Patentee Survivals in Dalton Township, Ontario, Canada

In the former list the farms are indicated. The concessions are shown in Roman numerals and the lots in Arabic numerals. The following 24 Dalton patentees farms are still in the original families: Christopher Adams, I 17 Thomas Brooks, XIII 28 John Campbell, XI 16-17 John Carler, III 28 Wm. Chrysler, I 11 Wm. Eldridge, VIl 24 John Fleming, IV 21 John Gilmore, II 1 Frederick Gregg, VII 25-26 Thomas Hart, IX 26 Thomas Joslin, IX 28 Charles Kett, VIII 24 James Kett, VII 28 William Kett, VII 29 Thomas Morton, VIII 21 Wm. McCutcheon, XIII 17-21 Alex. McFadyen, III … Read more

Original Patentees, not on original farm, Fenelon Township, Ontario, Canada

The following 53 patentees are represented on farms other than their own original holdings: Alexander Beggs James Brien Thomas Brien Francis Brown Donald Campbell James Campbell John Chambers Benjamin Clark John Douglas William Ellery John Daniel William Ellis Ralph Faulkner Samuel Faulkner Duncan Graham Thomas Graham Wm. Graham Andrew Hall Edward Hamilton Andrew Hamilton Francis Hay James Hay George Irwin James Irwin Robert Irwin Wm. Kennedy Martin Lee Wm. Marsh John Moffat Isaac Moynes Thomas Moynes John McArthur John McCarrell CoIin McFadyen Mary McKay Isabella McKenzie Donald McKinnon Alexander McNabb Hiram Nelson Thomas Oakley Margaret Patton Henry Powell John Powell … Read more

Patentees still in Emily, Ontario, Canada

The family names of the following 145 original patentees are still to be found in Emily but not on the original farms: Edward Bailey, David Balfour James Balfour William Barrett James Best John Best Wm. Best John Blackwell Wm. Bradley Cornelius CaIlaghan Jeremiah Callaghan Samuel Carew Thomas Carew Edmond Callaghan Charles Chambers Patrick Clancy John Clark John Collins Michael Collins Dennis Connell George Connell John Connell Patrick Connell Samuel Cottingham William Cottnigham Samuel Davidson Daniel Donoghue Dennis Donoghue Maurice Donoghue John Dorgan Francis Duffy Thomas Elliott Robert English William Elliott Henry Fee Samuel Ferguson Daniel Fitzpatrick Patrick Fitzpatrick John Flynn … Read more

Original Patentees, not on original farm Carden, Ontario, Canada

Descendants of the following 42 patentees have changed farms within the township: Win. Alton John Barrett David Burk Elizabeth Chrysler Thomas Crawford Asel Day Joel Day John Deverill John Drury James Drury Murty Duggan David Finn Michael Finn Cornelius Foley Daniel Foley James Foley Michael Foley Alex. Graham Andrew Graham Hugh Graham John Holder Caleb Martin Anthony Moran John Murphy Michael Murphy Joseph McCrackin Charles McDonald Hector McDonald Margaret McDonald Patrick McGee Colin McNab John MeNaney James McNulty John O’Connor John O’Donell James O’Neill John O’Neill Thomas Preston Perry Teel Franklin Thompson Andrew Wylie T homas Wylie

Original Patentees, not on original farm Dalton Township, Ontario, Canada

The following 20 patentees are represented on farms other than the original holdings: Wm. Adams Thomas Braden Samuel Camick Alexander Cathcart James Cathcart Thomas Cooper John Dewell Robert Fleming Edward Gardiner James Johnson Alex. Montgomery George McLeish John Oxby Henry Powell John Reid George Sandford Isaac Snider Robert Young William Young Angus Snider

Municipal Officials, Lindsay, Victoria County, Ontario, Canada

The first town council met in a frame town hall on the northeast corner of Kent Street and Victoria Avenue on July 20, 1857. The civic officials at this beginning of time were as follows: Mayor, Robert Lang Reeve, Foster Cain Councilors, Wm. Thornhill, David Brown, Jeremiah O’Leary, J. Healey, H. G. Clarke, James Walsh, and J. McCarthy Clerk and Treasurer, T. A. Hudspeth Chief of Police, John Douglass The mayors from that time until the present have been as follows: 1857, 1859-61, Robert Lang 1858, James McKibben and William Thornhill 1862-63, 1865, Thomas Keenan 1864, Wm. McDonell 1866-68, A. … Read more

