1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Saddlers to Wine Merchants

Last Updated on December 30, 2012 by Dennis

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Saddlers And Harnessmakers, &C.
ATKINSON, WILLIAM, saddler and harnessmaker, City buildings, 82 King st. east.
EDWARDS, W. & R., saddlers, harness, trunk, engine hose, &c., manufacturers, 89 Yonge St.
GIBSON, WILLIAM, saddle, harness and trunkmaker, East Market square, obtained prizes for the premium harness at the Montreal, Toronto and Niagara Provincial fairs.
GRIFFITHS, JOHN, saddler and harnessmaker, 66 King st. west.
STEWARD, WILLIAM, saddler, harness and trunkmaker, sign of the mammoth. collar, 95 Yonge st.
Campbell, D., saddler, King st. east.
Silvas, M., 194 King st. east.
Therkeld, Joseph, whipmaker, Yonge st.
Turner, William J., 190 Queen st. west.

Ship Builders
BETHUNE & Co., ship, steamboat and boat builders, and steamboat and ship owners, corner of Front and Scott sts.
Miller & Co., Front st.

Steamboat Agent
HOLLAND, GEORGE B., steamboat agent, Front st., near Church st.

Smiths, Black And White, Horse Shoers, &c.
Ashfield, J., 21 King st., east.
Buscoe, William, Queen st., west.
Brotherton, William, Front st.
Chilver, Joseph, 49 Richmond st.
Hobbs, James, Adelaide st., west.
Martin, Thomas, Front st.
Pearsall, C., 217 King st.`
Reason, William, Queen st west.
Rowell, Joseph, 37 Queen st., west.
Thomas, F., 51 King st., west.
Willoughby, M., Front st.,
Wright, C.., Maitland’s wharf.

Stage And Steamboat Offices
PORT OF TORONTO. Steampackets and schooners are constantly arriving at and departing from the Port of Toronto, to and from Niagara, Hamilton, Oakville, Port Credit, Port Hope, Cobourg, Kingston, Brockville, Prescott, Ogdensburgh, Oswego, Rochester, Lewiston, and the intermediate ports.
Sailing of Steamers from Toronto.
FOR KINGSTON.-The Royal Mail steamers Princess Royal, Magnet, and Passport, (forming a daily line) leave Toronto for Kingston, alternately, at 12 o’clock noon, daily (Sundays excepted): Returning, leave Kingston for Toronto and Hamilton, at 3 o’clock, every afternoon, (Sundays excepted) touching at Port Hope, Cobourg, and intermediate ports, each way (weather permitting); arriving at Toronto at 6 o’clock next morning leaving for Hamilton at S ; and returning to Toronto same afternoon.
FOR NIAGARA AND LEWISTON.-The steamer Chief Justice Robinson leaves Toronto for Niagara and Lewiston, daily, (Sundays excepted) at half-past 7 o’clock A. M., Returning, leaves Lewiston at 1 o’clock P. M.
The steamer City of Toronto leaves Toronto for Niagara and Lewiston, daily, (Sundays excepted) at 21/2 o’clock P. M., and Lewiston for Toronto at 1 past 9 every morning.
FOR HAMILTON.-The steamer City of Hamilton leaves Toronto for Hamilton, daily, (Sundays excepted) at 21 o’clock, P. M., leaves Hamilton for Toronto every morning (Sundays excepted) at 7 o’clock, calling at Oakville, Port Credit, and Wellington Square each way.
FOR ROCHESTER AND OSWEGO. The steamer Admiral leaves Toronto for Rochester, touching at Windsor Harbour, Oshawa, Port Darlington, Bond Head, Port Hope, Cobourg and Grafton, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 11 o’clock A. M., Returning, leaves Rochester for Toronto on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9 o’clock A. M. touching at Cobourg and the other intermediate ports.
The Freight Steamboats. Britannia, Comet, Dawn, Free Trader, Ottawa, Ontario, and Western Miller, make a trip each, weekly, between Toronto and Montreal.
Agent for steamers Maple Leaf, Princess Royal, America, and Admiral,
GEORGE B. HOLLAND, Royal Mail Steam Packet office, corner of Front and Scott streets.
Agent for City of Hamilton., and Chief Justice Robinson,
JAMES BAINE, 24 Front street.
The Highlander, Champion and May Flower form a through line to Montreal, the Arabia and Maple Leaf, also will form another to Montreal, both calling at Toronto each way from and to Hamilton.
Winter arrangements for Chief Justice Robinson, from Toronto every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 9 o’clock, A. M., from Niagara, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 9 o’clock, A. M.

