transcription of Page Cemetery in Fannin County, Texas. This cemetery is located near Lake Crockett west of FM 100. BARTLETT Glossell, b. 23 Feb. 1925, d. 5 Oct. 1926. LITTLE L. A., b. 1853, d. 9 Jan. 1916. PAGE N. T., 182? – 1929. Ernest, 1887 – 1919. C. R., b. Apr. 1902, d. June 1903. A. J., b. 6 Apr. 1876, d. 16 Feb. 1916. Elmer, b. 11 Mar. 1907, d. 24 July 1924. THOMPSON Nellie, b. 10 Dec. 1872, d. 13 Feb. 1905. Wife of N. C. WILKERSON Joe, 1882 – 1964. Married Mary Page 1918. … Read more

Bridges Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

This graveyard is on the old Bernethy farm located about half way between Monkstown and Telephone. BERNETHY Baby, b. & d. 1893. Child of D. R. & S. E. BRIDGES F. M., 1842 – 1889.

Cravens Slave Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

Slaves of Mary E. Cravens, brought to Texas from Christian County, Ky, in 1845. Most of these were buried in the cemetery on land owned by Gershom Cravens and his mother, Mary E. Cravens. This plot of land chosen for the slaves’ cemetery was on the west side of the road, west of the Cravens’ family cemetery, north of the community of Bantam. The list of the birth of slaves, both those brought to Texas and those born in Texas, have been taken from written records in the family Bible belonging to Mary E. Cravens. Unfortunately we do not have … Read more

Titus Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

A cemetery transcription of Titus Cemetery of Fannin County, Texas. This grave is on the present day Weir ranch (copied circa 1950). This Titus is an ancestor of a Smith family in Honey Grove. TITUS John C., d. 1900, ae. 65 yrs.

Biographical Sketch of J. P. Noble

County Clerk was born in Sabine County, Texas, in 1851. He removed to Fannin in ’18G8 ; attended school at Carlton College one session, and was appointed deputy clerk of court in 1873, in which capacity he faithfully served until November, 1884, when he was elected Clerk of the. County. Court. Mr. Noble is one of the most popular men in the county, having gained the good will and esteem of every person who has had business in the clerk’s office. As evidence of his popularity, in the primary election of 1884, he defeated, by a handsome majority, one of … Read more

Lyday Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

A cemetery transcription of the Lyday Cemetery in Fannin County, Texas. The Lyday family settled in the southwest corner of Fannin County in the time of the Republic of Texas. Lyday’s Fort was built to protect the family from Indians. The neighbors took refuge at the fort also. The bridge that was built across the Sulphur River along the main road that crossed Texas by the easly settlers was near this fort. The bridge is called Lyday’s crossing or Lyday’s bridge still. LYDAY Lad J., b. 15 Aug. 1813, d. 8 Nov. 1859. F/o Sims. David E., b. 1 Feb. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. Y. Davis

Of this city, was born in 1850, and raised in the state. While Mr. Davis is not, nor ever was a veritable “Cow Boy,” he was raised on a stock-farm and ranch, and followed that business, until a few years ago. Early in life he married a daughter of this state, and they two have presided over the “Crockett House,” since 1883. This commodious and well furnished hotel, is situated on South Main street, one block from the square, and has very justly acquired the reputation of being a favorite retreat, for the tired and hungry public. Two years of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. S. Perkins

Proprietor of the Perkins House, of this city, was born in Georgia in 1841, and came to this state in 1856. His first occupation in Texas was that of farming. He followed this business in Lamar County, until in 1878, when he moved to Paris, and opened a hotel. He remained in Paris only a year, then moved to Marshall, Texas, with his family, and opened a large house at that place. At Marshall the “Perkins House” was very popular, and Mr, Perkins did a good business. Early in 1885, he came to Bonham, purchase d a very desirable lot, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. A. W. Wilson

Principal of the High School at Dodd City, this county, is a native of Tennessee, and was educated at Washington and Greenville Colleges, having graduated at the latter in 1857, and afterwards received the degree of M. A., from the University of that state. In 1870, he was granted license by the Presbyterian Church, to preach the Gospel. For a number of years he was proprietor and principal of the high school at Morristown, Tennessee. From 1875, to 1881, he was president of’ a female college of that state. He came to Texas in 1881, and has lived at Dodd … Read more

Humble Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

(Loc: 7 miles north of Windom, Texas) HUMBLE Henry, b. 1810, d. 25 Dec. 1893. Born in CA. Jane, b. 1815, d. 21 Dec. 1893. Born in CA. Wife of Henry. Child, no dates. —?—–, child, unmarked, no dates.

Bigbee Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

BIGBEE CEMETERY Fannin County The Bigbee family settled about three miles west of the Bois d’Arc springs. A school was built and named after this family. A Mr. Perkins had a general store which he called Perkinsville. The cemetery is located north of Coffee Mill Lake, about two miles south of highway 273 and about one and a half miles east of highway 2029. [Ed. Note: For many years this cemetery was not fenced and suffered the ravages of cattle and wild hogs. It is our understanding that an effort was started about 1988 to repair and restore the cemetery … Read more

Bain Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

Bain Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas The Bains settled west of Allens Chapel the 1840’s. Two of the men were shot to death on what was later the Bantom gin lot. They had returned from selling some horses. The money for the sale was never found so it was believed they were robbed and shot. BAIN Hugh, 1821 – 1853. Born in Robertson Co. NC. Married Mary Bowls 1849. John A., 1823 – 1862. Born in Nc. Married Anna Hicks 1853. GAMBELL Catherine Bain, 1825 – 1848. Born in NC. Married Wm. Gambell 1847. MCGRAW Mary A., 1846 – 1862. Dau. … Read more

Yoakum – Ward Cemetery, Fannin County, Texas

A cemetery transcription of the Yoakum – Ward Cemetery in Fannin County, Texas. Located on private property near the Ward Creek west of Allens Chapel between the Ward creek and the Yoakum creek. The Wards came to Texas in the late 1830’s having lived previously in Illinois and Missouri. Adam Stump Yoakum came to Texas from West Virginia circa 1847. We can find no relationship between the Wards and Yoakums other than friendship. WARD Jerimiah, b. 27 Jan. 1788, d. 1896. Nancy, 1805 – 1853. CARTER Bell, 1878 – 1909. Leo, 1908 – 1915. Son of J. M. & B. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. G. Hampton

The live grocer of Post office Row, in Bonham, is “to the manor born.” He was born in Fannin County, in 1859, and raised a farmer’s boy. At the age of nineteen he contracted marriage with Miss Mollie E. Carr, of this county, who is also a native of the state. In the fall of 1880, he went into the grocery business at the stand he now occupies, with a small capital. Many of his friends predicted that his free-heartedness and generous disposition would be detrimental to his chosen business, but their predictions have fallen to the ground. He has … Read more