Original Patentees, not on original farm, Verulam, Ontario Canada

Descendants of the following 40 patentees are still in the township but not on the original farms: David Ball Thomas Beatty Alexander Bell Henry Brandon John Brandon James Brooks Mary Coulter John Crowe Edward Davidson Henry Devitt John Devitt Thos. Devitt Wm. Devitt Andrew Finley Robert Graham Patrick Henderson David Hunter Garner Hunter John Hunter James Junkin Lancelot Junkin Edward Kelly James Kennedy David Lamb John Lamb David Long Wm. Long Lewis Meyers David Murdock James Murdock Hugh McCallum James McCallum Peter McDonald Robert Parker Edward Prescott Andrew Robertson John Sproule John Taylor Christopher Thompson George Thompson Jabez Thurston.

Patentee Survivors Eldon Township, Ontario, Canada

In the former list the farms are indicated. The concessions are shown in Roman numerals and the lots in Arabic numerals. The following 56 Eldon patentees families still persist on the original farms: Mary Black, XI 17 Neil Brown, IX 19 Alex. Cameron, VI 25 Alex. Campbell, II 12 Archibald Campbell, II 12 Donald Campbell, V 20 Neil Campbell, II 9 John Ferguson, XI 15 John Fraser, VII 22 Charles Fry, SPR 55-6, John Gillespie, VII 11 Thomas Graves, X 20 Angus Logan, X 20 Thomas Lyons, V 6 Moses Mitchell, NPR 53-4 Roger Moran, X 12 John Morrison, VI … Read more

Patentee Survivors in Verulam, Ontario, Canada

In the former list the farms are indicated. The concessions are shown in Roman numerals and the lots in Arabic numerals. The following 25 Verulam patentees are still represented on their original farms: Wm. Brandon, II 30 Wm. Brown, VIII 9 John Davidson, IX 4 John Duggan, I 25 William Elliott, VI 28 Wm. Flett, IV 32 Thomas Forest, VIII 2 William Foster, IX 31 Matthew Ingram, VIII 20 and 21 John Junkin, III 14 Wm. Kennedy, II 2 Richard Middleton, VIII 8 Robert Mitchell, V 3 Peter Murdock, VI 6 John McDonald, V 4 James McFeeters, VIII 1 James … Read more

Persisting Pioneer Families in Emily, Ontario, Canada

In the former list the farms are indicated. The concessions are shown in Roman numerals and the lots in Arabic numerals. The farms of the following 63 Emily pioneers were granted to them by the Crown and still remain in the same family: Moses Begley, X 16 David Best, 112 Henry Best, 113 James Boate, V 22 William Boate, V 22 John Callaghan, XIII 9 Patrick Callaghan, VII 7 John Carroll, VII 16 Timothy Carroll, VII 16 Martin Carroll, VIII 10 Michael Costello, X 10 Timothy Dorgan, XI 14 Bartholomew Downey, IX 6 Thomas Fee, V 12 William Fee, V … Read more

Patentee Survivals in Somerville, Ontario, Canada

In the former list the farms are indicated. The concessions are shown in Roman numerals and the lots in Arabic numerals. The following 13 patentees farms in Somerville remain with the original families: Ralph Byrne, VIII 3 John Coulter, II 2 Wm. Caudill, FR 12 George Eades, II 24 John Fell, I 13-14 Edward Hopkins, I 7 and II 6 Wm. Mason, FR 10 Donald Murray, FR 53 Thomas Smith, I 12 Isaac Watson, FR 5 James White, FR 55 Ann Wilson, XIII 7 William Young, VII 2

Patentee Survivals in Carden, Ontario, Canada

In the former list the farms are indicated. The concessions are shown in Roman numerals and the lots in Arabic numerals. The following 41 Carden patentees farms are still held by their descendants: Mary Ann Barrett, VII 4 Edward Burke, IV. 2 Patrick Cronin, VII 1 John Chrysler, IV 16-17 Moses Dack, III 12 Thomas Dack, III 13 Robert Dack, III 13 Daniel Day I 22 Isaac Day, I 23 Joseph Deverill, VI 21-22 Charles Duggan, X 8 John Finn, VI 6 Wm. Finn, VI 6 George Fox, III 16 Wm. Holder, IX 11 Robert Irwin, III 15 Wm. Ivory, … Read more