Mail and Stage Coaches, 4.c., “Eastward.”
FOR KINGSTON. The Eastern Mail Stage leaves the General Stage Office at the junction of Front and Wellington streets, daily, at 6 o’clock, P. M.
OSHAWA. Another Stage leaves the same office for Oshawa, daily, at 3 o’clock, P. M..
ROUGE. A Stage leaves Stroud’s Market square, for the Rouge; daily, Sundays excepted, at 4 o’clock, P. M.
MARKHAM VILLAGE. A Stage leaves Arnott’s, Clyde Inn, Palace street, daily, Sun days excepted, at 3 o’clock, P. M.
FOR HAMILTON. The Western Mail Stage, by Dundas street, leaves the Hamilton and Lake Simcoe Mail Stage Office, Liddell’s. buildings, Church street, daily, at 6,
o’clock, P. M. In Winter, a second Stage leaves the same office for Hamilton, via the Lake Shore road, daily, at 9 o’clock, A. M.
STREETSVILLE. A Stage leaves Kellogg’s, Colborne street, daily, (Sundays excepted) for Streetsville, at 3 o’clock, P. ii.
FOR HOLLAND LANDING. A Stage, in connexion with the steamer Morning, on Lake Simcoe, leaves the Simcoe Stage Office, Liddell’s buildings, Church street, daily, (Sundays excepted), at 7 o’clock, A. M. and at 3 o’clock, p. M.
PINE GROVE. A Stage leaves the Stage office, Liddell’s buildings, for Pine Grove, daily, at 3 o’clock, P. M.
Richmond Hill, Thornhill And Yorkmills.
There are also Stages for Richmond Hill, Thornhill and Yorkmills, leaving the Market square, daily, at 4 o’clock, P. M.

City Omnibuses
Omnibuses leave Yorkville and run to King, corner of Yonge street and the Market
square, and vice versa, every half hour, from ‘7 o’clock, A. M. to 8 P. M. Omnibuses run also between the Blue Bell, corner of Queen and Dundas streets, and
the Market square, and between the Garrison and the Club house and various
hotels, every hour.

Starch Manufacturers
CULL, JOHN A., starch manufacturer, Front st.
HELLIWELL & Co., starch manufacturers, St. Lawrence market.

Stone Cutter
SCOTT, PETER, stone cutter, Maitland’s wharf, Front st.

Tallow Chandlers
FREELAND, PETER, soap and candle factory, Front st., on Yonge st. wharf.
LEAKE, JOHN, soap and candle factor and grocer, Front st.
WILLIAMS, JOHN, soap and candle maker, South Park st.
Coates, P. & R., 221 King st. east.

Tanners And Leather Merchants
BEATTY, JAMES, hide and leather dealer, 120 King st. east.
Cline, George, 132 Yonge st.
Douglas, Edward, 130 King st. west.
leather and hide merchants, tanners and curriers, 63 Yonge st.
Wallis, John, 97 Yonge st.
WATSON, J. T., & Co., leather hide
WATSON, MITCHELL, S., tanner, near the River Don, Queen st. east.

Tin Plate Workers
Conners, ______, 50 King st. west.
Doherty, John, King st. west.
Esmonde, John, Church st.
Haigh, William, 290 Yonge st.
Hodgson, J., 124 Yonge st.
Hopkins, B., 37 Queen st. west.
Lamont, Dougal, 137 Yonge st.
M’Gee, John, 49 Yonge st.
M’Lean, David, King st. east.
MOSIMAN & BASS, tin, copper, and sheet iron workers, King st. west.
Murray, James, 155 Yonge st.
Piper & Brother, 50 Yonge st.
PLUNKETT, JOHN, tin and copper smith, 155 King st. east.
Pocock, J. F., Yonge st.
Powse, J. C., 97 Queen st. west.
Tredale, J., 36 Queen st. west.
Tredale, William, 170 Yonge st.
Watson, Richard, 188 Yonge st.

Tobacconists and Cigar Makers
Bender. S., & Co., 39 King st. west.
Drouillard, F., cigar maker, 48 Yonge st.
HAMBURGER, B., importer of Principe and Havana cigars, and all kinds of tobacco, wholesale and retail, 30 King st. east, fancy goods, porte monaies, meerschaum pipes, &c., in great variety.
JOSEPH, BROTHERS, wholesale tobacco warehouse, 39 Front st., constantly on hand all kinds of tobacco, snuff, cigars, pipes, &c.
LYONS, J., tobacconist, and importer of cigars, wholesale and retail, 28 King st. west. See card.
THOMAS, H. C., importer of Havana and Principe cigars, 54 King st., east. THoMAS, H., importer of Havana and Principe cigars, &e., 54 King st., east.
Willis, H. T., cigar maker, 32 King st. west.

Creighton. S., 18 Richmond st. west.
Drew, G. W., ivory turner, Yonge st.
Parkes, J. and V., Adelaide st.

Veterinary Surgeons
BUTTERY, THOMAS, 109 King st. east, opposite St. Lawrance hall.
LEACH & PAUL, Queen st. west-veterinary surgeons, &c., opposite Knox’s Church.

Wheelwrights And Wagonmakers
Kennedy, Joseph, 216 Queen st west. Kerney, William, Front st. Hanna, William, Shutter st.
Richmond, Joseph, 89 Queen st. west. Rowell, Joseph, 37 Queen st west.

Wine Merchants
BECKETT & Co. JOSEPH, importers of wines and spirits, 12 King st. west.
CHETTLE, THoMAS, & CO., importers of genuine wines, brandies, &c., 36 Front st.
SMITH & MACDONELL, importers Of wines, liquors, &c., 52 King st. east.
Kane, Michael, wholesale spirit dealer, 51 Yonge st.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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