Biography of J. F. Davis

Prominent among the names which give strength and importance to the town of Powell, Arkansas, as a thriving trade center, is that of J. F. Davis, well known as a successful dry goods merchant. He has by his energy, honesty and close attention to business, built up a large trade and is regarded as a leader in his line in Marion County. An average stock of goods valued at $2,000 is carried, and is well selected to meet the demands of the public, and an annual business of from $9,000 to $10,000 is done. He was born in the Palmetto … Read more

Biography of Henry Fullbright

This is one of the most remarkable and worthy families of Boone County, Arkansas, and about the year 1700 the family tree first took root on American soil. The original founder of the family came to America from Holland, made a settlement in Pennsylvania, and was the great-grandfather of the present generation. John Fullbright, his son, is thought to have been born in the Keystone State and in all probability was a soldier of the Revolution. In 1815 he came west to Missouri from the Old North State, the journey thither being made by wagon, the larger portion of the … Read more

Biography of John J. Morrow, M. D.

JOHN J. MORROW, M. D. Health is the most precious gift of nature, and how to retain it and how to regain it when lost are matters of vital moment. For this the physician’s services are often required, and it is therefore most necessary that he should be a man of intelligence, well-posted in his profession and conscientious and painstaking in his practice. These requirements are possessed by Dr. John J. Morrow, who is an exceptionally successful physician of Gassville, Baxter County, Arkansas He was born at McMinnville, Warren County, Tennessee, October 27, 1861, a son of D. G. and … Read more